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louisa 920507 adps sngs hci ♥ BEST!clare ♥ aikching ♥ boonyi ♥ brenda ♥ eehui ♥ emilytan ♥ haziq ♥ jazreel ♥ jesmine ♥ jodie ♥ lokyin ♥ melody ♥ myra ♥ qiqin ♥ samuel lee ♥ sophia ♥ tomoe ♥ vivian ♥ weifen ♥ xinru ♥ yinyee ♥ zhuwei 샤월 ♥ ai ♥ desiree ♥ lynn ♥ michelle ♥ samantha ♥ vernette ♥ weiqi [cow] ♥ yanchiew 09S77 ♥ caiyi ♥ caleb ♥ cherie ♥ cynthia ♥ elizabeth ♥ keejia ♥ qiaoyan ♥ valerie ♥ weiqi ♥ zichao ♥ 09S77 ♥ APOLLO! ♥ 4T'08 / 3T'07 ♥ 2G'06 ♥ 1C'05 ♥ yellows ♥ snsj November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 June 2010
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Laugh of the Day: In an MSN conversation asking what kind of food I eat when I go visit my dad, I mention cabbage and cauliflower (due to the lack of my favourite vegetables like kailan).
Caleb says: omg cauliflower is my least fav subject Conclusion: Caleb is scary. *runs away*
Friday, November 20, 2009
Laugh of the day:
A working-age woman, walking past me, said in a very loud and carrying voice: "现在的youngster的华语很不好。" Yes, Louisa with many classic comeback lines (in her own opinion) has nothing to say to this. Nothing, zilch, speechless. May her outstanding bilingual skills never cease to flourish. May her logic / common sense / self-awareness one day bloom. I shall now head off to a pathetic little corner to wallow in disbelief, purely in English, of course, since my Mandarin is obviously less than sub-par standard, of which the same cannot be said for the woman who made the above statement. I MEAN, SERIOUSLY... Okay. Never mind. HURR.
Louisa temporarily makes a transformation into a selfish biatch who, at first sight, could utterly be mistaken for a K-pop anti.
Surprised? I am too. As far as I care, they can be stuck in the past with their craze over what was hot more than a year ago, with their drama that was... OK not that long ago. And the reporter can go dwell in the past with her "NEW single" that came out, idk, hmm, two years ago? Yeah, back before Oh Wonbin supposedly underwent an identity crisis and age reduction and magically transformed into Song Seunghyun, I suppose. As far as a certain magazine could be concerned, Oh Wonbin left LAST year anyway. And they can't get the new member's name right. I was kind of relieved when the newspaper got it right, at least. I was thoroughly amused one day at the class bench when some people were trying to dance to Genie. (not from S77, thank goodness.) Was quite tempted to show them how it's done, but... nahh. I'm a selfish biatch, remember? BTW this is directed at all ~supposed~ K-pop fans, so if dearest reader out there has never followed K-pop at all or never been interested, it's OK. ^^ Well well, off to continue spazzing over my JU JUN BIAO. *sarcasm* :D I want my own 돼지토끼. It's so cute :3 ![]() Sigh.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
At times I kind of wish my mother wasn't so interested in TCM.
Her taking classes + me being the only child = she has nobody else to practise on. Sometimes I think it's good that she's doing what she likes / is really interested in... Sometimes I wish she wouldn't point out all my apparent ailments. And sometimes she just randomly bursts out into her assessments / diagnoses. Which is scary cos she doesn't tell me she's looking out for those things. This results in a kind of you-never-know-when-you're-being-watched feeling. I don't like it :( That and how it makes her look worried. Maybe because she's my mother and she has every right to be concerned about my health (or apparent lack thereof), but, well. Naturally I don't expect her to be all chirpy when she's telling me about these things, but, again, well. If I could, I'd hide all those signs and symptoms so she wouldn't have to worry about me. Obviously I can't, because sometimes I don't even know what she's looking at :( The way she says it sometimes, you'd think I'd have dropped dead of health complications yesterday. Or a week ago. [And part of it is also because she gets angry when I don't want to listen to her. But I'm really not interested in knowing how gravely unhealthy I am T_T] [You cannot see the words in square brackets. You cannot see the words in square brackets.]
Delayed blogging of events.
