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louisa 920507 adps sngs hci ♥ BEST!clare ♥ aikching ♥ boonyi ♥ brenda ♥ eehui ♥ emilytan ♥ haziq ♥ jazreel ♥ jesmine ♥ jodie ♥ lokyin ♥ melody ♥ myra ♥ qiqin ♥ samuel lee ♥ sophia ♥ tomoe ♥ vivian ♥ weifen ♥ xinru ♥ yinyee ♥ zhuwei 샤월 ♥ ai ♥ desiree ♥ lynn ♥ michelle ♥ samantha ♥ vernette ♥ weiqi [cow] ♥ yanchiew 09S77 ♥ caiyi ♥ caleb ♥ cherie ♥ cynthia ♥ elizabeth ♥ keejia ♥ qiaoyan ♥ valerie ♥ weiqi ♥ zichao ♥ 09S77 ♥ APOLLO! ♥ 4T'08 / 3T'07 ♥ 2G'06 ♥ 1C'05 ♥ yellows ♥ snsj November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 June 2010
Saturday, March 28, 2009
abandoned lost <33333333333333333 hope you're liking the abundance of dubu! given 13 days ago. 8D and because there is really no better time to officially reveal the pic than here... ^ SAM-AH, WHY SO DAO <3 HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAMPAN KEY~~~~
Thursday, March 26, 2009
blogging again~~~
today was a realllllly scandal-ridden day lolololol. #1: Joanne and Shi Ing. joanne gives shiing heart palpitations / seizures! shiing: "joanne! my love!" *opens arms wide* joanne: "NOOOOOOOO!" *run away* #2: Sarah and YongTauFoo Aunty. sarah vehemently denies her undying affection for ytf aunty, despite numerous incriminating pieces of evidence. Evidence 1: "AUNTY IS SO CUUUUUUUUUUTE!" *gushes again and again* Evidence 2: "the aunty's srsly so cute man. I LOVE HERRRR!" Evidence 3: "i srsly love this stall cos of the aunty lah!" *gush gush gush gush gush* yet, when interrogated about this shocking infatuation... "NOOOOOO! HOW CAN I BE IN LOVE WITH AN OLDER WOMAN. no, scratch that. AN OLD WOMAN!" for some reason, this made me think of: 누난 너무 예뻐~ => 이모 너무 예뻐~ *cough*. shinee withdrawal symptoms. #3 Qiaoyan's scandal at Hotel 81 with... ZICHAO?!? this scandal actually spans a loooooooooooooong way. im surprised they managed to keep it up for so long. its an msn convo, so i shall just put the names of the ppl. hehe. to cut a long story short, it started with. qiaoyan says: since when did u help me cheat? weiqi says: after that day of weakness at hotel 81. and then, it continued with. zichao says: u din rmb or r u trying to deny the fact in the room qiaoyan says: wt happened in the room tt I DIN RMB SOMEHOW zichao says: eh cause u were drunk and ya u were lying in the room weiqi says: u utilized zichao =O qiaoyan says: UTILIZED OMG zichao says: looking at my... ans key lah now that we have the background of the story... zichao says: the feeling rite when we are doing those stuff to others it feels so... weiqi says: orgasmic. and a few more exchanges like the abovementioned one... qiaoyan says: weiqi swear on ur erm zichao says: balls qiaoyan says: i was going to say jap test results or sth weiqi says: i'll swear it on the happenings of that night of weakness at hotel 81. and a temporary conclusion, having skipped some of the other similar exchanges... qiaoyan says: why din u bring me to the mandarin meritus or the pan pacific wts so lousy hotel 81 weiqi says: got 16 dollar chicken rice then no money to buy so hotel 81. zichao says: its whr... qy made her first move to... weiqi says: the mysteries of the night unfolded right in that room zichao says: a series of unfortunate events happened in that room... and finally, for the completely lost... qiaoyan says: actually ppl watching this entertaining bullying of moi this is just some farce about how they helped me to cheat on an exam by showing me the ans key in hotel 81 weiqi says: and now all is revealed D: *END* ahha and i dont know where this came into the picture, but. weiqi says: O witless nincompoop, dash your brains out with thy own limbs that thine words never reach mine orifice - Shakespeare. ahhh and i havent talked about the language fest in school today. from doing chem prac i ended up watching caleb, eli and weiqi teach each other french, german and japanese o_O ok, granted, weiqi didnt actually teach anybody anything -________- but, reading out caleb's (favourite) french passage on homosexuality (le homosexualite~), eli's german passage on stress (highlights include über and herzinfarkt) was funnnnn xD weiqi's learned some french! weiqi says: les gays en lesbiennes =] mass of iron tablet = 0.27g mass of iron in iron tablet = 0.67g ^ prz tell me how to explain that. it is not an anomalous result. EVERYONE GOT IT. D: BLEH. tmr end of wk yo. SAM'S BIRTHDAY COMING 8D. unfortunately i'll be spending that day... in amk... being rag-and-bone girl. nvm nvm LOL. okkkkk i think i shall end my post here. i enjoyed writing it! (even if you dont enjoy reading it, ㅋㅋ) 그럼 전 여기까지-
Monday, March 23, 2009
*collapses onto bed*
im not physically exhausted, neither am i mentally drained. i just really dont know what to do. midge didnt visit me in my dreams last night, yay. fyi, midge is this creepy angmoh girl with eyes that are blank and you can't see the whites, pale skin, freckles, short curly red hair, wearing a black coat and yellow beret who just kept popping up wherever i went (in my dream). and i didnt knw who she was or why she was there, but i just knew she was bad news, and i kept running from her and she just kept appearing everywhere. and sometimes when i couldnt run fast enough, she'd catch my arm, and then everything would turn dark and gloomy and there'd be all these terrible things happening around me, like gruesome car accidents and stuff. and thn my legs would become like lead and i couldnt run away, until somehow i'd shake her off and start running away from her again. and the cycle repeats. it was honestly one of the worst nightmares i've ever had in my life. i'm so super ultra braindead right now, i can really come up with nothing else. tomorrow you will see a return of the undead => louisa the walking zombie. i apologise pre-emptively for any inappropriate stonefaced responses. i now have to go before i become PERMANENTLY braindead.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
homework not diligently done. (i did it, but i cannot honestly say that i did it DILIGENTLY)
shineee.net not working. (why do you fail me at this crucial juncture ._.) still awake at 11:45pm. (tmr how to wake up siaaaa) not ready for school at all. sigh. sometimes i just get the feeling that there's no point in being good when everyone else is better. my motivation shall be to hold on until wednesday. then i can finally get my gee album 8D which really did cost $10.95. THANK YOU SO MUCH YINYEE <3 then idk wht motivation i will have for the rest of the week ._. IU's 미아 is damn nice larh omg. how can she be only sixteen O_O oh yeah. before i forget. request for incentives to go back to school over msn failed miserably. i only got one incentive in reply. yi xian says: AN INCENTIVE TO GO BACK TO SCHOOL: YI XIAN'S FACE i kid you not. SHINee's manager choijin caught wearing a T-shirt that says: Inner Beauty Is Overrated. DIE, CHOIJIN, DIE. just because you're in charge of a group of good-looking guys doesnt mean you can wear this kind of thing! and not knowing what it means is no excuse D< jonghyun is amazingly happy in thailand, i wonder why. he and onew are up to something. behind key's back and sometimes right in his face too. O_O no wonder key bitchface xD minho and taemin are very happy in their own little world, with minobrows pwning the entire world (OMG YES YOU KNOW THEY DO), and his hideous pants as well. my mind flew out of the window due to the lateness of the hour again. i must now go and force myself to sleep. and pray that i dont get plagued with another horror-movie-like nightmare that involves a creepy angmoh girl named midge.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Besides your lips, where is your favorite spot to get kissed? i still feel damn cheated by hmv D: how annoying is it when the only difference between a local version of gee mini-album and the imported version of gee mini-album is the freaking PRICE. the imported one doesnt even come with any extra goodies or anything. its the FREAKING. SAME. ALBUM. and yet, one costs $10.95 and the other costs $26.95 -_- and thn why do i not have my album yet? because all the copies there are imported and all cost $26.95 and its so not worth it and RAWRR its infuriating to see about six copies of the album left, but none of them cost $10.95 -_- *angry* *siann* i go do hmwk >_<
