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louisa 920507 adps sngs hci ♥ BEST!clare ♥ aikching ♥ boonyi ♥ brenda ♥ eehui ♥ emilytan ♥ haziq ♥ jazreel ♥ jesmine ♥ jodie ♥ lokyin ♥ melody ♥ myra ♥ qiqin ♥ samuel lee ♥ sophia ♥ tomoe ♥ vivian ♥ weifen ♥ xinru ♥ yinyee ♥ zhuwei 샤월 ♥ ai ♥ desiree ♥ lynn ♥ michelle ♥ samantha ♥ vernette ♥ weiqi [cow] ♥ yanchiew 09S77 ♥ caiyi ♥ caleb ♥ cherie ♥ cynthia ♥ elizabeth ♥ keejia ♥ qiaoyan ♥ valerie ♥ weiqi ♥ zichao ♥ 09S77 ♥ APOLLO! ♥ 4T'08 / 3T'07 ♥ 2G'06 ♥ 1C'05 ♥ yellows ♥ snsj November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 June 2010
Thursday, July 30, 2009
evidently the h1n1 pandemic must be helping doctors out tremendously.
no more sullen doctor who deadpans you questions when you walk into the room. instead... "ok, i'll just give you an mc for tmr and 7 days mc from physical activity.." (insert ^_^ face behind mask) ".. and you should just monitor your temperature ok, if it goes up any further then you come back for another checkup? but shouldnt have anything to worry lah, i think its just a viral infection, not h1n1... HEHEHE 8D" me: o_O * medicine making me drowsy again. zzz.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
disturbing is caleb lim going
"hey sweetie, hey sweetie, don't give it up" when you least expect it. why does THIS caleb lim change my impression of all caleb lims forevermore. i used to know this caleb lim in primary school who had a DEEP VOICE. and wasnt quite as disturbing. by the way. his "hey sweetie, hey sweetie, don't give it up" was taken from here. with subs for better understanding ^^ this song is part of a campaign by samsung in south korea to encourage people to smile, laugh and go "hahaha" in bad times such as the economic recession. the group here is 9-member girl group SNSD or Girls' Generation. now, imagine caleb doing the above. imagine my mental torture. T_T
Monday, July 27, 2009
being sick sucks.
ohman today sarah was busy explaining at length about how everything is porn o_O lit, art, french... i nvr knew she was this kind of girl. *runs away* my head is kind of empty now. cos of this freaking headache. maybe brought about by excessive coughing HURR. oh yes yes yes. i must record in history (online history, at least) one of the most amazing phenomenons i have ever witnessed in my seventeen years and counting of life. sarah and i are most amazed by it. we havent exactly told everyone what this major phenomenon is. ^^ sarah said to "observe" first and see if, uh, the phenomenon occurs by chance or a screw really came loose up there. i personally lean more to the screw-came-loose hypothesis, but that may be a little over-optimistic. idek. we'll see~ "남자는 사랑을 그리운 처럼" (?) 야. 넌 남자냐?
Saturday, July 25, 2009
this blog post is meant to help me banish horrible thoughts from poisoning my mind.
they will come back, eventually. but no harm delaying it ^^ lynn says: eee im bored with this tf *closes* tfs are all so cliche SH, ★ Music is a necessity, something I need to live. says: tf? translated fic LOL *wols* louisa// as far as possible, never let anyone see you cry. says: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. *even wolser* the worst thing is that the level of wols-ness is directly proportional to the age T_T i may be back if something more interesting happens. /edit WARNING: this blog may be abandoned in future. D: kekeke. *poof*
Friday, July 24, 2009
i missed the parade and a good portion of the post-parade 'party'.