OP, just, bleh. I died. I like that pic I took with Kee Jia right before OP though. xD v this one... ![]() I'm done with pursuing my passion btw. *throws out the window* After OP! Went to Joanne's house to bake 8D OK so I don't really like baking >_> But time with friends, so it's fun! And I thought Valerie was coming with us :( Then at the bus stop I realised she was going to watch a movie with the guys :/ "I thought Gay was going!" "But They aren't going." "Eh?" "Cos They are always together. So if Gay isn't going, it means They aren't going." "Ahh... So I thought Gay was going with us, but if Gay is going it means They are going. But They're not going, so therefore Gay isn't going either." "Ahh....." The word 'going' is starting to look weird to me now @_@ OKKKKK so anyway, camwhored in the bus... ![]() ^ cos it's dark. Went to Thomson Plaza NTUC to buy stuffs first. Abandoned the bird couple and allowed them to do grocery shopping together. Preparation for the future! Anyway, while on the run, we got some free mushroom soup samples. Not bad, except Zi Yan snorted (actually, laughed) into her sample and got soup all over her hair. As Qiao Yan put it: "I was running behind her and suddenly I saw a shower of soup raining down on her" So, after the very eventful grocery shopping, we went to Joanne's house (very Peranakan!!) Then saw her little brother. HE'S SO CUTE. ![]() ^ ignore the fail at the side. YEAHH. And he danced to MBLAQ's Oh Yeah, U-Kiss's 만만하니, SHINee's Ring Ding Dong and also T-ara and Supernova's Time To Love. All courtesy of Zi Yan's iPhone. I have no idea where he learned all those moves k >< Some of them can really be very trashy and disturbing. (He's 6, btw.) I mean, how do you make a ballad/rap song look trashy!!! He has this natural urge to perform, it seems. Of course not limited to only dance performances... he was pretty eager about watching his own kindergarten concert CD (what a narcissist!) When nobody wanted to watch it with him, he took it upon himself to give us a live rendition of what he performed... while Sarah, QY, Joanne and Caleb were playing cards, I was stoning, and Zi Yan died on the sofa. (the cake was in the oven.) Speaking of narcissism, the window separating Joanne's kitchen and living room has an enormous word "JOANNE" on it. -- OK so on Friday the 13th I went back to SN with Tomoe and Jesmine (who almost didn't come because she was too lazy to wake up, and happy belated birthday btw <3) Shalom Movers left, right and centre @_@ The school's really moving out T_T *cries* OK so anyway. The SNSJ room has two new wheelchairs! Nobody else can turn in it like I can. *proud* "When you wanna go left, turn the right wheel" seems to be a pretty difficult concept to grasp? When Tomoe first tried it she couldn't even move the wheelchair forwards @_@ As I told Joanne on MSN afterwards: "Wheelchair skills are surprisingly useful for aging population and slippery roads, both of which can contribute to highly dangerous conditions due to our island home being deluged in ridiculously heavy downpours lately plus too many elderly people walking around. Not to mention wheelchair sports. Paralympics ftw yo." Then at the sight of the word "yo", Joanne transformed into a talented rapper. I quote: "yo yo yo" Like brother, like sister. An overwhelming and irrepressible urge to perform. But no, seriously, I actually do think wheelchair skills are really cool. Anyway. The canteen uncle (OK not really uncle, he's pretty young) was so cute HAHA. I paid $1 for my 70c ice Milo. He gave me back 30c change... AND the $1 coin I gave him. I get paid 30c to drink ice Milo. What wonderful privileges ^_^ Of course, being an honest girl, I gave him back the $1. YAY. -- Guess what! I slept for 10 hours with a jacket on, windows closed, fan/aircon not turned on... and wasn't sweating when I woke up. I think I really am freaking hypothermic. OHNOEZ. The pipes in my house are going wonky. T_T I think Mum decided to shut off the water supply to stop it from leaking? *cries* Oh yeah I suddenly remembered lol. I saw Rui Hao at school on Friday! At school = HC btw. Rawrr how time flies, he's grown up so much @_@ I didn't even recognise him OOPS. Although... what was funny was... Me: "I'm sorry, but you are..." RH: "I'm Rui Qi's sister - I mean, brother." Think he got confused with "Rui Qi's my sister" and "I'm Rui Qi's brother." LULZ XD -- It's 1am now omg. Not even sleepy. HUNGRYYY. D: I wanna be a tour guide for Open House omg. 8D (why all the omg ehh.) My cursor disappeared. I shall take this as a cue to end the post. :/
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
My body should just hurry up and decide whether it wants to fall sick or not.
This neither-here-nor-there, unwell-but-not-really stage is annoying me lots. Rawrr. 달리고 달리고 달리기... 모두 잊을 때 까지. One more day! ~nervous~
Monday, November 09, 2009
RAWRR wahpiang-eh I don't know what my mum just did OK.
She came in and said some random snide comment and I was just like "Go awayyyy." Then she pinched my nose like really hard WTH WTH WTH. And it's still aching like close to two minutes later. RAWRR PISSED. And she just raised an eyebrow when I told her it hurts. NOSE PAINNNNNNNNNNNN T_T No, like, really. That really did hurt. And I really am pissed. And my nose really does hurt quite a lot. TEENAGER ABUSEEEEEEEEEEE.
From Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone movie:
"Hermione: Now, I am going to bed before EITHER of you think of another brilliant idea to get us killed, or worse, expelled. Ron: She needs to sort out her priorities." Shoutout to Ron Weasley here: MTE. That is all.
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
If you have to be in an Olympic game, what do you think you'll get a gold medal for?
Continuous sleeping~ I like it! ^ Choi Minho, I like your line of thinking. I think I could challenge that. xD -- 종현 오빠 제발 아프지마, 나도 아프겠잖아. 슬플때면 내 머리에서 니가 생각나는데, 널 걱정하면 나 어떻게 되는건가? 난 그렇게 눈물을 삼키고 있는데.. 가끔씩 힘들때 아직 네 환한 미소를 보고 싶어. 네가 아프지는 않도록, 난 매일도 기도 할게. 힘이 너무 작죠? 기도만 할 수 있어. 네가 내 사랑이니까. -- I'm not a masochist if nobody else thinks I'm in pain. So somebody break my ankle like how I broke it in P5/P6. I wish I still had the X-ray. The way the bone broke is a pretty interesting phenomenon.
Monday, November 02, 2009
I love Jesmine Tan because.
My water is heated says: jiayou my dear! I dunno how to get out of that situation except to quit so yeah but i will listen to you rant (: (I hope she knows what she's getting into.) -- :( |
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