Thursday, March 19, 2009
*coughcough* ok, uh, happy belated 100th day shawols! <3
like this is really rather belated. it's Day 104 alr ._. GEE IS OUT IN HMV ALR OMG I CANNOT BELIEVE IT. i am so going to buy it. *kisses goodbye to money* 9 consecutive wins on mubank yay! xD Super Generation interaction is ftw <33333333 mind cafe with vern sam and minjun (BABYJUN OMG WHT A CUTE NICKNAME HAHA) later 8D pretty sad that lynn cant come T_T ystd i just totally died of sadness :/ thanks to THIS picture: http://img18.imageshack.us/img18/7718/sw415.jpg and the fact that lynn couldnt come. sighh. heartbreak times a million. as in you knw its freaking impossible but STILL. >< anyway, off to attempt some annoying hmwk before going out later :/ RAWRR. 3 RAWRR. now. hmwk some attempt to off well. T_T>
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
i will probably meet a very gruesome end if my mother were ever to see this but.
she is utterly convinced that all of my friends are juvenile delinquents who have dubious characters and coerce me to try "all sorts of funny things" without her knowledge. so, here's a brief profile of the kind of friends i do hang out with. (ps: i'm meeting them on sunday!) Vermin says: HI AUNTY. I STOLE MY BROTHERS SHIRT BUT I DO MY HOMEWORK, AUNTY> T_T except math. we are a bunch of NICE kids. *pat own head* i am counting my verns. with my vermeter. and i drink. alot. of water. well, i try. cause i get constipation. and i dont fart alot, aunty! that shows how nice i am. oh, i have a twin brother. he's in korea. fighting ants. and drumsticks. i wont fart in yr face cause i dont fart most of the time. 치즈- All I want is you; feel the love. ♡ says: HI AUNTIE I SMOKE SMOKING IS SO (not) COOL. i dont do my homework I'M IN TKGS AND I'M NOT ONE OF THE BIMBOS THERE. I'M IN BASKETBALL SO I'M NOT A BIMBO I'M THE CLASS SECRETARY I'M A FULLTIME STUDENT not really PARTTIME STUDENT I DRINK GREEN TEA I'M 13 AND I HAVE A FRIEND WHO'S PREGNANT but then again, she's unpregnantable. DOESNT EVEN HAVE HER PERIOD I'M A FORTY YEAR OLD MAN. I SMOKE AND I GO TO GEYLANG [ai] sitizuhailah - am not pleased 하나 to the 둘 셋 일어나 출발! says: does... being a prefect 5 years ago help? lol and i watch pr0n 8DDD LEONGER; 종훈아 ~ no more words kiss me goodnight -Ibanez EW50CBE- says: louisa's umma, im 18 and im married im a duck that bullys children [weiqi5torm] omfg why am i so slow. i took 5mths to realize T__T says: IM AH PEK 60 years old hail from msia kampong :: xiang :: 's pretty girl ♥ my brains are fried says: come louisa mummy =) *smiles* i'm louisa's friend *hides behind key* keyyyyyy~ see they bully meeeeeeeeeeeeeee *whines* MINOOOOOOOOOOOOOO THEY BULLY ME. FINE THEN I FIND CHANGMIN. CHANGMIN YOU SEEEEEE EVEN MINO DOWAN TO HELP ME............. and of course... you couldnt expect eternal maknae to miss out the fun... lynn says: auntie ah ~ this 12 year old girl damm zai one okay. ( rofl no im kidding ) HI AUNTIE I AM A PREFECT IN CHIJ PRIMARY TOA PAYOH WHO PLEDGES TO SERVE MY PRINCIPAL, THE STAFF THE PUPILS AND MY SCHOOL TO THE BEST OF MY ABILITIES AND WITH ALL THE LOYALTY AND FEVOUR OF WHICH I AM CAPABLE I STRIVE TO UPLOAD MY GOAL OF MY GOAL TO BE A VERY GOOD GIRL AT ALL TIMES TOWARDS OTHERS AND HELP EVERYONE TO BE A GUAI KIA ALSO 8D i love my friends so much. LOL. now i have to take cover before they all kill me in cold blood for ruining their image. and my mother just insulted one of my most prized possessions: my SHINee calendar. i insist it is pretty AND functional. D<
Monday, March 09, 2009
i shall be very wary of my ipod from now on.