due to the fact that the point on the blood donation drive was being belaboured. -_- i find myself speedwalking alot these days, and my legs are complaining. but thats what i decide to do when running is too unglam and tiring (especially if you have a giant bag with you) and walking is too slow. but yes, i speedwalked all the way to the bus stop only to miss 74. =_= and here's the rest of the story. upon reaching the bus stop where i am to board familiar bus numbers like 268, 269 and 76, i call hilary and find out that she is still at the nj bus stop. wth lol. time check: 4.55pm so anyway i reach the stnicks bus stop and speedwalk (again) uphill. zip past two indian girls talking about blackskinned people. (i swear i am not lying.) time check: 5.05pm. i am running kind of late. zipping past a large group of people sashaying their way out of the gate, i ignore their curious, puzzled stares. blessed people with the luxury of time. i zip straight to the security guard's table. because i am a good girl and i gotta fill in my temperature even though i am obviously perfectly well enough to be making my way towards the school at (almost) top speed. time check: 5.09pm. time is of the essence. the security guard looks up at me. he is not pleased to see me. i cannot fathom why. "你来干什么!" "er..." i glance hastily at the other names written on the book. "Jesmine Tan" and "Tomoe Yoshida" both have CCA listed as the reason for coming back. well, it fits. even though my decidedly NOT blue-and-white wardrobe is stark evidence to the contrary. "CCA," i say, avoiding his eye and diligently filling in the rest of my particulars. my Z looks like a 2. whatever. "CCA uh! 你们学校的人也有来过。没有写名字leh!" i look up at the man, astonished. he is still highly displeased, not to mention slightly annoyed by now. my mind is kind of blank at this point in time. a couple of sentences flash across my mind and threaten to spill out of my mouth, but i keep my lips zipped shut. silence is golden. sentences like "what the heck did i do to deserve this kind of look" and "is it my business that people from my school didnt write their names". "er..." "你们不可以这样子的。 这样uncle的工作很难的leh. 等一下uncle的工作没有了." o_O <---------- me for a moment i lose a little self-control and let out an "awww" completely devoid of sympathy and dripping with sarcasm. but thankfully, at the last minute, self-control comes back and it comes out as a kind of perfunctory "orh." i have finished filling in my particulars at this point, and am already preparing to fly down the stairs past father barre. in case i had not made my point clear earlier, I AM IN A HURRY. "你啊,你要跟他们讲 -" "AH, OKAY, 我会跟他们讲!" i cut the uncle off in mid-sentence and am not entirely apologetic about it. i then promise him that i will tell these annoying little brats from my school who did not fill in their names off and give them a piece of my mind and his, teach them a lesson about punctuality they will never forget such that the next time they see a security guard and a book, they will remember this day and obediently fill in their particulars so that security guards the world over can enjoy added protection of their rice bowls. even if i dont know who they are. time check: 5.20pm. SHIT. i run through the school at top speed. the girl guides clustered in the family lounge look confused. i burst into the room finally. like, finally. I SEE NO BLOODY PEOPLE FROM HWACHONG.
Monday, July 20, 2009
of unfounded jealousy and a fierce fight for attention.
of awesome writing skills and ftisland. of my good computer that manages to support my downloading videos, converting videos AND going on the net at the same time. of blogger's screwed dashboard that resulted in me taking a good five minutes to attempt to find out how to post. of utter nervousness at getting back the last two blocks papers tmr. im doomed. i still cant get over the unfounded jealousy bit. wtf is your problem, you toot. -_- end.
Friday, July 17, 2009
nostalgia attack because i saw no less than eight or nine stnicks girls in a SINGLE trip to J8.
