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louisa 920507 adps sngs hci ♥ BEST!clare ♥ aikching ♥ boonyi ♥ brenda ♥ eehui ♥ emilytan ♥ haziq ♥ jazreel ♥ jesmine ♥ jodie ♥ lokyin ♥ melody ♥ myra ♥ qiqin ♥ samuel lee ♥ sophia ♥ tomoe ♥ vivian ♥ weifen ♥ xinru ♥ yinyee ♥ zhuwei 샤월 ♥ ai ♥ desiree ♥ lynn ♥ michelle ♥ samantha ♥ vernette ♥ weiqi [cow] ♥ yanchiew 09S77 ♥ caiyi ♥ caleb ♥ cherie ♥ cynthia ♥ elizabeth ♥ keejia ♥ qiaoyan ♥ valerie ♥ weiqi ♥ zichao ♥ 09S77 ♥ APOLLO! ♥ 4T'08 / 3T'07 ♥ 2G'06 ♥ 1C'05 ♥ yellows ♥ snsj November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 June 2010
Sunday, December 28, 2008
did i say i hadn't encountered anything to support or challenge the statement "talk is cheap"?
evidently i hadn't been looking properly at the UN. the media is absolutely biased. they're obviously going to wait for something to explode here before the focus shifts away from gaza. "avoid civilian casualties" -> of course that is ideal, but not entirely possible. "call for an immediate end to violence" -> well, what else would you want? "serious concern" -> ok, so we know not everyone's apathetic. "emergency meeting for Wednesday"-> well i do wonder about the outcome of this EMERGENCY meeting. Wednesday is in freaking THREE DAYS TIME. "vows retaliation" -> ooh yay :/ an old man in the lift just now asked me and my mother if we were afraid. well, yes we are. :/ and he told us that a rocket landed ten km north (or was it south?) from here. poop. unhappy news aside... to the two women who shouted "JACKIE CHAN!" at me and my mother on the street (and thn laughed about it) : i got kungfu, y'know. be afraid. be VERY afraid. >D to the guy who shouted "KONNICHIWA!" at me and my parents on the street (and also laughed about it) : konnichiwa! anata wa baka desu ka? :) kk. then up to here -
Thursday, December 25, 2008
first and foremost, MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! ~*~
i am particularly fond of this ~*~ icon lately. is it an icon? idek how its sposed to be called. faily me. anyway. browsing through the archives brings back alot of funny memories. even though i dont know what alot of the _______ means now. and some of the humour of those inside jokes has been lost? although there are certain distinguishing features which allows me to guess roughly wht they are. abt stuff like floating skills and the person who taught me them, and my thighs hurting from the previous week's frog-hopping and thn having to prepare them for another round of torture, and how i often used to end up walking like a crippled penguin and looking like a roasted one. good times, good times~ xD it's really funny how much damage that lack of self-awareness can do. although during those times i felt like dying, srsly. and was like cursing and swearing like no other. even they must have noticed. but looking back on it, it was really qt funny after all. how i ever survived it is a complete miracle. how i allowed it to take up so much of my life is another miracle. KEKE. anyway. is christmas a typically self-reflective sort of season? or am i just weird that way... :/ my mother just stuffed a slice of raw carrot into my mouth ._. now i am stuck at home while it rains outside yupp. but i kinda like it this way? a nice, restful christmas. :) my mother kicked me off the comp in the midst of checking my favourite haunts for news. nt like typical "ehh i wanna use the comp" kind of way. more like "since you're not doing anything much, move over and let me use." and promptly i'm sitting on the couch, obviously not in a very good mood. and wht does she check? WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN AN OCEAN AND A SEA. *stabs self* my mother is ranting to herself again -_- yesyes her life is a hectic existence with no breathing time for herself. but somehow she manages to take some time out to... i dont even rmb. anyway. of course that is so unlike me who wastes my life away. oh i feel so sorry for me. heyhey. looking back on 4 years, it really hasnt been that much of wasting my life away knw. allow me to at least lead the "hedonistic life of the lotus-eater" for a while now can. to quote vanessa's msn nick: "the time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time". BINGO. i shall go indulge myself in a blast from the past now. :) speaking of blast. stop it, you stupid gaza militants. ><
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
SG shawol! the gifts look absolutely fantastic <3
you guys are srsly amazing! so anyway. it's christmas eve here ._. and zomg the wind was crazy. blew my hairband off, and i couldnt keep my hoodie up. :/ by the way. speaking of the wind. i must reveal abit of background info before continuing with the story. my dad's house faces the beach diagonally, and right opposite his house is an unfinished building project tht seems to have been abandoned halfway. the lovely developer, however, seems to have really just abandoned his project midway and left the crane there. which didnt really bother us until the crazy winds of today blew the crane RIGHT OVER OUR HOUSE. several hours of watching that mad-ass crane arm sway up, down, left, right, like practically right over our heads. that and the wind howling right outside your window, its really freaky :/ on a side note, i HATE the movie total recall. after being shot about a hundred times in the arm and saving mars from utter destruction, all arnold schwarze-blah's character and his gf in the movie can come up with is the following extremely corny and cheesy extract. girl: "i can't believe this was all a dream!" arnie: "i just had a terrible thought. what if this is a dream?" -kiss- i mean srsly. you know i don't use this expression often, but WTF. then, up to here -
Monday, December 22, 2008
hurr here i am, blogging anyway.