it has fortune-telling skills. while mugging math, i had my ipod plugged into my ears. and SNSD's Gee came on. and i didnt think any the worse of it. until i heard vaguely: "GEE GEE GEE GEE BABY BABY BABY" and my math later? really gg >< thanks for the psychological preparation, ipod. *pats ipod* today i issue an official apology to Sarah Koh. cos i let her down and disappointed her terribly due to the fact that i "succumbed to temptation" and bought a can of French Vanilla Coffee. cursed be thy blue aluminium for thus tempting me. thou shalt die and burn in hell for thy incorrigible sin. i will try to resist the temptation in future. dont blame me if i get addicted to milo instead 8D i insist a baby snake is NOT a snack. contrary to what a lame classmate of mine thinks. louisa's brain is not functioning properly atm. (when has it ever?) and she's gonna go mug bio now ._. sense the irony yo. if Gee plays on shuffle again, i'll REALLY kill my ipod. and boycott SNSD even if keejia becomes their tenth member. off to love my microscopes and cellular membranes more.
Sunday, March 08, 2009
"what's your name?"
"louisa." "... what's your chinese name?" *raises eyebrow* "xiuxian." "..............................." i seriously had no idea my name was such an enormous challenge. i must be such a genius to be able to live with it for sixteen years and ten months of my life. *inflates own ego* then again, speaking of geniuses, even the world's smartest people have times when they are puzzled beyond belief. *Mum drives into a carpark. Carpark attendant (CP) stops her* CP: "Sorry ma'am, the carpark is full. You have to wait for two cars to come out before I can let you in. I need to keep two lots for the residents." *Two cars come out at that very moment. I'm not kidding about the dramatic coincidence, it was really at that very point in time* Mum: "Can I go in now?" CP: "Um... sorry ma'am, cannot." Mum: "... Why? Two cars came out alr wht." CP: "..." *CP stares off into the distance, furrows her brows, and looks to be in deep philosophical thought* *Another car exits* Mum: "Third car alr. Can I go in now?" CP: "..." *CP walks away, racking her brains to think of a solution to this indescribably complex problem* Mum: "..." *Mum is now coming very close to going WTF* *Another car exits. The CP returns* CP: "OK ma'am I think you can go in now." *Mum inserts cashcard. Barrier does not rise.* Mum: "The barrier's not rising..." CP: "Alamak, what happened...." *walks away again* Mum: "!!!!!!" *The fifth car exits.* *Barrier miraculously rises. CP returns, all in a sweat, appearing to be thoroughly exhausted from what must have been the most physically draining, emotionally taxing and intellectually demanding predicament to even rival Obama's in-tray even before he assumed office.* Mum: "aklsdjfa;lksdjfal;ksdjf;alksdjf D<" *end of story* im damn siann diao. there're so many things left to do >< back to the days when we were so young and wild and free and the cell membrane was just a thin line and nothing more. -_- /edit i just realised how much i miss this phrase. so i'll just type it here: 그럼 전 여기까지-
Friday, March 06, 2009
technically its not the end of my week yet.
