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Monday, April 27, 2009

chem lecture test was like, whut.
i was amazed that some people just spammed the MCQ with As lol.
"there's bound to be at least some that will have As right!" -student
"heehee. there's very few As hehehehehehe" -teacher

granted, i didnt knw whether he was actually talking about As as in MCQ option As, or As as in grades.

im not mean lor. my imitations just happen to be very accurate. 8D
*does hand-flick*
and no, we do not smoke / bluff our way through things lor! D<
it is the result of endless drilling in preparation for O levels.
i still remember my (O level standard) chemical bonding very well okay.
its just that after coming to JC... it doesnt exactly count for much. LOL.
same with the rest of my chem lor.
i used to be doing okay in sec4? then now its like...

thank goodness my lovely 8 demerit points were erased from isp after all.
but im still keeping that email for life.
its a... nice memory lol.
of the efficiency and, ah, impartiality of the discipline system.

coughing like shit now, urgh.
this is annoying.

oh and my mother threw a mini tantrum over dinner just now.
because i told her she was too noisy.
but in all honesty, she was really too noisy.
i didnt disable the alert sounds on msn, and shawol mc was going on in the bg (so you can imagine all the alerts just sounding and sounding)
then my mother very happily decided to imitate it?
and ummm she sounded a little retarded.
you try imitating the msn alert sounds lah. you will also sound retarded.
but anyway i told her she was too noisy.
and then after that she refused to say anything to me because "its too noisy".
like, wts -_-
in the end i also win cos i can hold my silence longer than her ^^

okk maybe i should go do work now.
i am not a mugger. but i gotta do work.
or else i'd be committing suicide yuppyupp.
thank goodness for my itunes to be there with me~ ^^;
till later~!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

where are all the usual people that amuse me so much?
especially the one on shineee.net who is memorised by people and refuses to admit that she is in fact mesmerised!!
i need some humour right about now.
and by humour i mean the real humour, not the sarcastic sense of the word.
chem lecture test on monday ><
sure gg-fied de T_T

대체 누구나 바보가 된거죠?
뭐 하는 건지?
그 사람의 말을 정말 믿을 수가 없잖아.
다른 사람의 잘 못은 아니라구요!
넌 정신 좀 차려주세요.
이제부터 너와 난 상관없어요.
나에게 한마디도 말하지마.
내가 화낼겠다.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

its not long before 샤이니 월드 starts becoming official!
is this a hint at an impending comeback?
gosh im excited. for no reason at all LOL.

my shoulders are peeling in like opposite directions or smth.
my right shoulder peels down to my arm, but my left shoulder peels down to my back.
>< weirdness.

im okay.
you may see me sleeping / stoning / looking very tired way more often than usual, but i assure you.
im perfectly fine.
the day when my blog is not updated for two months, should be the day you start worrying about me. :)

Saturday, April 18, 2009

hi blog. hi world.

procrastination's kicking in again yey.
the big P word~
in my defence, i did (attempt to) mug at bishan library while waiting for zhuwei to finish her korean class ._.
i kind of want to go more than ever now, because they're doing alot of vocab, which i freaking need want. but its on saturday mornings. boo.
anyway, i said i ATTEMPTED TO mug, because this little boy (it's a boy, i can just tell) was practising how to be a laser gun on the ground floor of the library while i was at the very top floor.

i was damn happy when i saw zhuwei bessy vanessa roxanne at macritchie on friday okayy!
i didnt know they were all council-elects, wts ><
but yesyes, even though it kinda dont concern me, but JIAYOU FOR COUNCIL PEOPLE.

bessy's first words upon seeing me:
coming from bessy, thats a pretty stinging insult.

mum's first words upon seeing me at the airport:
wah. why so dark!

my shoulders are super unbalanced now.
the left one is a patchwork and the right one is, like, sunburnt.

am i like beyond recognition or smth.
i know my juniors saw me lor.
but thn arh.
no need to cast so many backward glances :/
like you saw some ghost behind you in the library or smth.

urgh my brain's function is like steadily deteriorating.
i am SOOOOOOOOOO dead.
*headdesk* siannnnnnnn.


Saturday, April 11, 2009


i look at the cut on my hand, and kind of wonder what its doing there.
its a pus-yellow colour, but the skin around it is pinkish. its still rather raw. its stinging and smarting.
basically, it hurts.

you dont see it when things are going good for you,
you see it only when everything starts crashing down.
there's more, underneath happy smiles and cheerful jokes and everything else.
there almost always is, and i dont think this is an exception.

what happened to school spirit.
what happened to hcunite.
what happened to the simple act of support through the final burst of a long, arduous journey to the top.
does it not apply to you?
is there no significance in it?
does it not concern your own little bubble of comfortable existence, just because you havent the slightest amount of attachment to anything else other than you and your little circle?

nicely done.

dont tell me to go home and watch it on tv, or to just read the blog, or to hear it from other people.
you dont know, do you.
i guess they didnt teach you what 姐妹同心 is like.
granted, this can hardly be counted as a case of 姐妹 but.
the spirit is there, you just dont feel it.

this is when i really miss stnicks like crazy.
where stnicks is concerned, i am 200% sure, or maybe even surer, that i wouldnt be in a situation where i have feelings like these.

or maybe,
its just you.
dont expect me to look at you in the same way again.
you just took my impression of you and shattered it completely.

not looking forward to tomorrow.
but anyway.
good luck, hc water polo team :)

Thursday, April 09, 2009

i broke a burette today. -_-
kind of, wanted to move it up the retort stand so i could take away the conical flask.
then there's a piang sound and next thing i know, the nozzle of my burette is lying happily in the colourless solution. -_-
i tio stun. no kidding.

when answering gp aq, pls have a conversation with the writer.
"Hey Vicky!" (author's name is Victoria Sherborne [sp?]) .__.
sarah's idea.

been bloghopping abit and i realise alot of ppl nap during gp ._.
charis: "do you want me to give you the POKE of life?"
me: "hehe no thanks ._."
*pushes charis to wake her up*
"that was the push of life."