i never obey my hiatuses (is this a real word?), you know me. xD anyway i'm too bloody bored yeah. i spent, like, 24 hours on the plane or smth. one 13-hour flight, 4 hours transit, flight delayed by 1 hour, second flight was abt 4 or 5 hours... yeah. close to 24 hours. >< so anyway. my dad's apartment is small but nice. typically i have to sleep on the couch, with a giant towel for a makeshift pillow. its not cold, but its like damn windy. the beach is nice. wrinkly oversized ahma wearing a bikini and jogging on the beach is not. the sand is really fine and nice. walking several kilometres on it in search of a shopping mall is not. the laptop i borrowed from my dad is pretty sleek and nice. the internet speed is not. it took two days to set up because of a problem with the internet service provider, and the speed is rather slow, and when yinyee sends me youtube links to keep me updated with fandom, and with taemin's new dance solo steps, i see about twelve giant coloured squares dancing on my screen. -_- and this is only day 3. christmas isn't even here yet. mother's being... irritating at times? but she's sleeping now so WOOOOOOOTS. anyways. i think i gotta take out the trash soon. SPEAKING OF TRASH OMFG. THE RUBBISH BIN HAD TWO FREAKING CATS YESTERDAY THAT JUMPED AT ME. *shudders* sighhhhh. i hope my mother doesnt find another cute guy to talk about. in two days (not counting today), she found two complete stranger guys that she finds cute. maybe she and i have a rather different definition of cuteness. -_- i am super siann diao and bored, and i'm looking for ppl to chat with on ebuddy. anyone? xD
Friday, December 19, 2008
hey blog. and everyone who reads it.
on official hiatus from today till jan next year :/ i'll try to get internet so tht i can still MSN. if i do get internet thn i might tag/comment? but wont update lah. nth nice to update one. can guarantee. >< and hopefully keep up with fandom(s)! cos i srsly cannot imagine two weeks without it. thts, like, sadness. anyway yupp thts about it. and oh honestly i am never stepping into that korean classroom again. or doing anything of the sort. it was the most embarrassing thing i have ever done in my entire life. T_T leader. blingbling. almighty. charisma. power. YAY~! sg shawol!!! someone has to upload pics! and much apologies for not being able to help yall do it! :/ happy xmas in advance yo! then, up to here - <3, louisa!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
meme again~! much apologies for those who were looking for smth more substantial, obviously this blog is not the place for you :) who was i tagged by? why, eternal maknae, of course <3
#1. What's the connection between you and the last person that called you? -我的老妈子。 #2. Do you ever turn your cell phone off? -no, otherwise all my saved words in the phone dictionary like "haha" will be gone. and because i use "haha" alot, i'll get a big headache if it's gone. but that's no excuse to call me in the middle of the night, understand? D< #3. What happened at 10am today? -i woke up. i have perfect timing knw! i woke up, looked at my watch, and saw the time change from 09:59:59 to 10:00:00 #4. When did you last cry? -when i read An Epitome of Simplicity on soompi. i dont rmb whn that was though. #5. What is your favourite thing you eat with peanut butter? -lol, the ONLY thing i eat with peanut butter is bread! #6. What do you want in your life right now? -alot of things. louisa is a greedy girl. #7. Do you carry an umbrella when it rains, or just put up your hood? -frankly if it rains when i'm at home, i obviously don't do either of those things. *notansweringthequestion* #8. What's your favourite thing to have on your bed? -i'm not a thing, but i like to have myself on the bed. to do what? to sleep lor. #9. What bottom are you wearing now? -tsk so nosy for wht! FBTs lah. cannot hah. #10. What does the nicest text in your inbox say? -my stupid phone refuses to allow me to save special msgs in a separate folder, so i have alot of nice msgs ranging from christmas msgs from last yr, to happy new year / cny / happy birthday / good luck for Os msgs this yr. but the one tht stands out the most would be this one from sophia: "衣服新的好,朋友旧的好。