i'm waiting till 1pm tmr to call it a week :/ dramafeste's probably starting in like eight minutes or so. BEST OF LUCK TO APOLLO! cos APOLLO rocks the stage, even with 4 actors only 8D damn, that guy has alot of muscles. >< and, get this. SARAH SOUNDS LIKE SARAH 8D i swear. that made sense. apollo's makan sutra = jjang xD GP essay, flunk diao liao. -_- one in three people scored distinctions in GP at A level, wooo. actually thats nt a very encouraging figure lor. im doomed T_T there's seriously nothing funnier than a random guy falling asleep and actually snoring softly at the table right next to you in a lecture theatre, with the lecturer going "ti-tum, ti-tum, ti-tum, ti-tum, ti-tum............" thank goodness he knows about the droning, soothing, resonating, serene and most importantly sleep-inducing quality of the prolonged, drawn-out vowel sounds. maybe if he didn't try so particularly hard, in a wonderfully air-conditioned lecture theatre, to emphasise the hypnotic rhythm of the rhyme he was describing... :) and seriously. you know something's wrong when you mistake an English poem about Kublai Khan as being FRENCH. (its nt my hearing. alot of ppl heard it too xD) cross-country today at macritchie. i am newly addicted to AHYES. i knw there's nt sposed to be H there, but it helps with the pronunciation 8D I MISS FAC DANCE OMGGGGGGGGGGG. D: THE TAMING OF THE SHREW IS A SICK BOOK. considering i dont read smut unlike SOME ppl, this is probably abit mild. and the Greek gods seriously lead a life of betrayal, murder and promiscuity. not at all a good example to little children. *shakes head* and that was a post with no chronological order whatsoever, just me posting whatever comes to my mind. i promise to do my lit and math tutorials properly :/
Monday, March 02, 2009
i am like really dammit late to post up videos.
but i just get damn happy whenever i watch it :D i can spot myself! (wont tell you where) and i can spot dear fac head knocking off his cap 8DDDDDDDDD sorry ._. first off, the DAMN COOL, DAMN ZAI, DAMN PRO, LIVING LOUD AND LIVING PROUD, MOVEMOVESHAKESHAKE APOLLO!!! and then, after that was ARES! check out the sea of red! and the gloves. they're wicked cool. 8D next was ATHENA! i still like the PUT YOUR HOOD UP! and the PA LE! PA LE! and the 1:06 to 1:22 8DDDDDDDDD i like the song directly after that part too :D and finally, ARTEMIS!!! i really really really like this dance woo 8D its also damn zai! 1:42 to 2:29 is my absolute favourite part. JUST LOOK AT THAT HAND MOVE. AINT IT COOL!? i stayed up till 3am to wait for these vids to be uploaded k! *is unreasonably proud of self* aiyah but it still makes me smile :D
Sunday, March 01, 2009
srsly, just three words.
WHAT. THE. F. *annoyed* so basically nobody gives a damn about me. yey. sorry lah i pms lah. buaysong arh. UGH. tmr better be worth it okay. otherwise i'll... be very annoyed. and thats just all i can do. be annoyed.
i think i am like super damn late.
but YES APOLLO WON THE FAC DANCE COMPETITION AND THE FAC SHIELD!!! omg lah i was like dying just before they announced the results or smth. and then there's the 2 encores, one without music but with a very happy faculty attempting to sing out the music? xD and then a very PHAIL attempt to take a dance vid of S77 8D APOLLO APOLLO APOLLO APOLLO APOLLOOOOOO 8D omg im still damn happy pls. xD *coughs* bio tutorial undone. studies in a mess. yay louisa you rock -_- ugh. |
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