"the sickest sounding thing is probably the thrust of life." -caiyi
this quote is... idek. pure win? pure O_O? *shrug*

*me talking to charis abt gp*
charis: "なんで!"
me: *tio stun* how come you suddenly start using jap?
charis: "it's zichao and weiqi's fault."
me: *tio stun again*

joanne also started going "就是" at random intervals liao.
i insist its a recently occurring phenomenon, but she says its been going on for a while.
idk. maybe im not observant enough. *shrug*

from "uncle leong", weiqi became zichao's SISTER-in-law.
nice one :)
and idek when elizabeth became weiqi's wife, but, er, yeah.

freaking twisted my ankle and its freaking pain. ><
put weight on it also pain.
this month must be my jinx month or smth.

sweet sixteenth got napfa.
sweet seventeenth got gp essay test.

daaaaaaaaaaamn sleepy.
consequences of braindead-ness = ultra stoning.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

four of my favourite jonghyun pics in my collection. ♥♥♥♥
like my msn nick now says, "happy because it's you. ♥"
it just sums up everything :)

Happy Birthday, Kim Jonghyun!

그럼 전 여기까지-


Monday, April 06, 2009

blogging again.
its becoming a kind of OCD now -_-

my headache's getting to me, i am seriously annoyed by it alr.
getting annoyed by it obviously compounds the pain of the headache.
but not thinking about it doesnt exactly help either. the empty buzzing inside just seems to make it a whole lot worse also.
thats what goes on inside your head when you dont think, right? empty buzzing ._.

pi is dammit freaking screwed.
out of sheer frustration i slammed the letters P and I into google.
came up with the very smart:
pi = 3.14159265
should have known.

its going to be yinyee's birthday in 20 minutes. <3
i dont think i'll still be awake in 20 minutes to punch this in on the dot of midnight.
so here's a VERY HAPPY SEVENTEENTH in advance :)
친구야, 생일축하해~ 사랑한다!
and you know whose birthday im not-so-secretly waiting for too, dont you xD

on the topic of birthdays, eli says you only get to be sweet sixteen once, and here we are wasting it in front of our comps doing pi.
my sweet sixteen?

spent the first day of it doing napfa.
for the better part of it, instead of getting birthday wishes, i got JIAYOU FOR NAPFA wishes. and then after that "OMG YOUR BIRTHDAY WAS DURING NAPFA, OMG SO SAD, OMG HAPPY BELATED".

18 days after that, i lost my mind and became a fan of SHINee <3
가장 빛나는 샤이니!
first time i got so happy hearing 누난 너무 예뻐, although it wasnt exactly supposed to apply to my age group -_-
and then throughout their 산소 같은 너 and 아.미.고. days, still very much in love. :)
sorry lah, im hopeless.

fast forward to around the sixth month of my sweet sixteen.
that would be, guess when?
november, O levels period -_-
the big O speaks for itself.

no comments on the events after the half-year mark.
too braindead to do so.

i shall go sleep now.

Sunday, April 05, 2009

사람의 모두다 보여준다면,
다른 사람의 모두가 알아서면...
재미없겠지? 안 좋은 것 같아.
좀 생각해 봐...

am i really that much the epitome of enigma.

i lack the ability to be tactful and truthful at the same time,
and i admire those who are able to do so.
its an acquired skill that i will never have the means to achieve ._.

so much has been said, and i really dont need to add more to it.
you can choose to believe that i am hiding something, maybe hiding my true feelings or something similar.

keep hope, keep faith :)

Friday, April 03, 2009

NOTHING beats sitting in school and talking nonsense for a few hours on end.

(snsb got gwh omg yey xD)
so, what were yall talking about?
caiyi: you
me: random nonsense

therefore, sarah = random nonsense :)

eli is ridiculously good at faking british accents.

sarah is under the influence of too much caleb.
she's even starting to mimic his actions, oh heaven forbid.

my chinese name is currently receiving a lot of popularity.
common viewpoint about it is that "it sounds so gentle".
*stone* uhh. no comment.

here it is, for the uninformed.
if you love caleb enough, you might as well jump on the bandwagon.

lǐ xiù xián


그럼 전 여기까지-


Thursday, April 02, 2009

i'd just like to take a second to laugh my head off at ________ right now.
it's pretty mean to laugh at him, i guess.
but i can't help it.
it wasn't my fault. it was there WAITING for me to find it.
even when you just outright said no to my mother~~
you, lying to your aunt, TSK TSK TSK.
*goes off to smirk some more* WAHAHAHAHAHA.

so. yeah.
i spent the last day of march plus april fools' in the hospital.
its not a belated april fools' joke. -_-
i do miss my classmates (and school) though, is that a little insane?

its not really even a mess, i dont even know how to describe it.
its pretty amusing, actually, only cos its not happening to me..
my deepest condolences to my dear keejia :/

yesyes tgif.
so many acronyms in my life, i am dying.
im telling you the world was not made to converse in acronyms. so why are there so many of them running around nowadays D<
i srsly wondered whytheheck national service was coming into the topic of conversation until i realised ns can also be NIGHT SAFARI

i think by far, my most immediate negative reaction to a person happened today.

*person speaks*
charis: why? she's ok what?
me: NO? i dont like her.
charis: no lah she's ok lahh...

8 demerit points. T_T
okay, i know they're not really permanent.
but that email annoys me.
its like... false accusation D:
even though its automatically generated?
im sad. :/

그럼 전 여기까지-