-莎士比亚" #11. Do you tend to make a relationship complicated? -i think i do. :/ #12. Are you wearing anything you borrowed from someone? -no. #13. What was the last movie you caught? -er... kurosagi? xDDDDDDD #14. What are you proud of? -well. certainly there are things i'm happy with, but nothing that seems to qualify for me to be PROUD OF. #15. What does the oldest text message in your inbox say? -well. i clear my inbox regularly and keep only the special msgs. so the oldest text message would be from isabella who says "MERRY CHRISTMAS!!" #16. What was the last song you sang out loud? -영혼을 감싸안아 by the TRAX. i sang along to it while listening to weiqi's version! xD #17. Do you have any nicknames? What are they? -my name generally doesnt inspire alot of nicknames. the most common one is 'lou' and the most recently acquired one is Su. speaking of Su, my first impression of vern suddenly came back to me. a cousin-lookalike who, upon realising who i was, pointed at me and went "SUUUU!!!!" #18. What does your last received text message say? -so nosy... aiyah. it's from mum: "Oh dear. This is bad bad bad. Keeping fingers crossed rhe (she) gets better later". that was cos my dog vomited six times today, and i smsed her to tell her so. #19. What time did you go to bed last night? -3am. #20. Are you currently happy? -not quite. #21. Who gives you best advices? -you know, very few people give me advice. i am my own advisor. but then again, i'm not the best. so this question has no solution. *suffering from math withdrawal symptoms* #22. Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can? -i totally mean no offence, but THAT'S DISGUSTING! #23. Who did you talk to on the phone last night? -nobody. *sings* i want nobody nobody but you~! *point clap clap point clap* #24. Is anything bugging you right now? -yes. #25. What/Who was the last thing that made you laugh? -my dad's broken sunglasses! i saw him on the webcam when he was chatting with my mother and promptly couldnt move for laughter for a good three minutes. #26. Do you wear toe socks? -no. they look weird to me. #27. Who was the last person you missed a call from? -someone who turned out to be a telemarketing idiot looking for my mother. look, i dont normally call them idiots. i mean they're just doing their job right. but my mother has changed her phone number for i think FREAKING MORE THAN HALF A YEAR ALR? #28. Have you ever had your heart broken? -my heart is not so fragile. #29. What annoys you most in a person? -people annoy me in different ways. and once i'm annoyed, i can't really tell how much i am annoyed. i just know that i'm annoyed. once again, this question has no solution. #30. Do you have a crush on anyone? -i just realised how long i haven't heard the word 'crush'! its such a primary school term to me xD which was four long years ago! no wait. i did hear the word 'crush'. david archuleta's song! *notansweringthequestionagain* #31. Have you ever done cocaine? -OH YES AND THE CNB IS KNOCKING ON MY DOOR RIGHT NOW ._. did you happen to detect any sarcasm? #32. What is the colour of your room? -off-white? this meme is really very nosy. #33. Would you kill someone you hate for a billion dollars? -show me the billion dollars, then find me someone i hate, and then we'll think about it. #34. Do you believe in the saying "talk is cheap"? -i have yet to encounter anything to challenge or support my belief in that statement. once again, this question has no solution. #35. Who was the last person to lay in your bed? -me lah .___. 想到哪里去了嘛。 #36. Who was the last person to hug you? -my mother. she's an affectionate lady. #37. Did anyone see the last person you kissed? -oh yes. and thousands of people have kissed him/her/it before. He/She/It is currently shut up in a suitcase in the SJ Room of CHIJ St Nicholas Girls' School, and goes by the name of ResusciAnne. #38. Do you have a life? -no. i have nine lives. i'm a cat. meow. #39. Have you ever thought someone died when they really didn't? -omg yes. i used to share a room with that person. thn one fine night she started sleeptalking and said 我要死了。being 8 years old at the time i was scared out of my wits :/ i kept calling her but thn she didnt respond, and i didnt knw she was sleeptalking. thn the next morning, it was she who woke me up. that person is my currently very alive and healthy grandmother. and she's going to STAY alive and healthy. :) #40. What is the reason behind your profile song? -i dont think i have a profile song, but most prob the reason will be because i like it. nobody puts a song they dislike as their profile song wht right. #41. Who was the last person you saw in your dreams? -i never remember my dreams. #42. Last time you smiled? -today lah. how can i laugh at my father and not smile. that's, like, freaky. #43. Have you ever changed this year? -just because i feel like being qianbian, yes i changed. i changed my clothes alot of times, and most importantly, i changed from being a fifteen-year-old to a sixteen-year-old. #44. What are you listening to right now? -취중진담 by Fly To The Sky. #45. Are you talking to someone while doing this? -nope. not even on msn! #46. Do you walk with your eyes open or closed? -i walk with my eyes closed only for tiny fractions of seconds which is when i blink. majority of the time, however, i