:) myra, abigail, bessy, vanessa (粉红!), hilary, mabelline, cabrini, jiayan, lijia. yeah man. <3 took a tour of J8 (which is boring btw) just cos myra and i were waiting for abby. who, as always, was royally late. (when is she not. royally late.) that was when we went up to the top floor and saw the nj ppl. the guy who was with 粉红 looked SUPER awkward LMAAAAAO esp when we were joined by bessy and hilary. awkward awkward AWKWARDDDDD. so anyway when abby finally came. myra made her buy takoyakiiiiii~ and i bought bubble tea. long time no drink. then we went up to the rooftop playground there to sit and talk. and talk and talk and talk xD my mouth still hurts cos of the damned ulcer on my tongue but. dont care luh! so at around 6.30 we finally decided to leave. at the insistence of myra and me. abby wanted to stay for ten more minutes. when her "i'll be there in fifteen minutes" essentially has to be multiplied by four to obtain an accurate assessment of her actual arrival time... yes, so myra and i made a VERY wise decision to get up and go. and then we saw lijia while walking to the mrt station!! 8DDDDD and then stood there and talked for damn long more wahahaha. life rocks okay. <3 well, kinda. life rocks when you have friends to smile with, laugh with, and be crazy with. early birthday wish for taeminnie. xD 생일축하해~~~
Thursday, July 16, 2009
granted, i knew i was going to die the minute she asked the question, but still. im stupid. i left my brain back in the days when failing anything was a totally new concept. i left my brain back in the days when i had confidence in passing a test simply based on the fact that i studied for it. now there's nothing. the first words out of her mouth when i told her i failed chem and math, and got b for gp. "you dont buck up, the scholarship is going to be gone." the money. its all about the money. if i dont get it, the money's gone. the next sentence. "so out of three, you failed two." my gp results thrown out of sight, out of mind, out of the window into the black night where you're never finding it back again. its at times like this when i wonder whats the point of doing well for one part when its not even counted, when no one even cares, when it pales so badly in comparison to the reaction of HOMG YOU FAILED SOMETHING. failed one, failed everything. whats the bloody difference. when i was overjoyed about my o level results and was crying into the phone while calling her, she couldnt hear me properly. and so her first words were "OMG YOU FAILED? HOW BAD IS IT?" like, yeah, thanks for the vote of confidence. maybe, from the day i entered primary one and into this education system, i've only been waiting for her to say "work harder ok? next time you'll get it." next time. there's no next time anymore. because she's given up on me. and i've given up on everything. goodbye.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
오늘은 학교에서 집에 돌아갔을 때,
한 사람의 목소리를 들었어. 진짜 웃긴다. 야, 난 잘 들었거든! 그래서... 너 한테 단 한마디만 드릴게. 잘 들어봐~~~ 뻥치치마! ^^ tmr is a weird day. of two hours of brain-draining-and-thus-depressing chemistry... a well-deserved break that was rather mercilessly taken away to leave us "looking forward" to FIVE STRAIGHT HOURS OF LESSONS (omg)... one hour of gp... V_v... one hour of math... @_@... she said it was about puppy love. she's got that right... in a way. omniescent, as all good teachers are. xD
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
10:37pm finds me completely stoned in front of the comp typing a blog post.
no, i did not complete bio tutorial that i was diligently too tired. walking aimlessly up and down the corridors of a hospital is no joke -_- a certain hospital in the midst of orchard road kind of sucks you know. took me and my mother fifteen annoying minutes to find the ward. much to the amusement / annoyance / incredulity of nurses and other visitors there. including one nurse from china. who allowed me to realise that MY MOTHER DOESNT KNOW WHAT IS INTENSIVE CARE UNIT IN CHINESE OMG EMBARRASSINGGGGGGGG. and after finally finding the ward i kena chased out -_- cos no more than one visitor at a time. then obviously me-in-the-school-uniform is extra de. so i waited outside and listened to my music. and attempted to ignore all the curious glances i was attracting. never seen beige/brown/khaki/whatevercolour uniform before uh. >< i am so unable to get over the fact that my mother doesnt know what is intensive care unit in chinese. mother: "我要去那个... 那个... intensive care unit..." nurse *blank face*:"?!?!?!" mother: "那个...." *looks expectantly at me* me: "加护病房? -_-" then the nurse totally start giving ME directions instead of my mother. *faints* and she's nagging ME about my language standards dropping >< well excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me. xD sleepy >< *poof*
so i just finished writing my sonnet.
