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louisa 920507 adps sngs hci ♥ BEST!clare ♥ aikching ♥ boonyi ♥ brenda ♥ eehui ♥ emilytan ♥ haziq ♥ jazreel ♥ jesmine ♥ jodie ♥ lokyin ♥ melody ♥ myra ♥ qiqin ♥ samuel lee ♥ sophia ♥ tomoe ♥ vivian ♥ weifen ♥ xinru ♥ yinyee ♥ zhuwei 샤월 ♥ ai ♥ desiree ♥ lynn ♥ michelle ♥ samantha ♥ vernette ♥ weiqi [cow] ♥ yanchiew 09S77 ♥ caiyi ♥ caleb ♥ cherie ♥ cynthia ♥ elizabeth ♥ keejia ♥ qiaoyan ♥ valerie ♥ weiqi ♥ zichao ♥ 09S77 ♥ APOLLO! ♥ 4T'08 / 3T'07 ♥ 2G'06 ♥ 1C'05 ♥ yellows ♥ snsj November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 June 2010
Friday, January 30, 2009
i never thought i'd say this, but i just discovered i do have math withdrawal symptoms.
*cue shocked gasp from nonexistent audience* i actually felt HAPPY when doing math just now. even if it was helping sam with sec2 algebraic expansions *headdesk* omgahh this is a descent into insanity. and just for laughs, cos it makes me smile every time i look at it: (louisa's incessant capslocked furious ranting in the background) mich: *give cold water* *cold hot choc* *cold milo* *cold iono* *cold pudding* xiang: give her jonghyun. mich: *cold jonghyun* xiang: ask u give her jonghyun ah, not cold jonghyun. and then, a somewhat intriguing analysis of the brain: xiang: i didnt mean to tune her out my brain just had that auto function my jap and korean brain function simultaneously my brain ram will lag mich: the result of sitting in front of the comp too much your brain functions like a comp too xiang: soon you will see me partition into c and d drive then shift shinee documents into d drive for storage sch in c drive for quick recall me: got external hard drive anot? thumbdrive? floppy disk? got internet connection anot? xiang: no ah this comp abit old sch use pen and paper to copy out info me: internet connection = telepathy use glue to paste, and scissors to cut xiang: then when there's exam need to generate info then use the copied out cd/notes insert into the drive copy onto c drive for quick recall after that finish exam then trash it me: RECYCLE BIN! thn whn you need to find it again, you dig into the recycle bin and click Restore Item
Thursday, January 29, 2009
샤월의 친구들이...
정말 고마워요. 너희들 있기 때문에, 난 웃을 수 있어. 앞으로도 난 절대 울지않겠어. 더 강한 수현이 될게요. 그럼 전 여기까지-
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
cny this year is... hurr -_-
way to start off the year, you two. and dont drag my cousin into this. DDDDDD: anyway. i spent the first few minutes of the ox year crammed in a narrow staircase at chinatown listening to farting firecrackers. in the meantime, my parents had fun with the Wii set they just bought. i played Wii today! i love racing games k. even if im nt fantastic at them. i won against my dad in speed racer once whn i caused a car to explode right beside him, thus blowing him off the track -__- and it was purely unintentional. the other car, controlled by the Wii machine itself, was annoying me so i jostled it to the side. little did i know my dad was right behind me. and i scooted off and the car blew up for some strange reason and my dad blew off the track. i scored a fair win once or twice though! *is pleased with self* i cant wait for friday. i need a distraction.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
i love catching up with friends from a long time ago.