walk with my eyes open. #47. Is there a quote you live by? -nope. why confine yourself to one quote when there are many? #48. Do you want someone you can't have? -*coughs* he sings a line "난 너를 원해". irony much. #49. Have you ever played an instrument? -recorder lor. louisa deviates as far as is possible from her idol who aims to play as many instruments as possible (and already knows how to play at least two). cos i'm not musically talented at all. thankyouverymuch. #50. What was the worst idea you've had this week? -the week has just started. #51. What were you doing last night at 11pm? -mass convo on msn. #52. Are you happy with your love life right now? -what love life? #53. What song describes your love life? -why is this meme so presumptious in assuming everybody has a love life? 你给我听清楚:I. DON'T. HAVE. A. LOVE. LIFE! #54. Does the person know you like him/her? -said person knows alot of people like him. he just doesn't know who they are. #55. Who always makes you laugh? -if someone always makes me laugh, that person would actually be rather irritating, no? #56. Do you speak another language other than English? -我会讲华语!华语酷!*vomits blood* #57. Are you blond? -no i'm louisa. >< #58. What's your middle name? -本小姐 only have one english name, one surname and one chinese name. #59. What are you doing tomorrow? -since it is 1:36am and 16 Dec 2008 has just begun, tomorrow would be 17 Dec 2008, a Wednesday which means i'm going out to watch a movie. #60. What do you think you are like? -WHAT do i think i'm like? WHAT? you think i'm an OBJECT? oh how dare you. #61. Who will you choose to die with? -there's a choice meh. die thn die lah. 反正die alr its still your own individual death. not like the person beside you can go say "hey come, i share death with you, i die half you die half ok?" .__. #62. Where have you been today? -home. #63. What game do you play often? -DINER DASH! i can never get past level 2-10, i am rather sad. #64. Who are you missing right now? -한번만 내 맘을 들어줘~ every day, every night i am missing you~~ (Fly To The Sky's Missing You. Again, i'm not answering the question.) #65. If you were to choose between friends and love, who will you choose? -wait till i have to choose 再说吧。 #66. What are you doing right now? -because i feel like being qianbian: blinking my eyes. #67. Which primary school are you from? -ADMIRALTY PRIMARY SCHOOL <3 #68. Name 3 colours that you like? -blue, silver and purple. #69. What emotion do you like to show? -what do you mean by 'show' huh? you think i'm putting on a show? again, oh how dare you. #70. What is life to you? -life is a complete and utter mystery that is totally unfathomable. #71. If you have something troubling you, what will you do? -common sense would actually be to FREAKING DEAL WITH IT. #72. Who did you last chat with in MSN today? -yinyee. #73. Who do you admire most? -how do you measure the degree of admiration for someone? is there an admiration meter? once again, this question has no solution. #74. Which month are you born in? -May. May is a fantastic month, because I was born, and SHINee debuted. #75. How are you feeling right now? -sleepy, annoyed and siann. siannness is a perpetual feeling of mine. #76. What is the time now? -1:49am. maknae did this at 1:49pm on 13 December. perfect timing. #77. Where are you now? -I'M OUT CLUBBING YO. pshhh. #78. What colour did you use to dye your hair? -why so presumptious? i guaikia lah, nvr dye before CANNOT AH. #79. Why are you doing this test? -because i got tagged by eternal maknae. and because i was bored. #80. What do you do when you're moody? -i have different methods of dealing with different types of moody. by different types of moody i mean things like PMS-moody, irritatedwithpeople-moody and dreadingsomethingundesirable-moody. this question has infinitely many solutions. #81. At which age do you wish to get married? -i can only say not too young, not too old. (there's a song titled this right? not too young not too old? ahh i found it. it's by aaron carter.) #82. Who is more important to you? Boyfriend or friends? -wait till i get a boyfriend first before deciding. but a boyfriend is also a friend right? and by that i don't just mean the classic primary school rebuttal of "boyfriend = friend who is a boy". #83. Do you think you have enough confidence? -for wht? different things require different levels of confidence! blogging, for example, requires a much lower level of confidence than performing on stage or smth. #84. Who is the person you trust the most? -i believe you'll never get anywhere if you don't trust yourself first. but then again, the person you trust most may not be the most trustworthy. geddit? #85. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after rain? -it's a scientifically proven natural phenomenon, and i've seen it myself. what's not to believe? #86. If you can have a dream come true, what would it be? -i'll be honest here. i want to see all my favourite artists perform a great live. #87. What is your goal for next year? -atm it's not really a goal i can work towards, but i want good results for Os. when i get my results i'll set my goals. i can hardly set goals now when i don't even know which direction i'm headed yet, right? #88. Do you believe in eternal love? -there has been nothing to challenge or support my belief in eternal love. again, this question has no solution. #89. What feeling do you love most? -i don't know. #90. Do you really think it's global warming now? -yes. #91. What feeling do you hate most? -love and hate are two very extreme emotions. if i can't figure out one of the extreme ends, it seems to be pretty hard to figure out the other. #92. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours? -those that are worth cherishing, i cherish. those that are not worth cherishing, somehow it makes me think that it won't be classified under 'friendship' anymore. #93. Do you believe in God? -no. *gets shot* #94. Who cares for you the most? -i will not go so far as to say that there are alot of people who care for me, but those that do, they care for me alot. #95. What do you think is the most important thing in your life? -the most important thing in your life is you. i don't think i always believe in putting others before yourself. it's more morally upright to do so, of course, but the world doesn't work that way. besides, it's your life, you are in control of it, therefore you have to be the most important. #96. What'll you bring when you fight? -well, that really depends on who i'm fighting, and how i'm fighting. if i fight a mental battle, i'll bring mental resilience and internal strenght. if i fight with a person stronger than me, i'll bring the common sense to run for it. if i fight with a person weaker than me, i'll bring a peace treaty. #97. What have you regretted doing in your whole life? -what makes you think i've lived my WHOLE life already? #98. What would you feel that no one no longer cares for you? -well, if no one no longer cares about me, it means everyone still cares for me, so i'll feel incredibly happy and loved. #99. What if your stead two-timed you? -i dont have a stead. but to whoever out there who becomes my stead... YOU DARE? *raises fist* just joking. we'll wait until that actually happens before i decide what to do. END OF MEME YAY. the next 10 ppl to do this quiz, i dont really care who. if you really feel that damn bloody bored thn you can do it. it's like 2:15am now. i'm going off to sleep!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
went to replace lenses todayy. ><
now im stuck with the specs i wore in like P6 ._____. nt tht they're very ugly or smth. these are actually my second favourite pair of frames? but they're damn loose. and the degree is higher than my current one. (yes, my degree decreased. xD) so well. only for a couple of days anyway. :) OHOHOH and i must blog abt this. its SOOOOO infuriating. was at causeway pt earlier, walking past macs. thn in front of macs MJ was having a sale. thn there was this girl right. NO TALLER THAN MY LEGS OKAY. short and rather young. like prolly P1 or P2 age i estimate? unless she's super short for her age lah. .______. anyway. that's how small she is. and i'm not very tall myself thanks. and she was looking up at ppl as they walked past (her eyes are actually qt pretty. almond-shaped and bright. pretty eyes, i'm jealous.) and then SHE FREAKING EYEBALLED SOMEONE NEARBY. that person didnt even do anything to her ok. -.- its not the kind of rolling eyes you'd expect from someone her age. more like around my age? (fact is, the way she rolled her eyes reminded me strikingly of my mother) but the point is the way she rolled her eyes is like... like she's very experienced. and thn in front of the DIY shop there, there was this uncle with a weird colourful shirt. idk how to describe it, but it had the word ALOHA all over it, but i think i saw a picture of a price tag saying $33.00 and then the san francisco golden gate bridge or smth. IDEK. he was BOUNCING. like really boingboingboing bouncing. LIKE A KID. thn his arms were flailing and his head was bopping and he was just bouncing up and down. and when he strolled over to his family, it then became clear that he was a father of FOUR BOYS, all of whom seem quite grown-up. i wonder what they think of having a bouncing, bopping, flailing daddy. so you have a little kid rolling eyes like a grown-up, and a grown-up bouncing, bopping and flailing like a little kid. WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO.