at, like, 12:35am. i am currently cringing in disgust here. oh. my. GAWD. okay so i actually wrote this with someone in mind. but as i started to realise the absolute need to piece rhymes together... it just kind of drifted further and further from the person in my head -_- but whatever. IM STILL CRINGING. *CRINGE CRINGE CRINGE CRINGE* ohmannnnn. i am so embarrassed. to cure my embarrassment! and because the ruthless massacre of brain cells in the name of rhyme has left me strangely awake... been feeling a bit down lately. so this is what i watch to get back on my feet. the awesomeness that is CL. *_* i shall not deny that i have this HUGE girlcrush on her. she is just AWESOME. ttm. so. who's CL? she's the one that goes "hey pretty boy, you ain't got nothin' on me!" *O* i secretly think the guy who got to dance with her at the start is super lucky. i guess her attitude and confidence on stage inspires me in a weird way. it needs to, like, rub off on me. all the world's a stage anyway, right? that and the "i dont care eh eh eh eh eh~" sometimes you really just gotta act like you dont care. a little more info on CL! birthday: 26 February 1991. one year older than me *O* she was either born in or educated in the States, or both. either way, she speaks fluent english, french, japanese AND korean. and she can sing. and rap. and dance. and do all of those well. AND HER ATTITUDE AND CONFIDENCE SIIIIIIGH. 'cos I don't care, 그만 할래 니가 어디에서 뭘 하든 이젠 정말 상관 안 할게 비켜줄래 이제 와 울고불고 매달리지마 i don't care, eh eh eh eh eh! omg its 1am. I BETTER RUN.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
힘. 들. 어.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Today is one of the worst days of my life.
Reason #1: i was f***ing lied to. you're f***ing low, you know that. i want you out of my life so bad. so, so bad. f*** you. Reason #2: classified. it involves a hospital, a tumour and a stroke. and someone i know and love, of course. -- 날 살려줘, 죽여줘. if anyone asks whether im okay.. im not.
Thursday, July 09, 2009
korean rapper outsider's comeback song. 외톨이 technically translates as 'loner', but most translations use 'alone'. possibly the fastest rapper in the world? *_* i didn't translate, neither did i upload. xD so the A/Ns in the embedded video aren't mine either. im not actually a fan of korean rap. neither am i a fan of smashing entire rooms up. but, well, something new. xD enjoy~! --- ._. 8DDDDDDDD :D :) O_O D: D< T_T ._. that sums up everything.
Sunday, July 05, 2009
i worry myself.
my temperature is still happily flying its rollercoaster ride. -_- and i got blocked nose. am desperately hoping that its due to, like, over-dustiness of the room or smth. rawrr i hate thiiis. essays are so highly useless it is insane. why would anyone bother writing those unless forced to. >< srsly... rawrr. *smashes smth up* :) on a side note, my mother's fallen in love with kimchi. O_O the smell is really getting to me. *is dying in room while she's glomping kimchi outside* i have nth to say. -_-
Friday, July 03, 2009
thus ends block tests.
i probably should be feeling a sense of liberation, but im not. maybe cos i whatever, none of my business now. good luck to all the teachers who are marking my lovely papers. in other news, i came home and realised i had a fever. since i took my temperature when i first came home... it has been flying up and down. yay me. and i got sore throat now. -_- is it me, or is the world getting weirder. the number of weird incidents i encountered in blocks week alone is freaking me out already. either that or the way i see things has become weird. so everything normal becomes weird. *ceases to make sense anymore* well, there's the weirdo guy who took my temperature at the school gate, for one. that guy seriously got nth to do -_- not abit shout out my temperature ("THIRTY SIX POINT FOUR!") like baris sedia liddat O_o secret ambition to break out of the stuffy and mundane state of his current job as a security guard slash temperature-taker. and become the next NDP PARADE COMMANDER! so he's practising now i suppose. wells, gossiping with ziyan on 156 was fun >D i dont know whether i've said it on this blog before, but... analysing interpersonal dynamics can be quite fun. >DDDDD ohwell. /edit: Tag Replies. caleb: wth o_O keejia: *nth to say cos im running away to avoid getting killed* 그럼 여기까지- |
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