granted, four years isn't exactly that long, but still. xD sounds better than "old friends" eh. i shall just do the quiz on sam lee's blog and skip the part about tagging others. cos i'm lazy. 1. Besides your lips, where is your favourite spot to get kissed? ._. what a question. i dont actually like getting kissed. my future boyfriend is gonna have one hell of a hard time, cos i dont like skinship either. HAHA. 2. How did you feel when you woke up this morning? sleepy. zonked out. it's the same every morning. 3. Who was the last person you took a photo with? the last time i took a photo was... at roxanne's house. that was with... a bunch of 4T classmates. 4. Would you consider yourself to be spoilt? don't think so. but then again, which spoilt kid thinks of themselves as spoilt? <- seconded!!! 5. Would you ever donate blood? why not? PS: SAMUEL LEE AH. SO MATERIALISTIC. STILL WANT FREE GOODIES -_- 6. Have you ever had a best friend of the opposite sex? erm. idk. really really really really REALLY good friends of the opposite sex, yes. HEHE. 7. Do you want someone dead? ??? i aint no sadist <- seconded again! im not a sadist. really. although some ppl are prolly gna have objections to that T_T 8. What does your last text message say? well i regularly clean out my inbox, but the last msg i saved was from my best friend on results day :) i shant reveal the entire msg, but it starts off with "Louisa lee! What the hell! Omg!" and ends with "Haha great job man! Call some day to talk ok?:)" 9. What are you thinking of now? how to get annoying hokkien songs out of my head. by the time cny comes, i am going to have a profound and deeply etched hatred for hokkien songs. give me smth canto any day. just not andy lau. 10. Do you wish someone was with you now? i guess. 11. What time did you go to sleep last night? i dont rmb. abt 1.30 i expect? 12. Where did you buy the T-shirt you're wearing now? my SNSJ tee? er. school, i guess. the exact location is somewhat difficult to specify. 13. Is someone on your mind right now? atm, its the singers of those annoying hokkien songs on my mind. and thats nt a good thing, because i want to strangle them right now. 14. Who was the last person who texted you? as i said, i regularly clean out my msg inbox. so according to my inbox, its my best friend. according to my memory, its zhuwei. LOL. I REALLY HATE HOKKIEN SONGS. especially the stupid yi nan wang soundtrack. never EVER bring that show within an INCH of me. or i'll kill you! WHAHAHAHA. *goes off to watch dramas*
Monday, January 19, 2009
my blog is anticipating that i will fill it up with words.
so i shall do so in a perfunctory manner. word word word word word word word word word word word word word word okay filled up. 그럼 전 여기까지 -
Friday, January 16, 2009
i am aware that the recent posts have made me look like a complete lunatic, with emotions fluctuating from day to day.
i assure you i am perfectly normal. :) one particular video i just watched has sent me on a complete high now. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDMjwC_nLpk the content of the video is secondary, okay. IT'S THE MUSIC OMG. i was laughing like mad even before he did the "peace" sign. and when he did the "peace" sign i just cracked up even more. cos thats so random and, yeah. I'M GONNA POUNCE, POUNCE~! I'M GONNA POUNCE I'M GONNA POUNCE, POUNCE! ignore me. -__- submitted JAE applications alr. put a certain school as my last choice, just for kicks. xD we'll see how it goes from here lol. i hate big crowds. :/ next year, do your cny shopping early, folks. :)
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
this is so silly.
this is what happens when you can't let things go. you end up making things worse for yourself in the future. something that freaking happened twenty years ago, was it that hard to forget? maybe i'm not in your shoes so i can't understand right. if that plan works out, and you won't go every week, maybe i'll go. i've never been very much of a good granddaughter, so maybe it's time to start, before it's too late. this is so, so stupid. why is everything so screwed. i don't normally say this, but FUCK.
Monday, January 12, 2009
today passed in a complete and utter blur.
this is the first time i've cried so hard in ages. not even when i read An Epitome of Simplicity. i screamed like mad, i coughed like mad, i was nervous like mad, then i stoned like mad, i cried like mad, and then i went out to waste time like mad. i AM mad. from dear sam who was even crazier than me about the results, to huiju and yinyee who drove me crazy with news about today's 娱乐百分百, to that toot idiot who somehow manages to piss me off without even trying... thank you to everyone who wished me all the best and congratulated me :) even if you didn't, because i know you secretly want to, deep down~ :D that JAE booklet is rather aklsdfja;lksdfj, i shall not even bother taking a look at it. *looks at abigail who squealed at the sight of the big letters J-A-E on the screen* sigh. she's too far gone -_- :) im happy.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
i suppose once in a while, most people need reminders of what they're persisting with something for.
that includes me. lol. the aimlessness in life is back again, and i thought it was supposed to go away by now. how very infuriating. i guess i should look at things with a more detached mind from now on. because sometimes there's not much point in growing too attached to things when it only makes you feel uncomfortable. i miss close-knit groups of friends, who support each other and cheer each other up. i miss the times when you can be crazy and have fun, yet still get things done well. i miss being in charge of my own time. i shall be emo sometime else then. 1am is not a good time. especially when there's work tomorrow. i shall look forward to watching nice shows soon :) honestly speaking, you don't really need me there, do you? HAHA. anyway... HAPPY BIRTHDAY LYNN! you're finally 12~ jiayou for psle! you multi-talented eternal maknae, you xD
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
some computer ads are really amusing.