Sunday, December 07, 2008
i am here to rant and wail.
MY MOTHER STOLE MY RINGTONE. and what was my original ringtone? answer: SHINee's AMIGO! the story went smth like this. *friend calls* phone: COLD HEART, BABY! me: *takes call* *hangs up* mum: ehh you have amigo in your phone ah? me: er yeah mum: eh send me send me. me: er ok. *sends* mum: ok yay... *after a while* mum: ok yay i changed my ringtone! me (abit blur state): huh to wht? mum: you call me and see lah! me: er okay. *calls* mum's phone: COLD HEART, BABY! me: WHAT THE... CHANGE IT BAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK! mum: whyyyyyyyyyyy~ me: because it's just madness to have the same ringtone as someone you live with~~~ mum: dont want! *and then after a fight with mum, i lose* SO NOW MY PHONE'S RINGTONE IS A DEFAULT RINGTONE. and my mother still laugh at me and say: "haha your current ringtone is so mellow compared to amigo" HURRRR MY LIFE IS SAD. and i am cut off from my friends for a while now so i dont think i'll have the chance to snag any other songs to use for ringtone. LIFE = SAD. T_T
Saturday, December 06, 2008
wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee today was all sorts of fun :)
i think i shattered my image completely. (not that i had one to begin with, but wells.) only whn i watched this did i realise how much fun i had during those twelve weeks that yunhanam was showing. <3 of course the company makes it great too~~~ although i actually watched most of the vids tht we saw today before, and alot of times at that, there's still something really different and nice about watching it on a widescreen HQ tv at weiqi's aunt's house with a great bunch of ppl to spazz and eat chocopies with. :D i agree, weiqi, WE NEED A REPLAY! (and, baby i need cow too) the best part of it all, of course, is that... NONE OF THEM TURNED OUT TO BE 40-YEAR-OLD AHPEKS YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. so, well... that was how i first met up with ppl that i befriended through the Net. sounds scary, eh? hmms going out again on tues, damn im broke. hurr. and i cant wait for the long overdue dvd party lah. this holiday is srsly devoted to being a fan lol. *spins around* I'M A FAN WAHAHAHHAHAHA. anyway. its a well-deserved reward. even though i prolly didnt work as hard as i shld have done for Os. :p anyway. i shudder to think how we will be like at a noraebang srsly. maybe i will completely throw away my image or whatever. or what's left of it, rather. LALALALALALA i shall go continue with my FTTS high now~ <3 -edit- OMG I SEE VERN ON MY TAGBOARD. OMG OMG OMG. -edit2- a better version of the gathering, aka one that captures how totally WOWZA the entire event was, can be found at then, up to here - ;)
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
parents came back today!
my home alone stint is over at last :) i met a couple of very interesting incidents on the mrt ride there, but i will not be doing these entertaining tales justice by putting it down in words here, but i can definitely re-enact! :) i don't like the idea of my dad leaving, to be honest. but i don't like him fretting about whn he's going to finally get there and start doing all that work that's piling up either. so i suppose this way's better. not like i can't go see him anyway right? and i THINK he's gonna install a webcam. i THINK. if he does, yippee~ OHMYFREAK WHAT WAITING LIST AGAIN IM GOING TO KILL THAT COMPANY. *sharpens chopper* i can't wait for saturday! woots~ :D i'm abit nervous i guess? but oh wells. it'll be great :D i need to save money. >< i hope it's worth it, what i've placed my money on. it'd better be. |
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