i'm fine with those ads about, like, computer games that for some reason involve weird ZINGGGGG sounds. or those ads that ask you to get pretty new cursors (which in my opinion really don't look pretty). or those ads that, idk, get you to find out how compatible you are with your crush -_- this one i just got, however, seriously amuses me to no end. as in, what the HECK would i want with it? "GET CUTE BABY SOUNDS ON YOUR MOBILE! *insert sound of (crazed) laughing baby* *insert sound of (annoying) wailing baby* Step 1) Enter your number! Step 2) Click to continue! Get a FREE bonus ringtone with your subscription! (what, of a baby pooping?)" goodness me. i'd rather have a gif of my dad's colleague's twins fighting on my hp than those baby sounds. they really are oodles of cuteness though. i think they'll grow up to be very good-looking twins xD that is, if they stop fighting each other first. they don't fight like, you push me, i take your things kind of fight. they pull hair, pull shirts, kick legs and scratch arms (notice, they don't harm the face!). but well, they really melt your heart when they smile. and they looked so cute just sitting quietly and eating haw flakes. :D megaupload is being strangely nice to me today, i am mildly suspicious of it. it let me download so many files, and didn't botch up a single download. i'm hungry :/ i shall go eat.
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
you know, there's really no one you can trust anymore.
i am angry. i shall go test out my destiny with the lovely 090104 medley again. then, up to here-
ok so i am still a little bit irritated by what i saw last night.
not so much now though. not as angry as that. *looks below* but still. dont even think about it. D< my mood is somewhat soured by the fact that i've been fiddling with the comp for two hours plus and still the video can never synchronise with the audio. or rather, it synchronises perfectly at the start, then just starts slowing down from there, irreversibly. until by the third song in the video, it seems as though the people are just standing there and stoning while the music's already started playing. that video isn't meant to be mine, i guess. *watches from youtube* it's a little bit saddening. it really was wonderful. :/ i finished a little container of orange tic-tac sweets in two days. my mother was about as surprised as if the sweets were illegal drugs. i want my second earhole, somebody sponsor me to pierce it. totally siann diao. RAWRR.
Sunday, January 04, 2009
it's okay.
i know there are all sorts of people in this world. but seriously. you've just got to freaking know your place once in a while. don't go around thinking you're all that, you know. because it makes people sick. before you make other people vomit out their innards, please have a look at yourself in the mirror. or, wait, you know what, just don't. it will be utterly disgusted. like how i am disgusted now. people who have freaking overinflated egos ought to be shot. srsly. WHAT THE HELL, OKAY. WHAT THE FREAKING HELL. WHO THE FREAKING HELL DO YOU THINK YOU FREAKING ARE. JUST SHOOT YOURSELF, LIKE, NOW. oh, and one more thing before i end this highly angry post. as a pre-emptive measure. STAY AWAY FROM SHINEE. DON'T TOUCH. DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT. DON'T YOU DARE HATE THEM. AND DON'T YOU DARE LIKE THEM EITHER. get into bigbang, you see what sam will do. get into super junior, you see what huiju will do. get into ft island, you see what michelle will do. get into shinee... you DIE, okay. you DIE. of course, this doesnt mean i'm discouraging people from liking SHINee. it's just one person. who, of course, i will not name or state any distinguishing characteristics. i'm not going to trap myself in a corner :) you have all the room you want to be presumptious. although, from what i see of you, you don't seem the kind to even know that this is talking about you yeah. HAHA. in the meantime... please support the one and only contemporary band SHINee and give them lots of love! :)
Thursday, January 01, 2009
i shall not blog about the middle east anymore.
it is highly depressing, not to mention worrying. not at all a good way to begin the year. it's two and a half hours into 2009 and i'm back in singapore :) say yay and act happy, even if you're not. zhuwei is happily rejoicing over the fact that i fangirled taemin. -_- *shrugs* that promise was made to be broken i guess. so the end of 2008 was pretty much wrapped up in a bout of craziness. the craziest moment towards the end of year that i can think of is: dbsk flashing their backs towards the audience. now why's that crazy? because i noticed the microphone wire before anything else. while everyone was gushing over SexyBack a la DBSK, i was wondering why they were showing everyone their microphone wires. "i like 17 cos no big exam then ALMOST legal xD" -weiqi sixteen wasn't my idea of sweet. so let's try seventeen? holy crap two more years and my teen life is over. anyway. i really ought to snap out of weirdness :O my new year resolution #1: to stop being weird. i never keep my resolutions. |
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