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louisa 920507 adps sngs hci ♥ BEST!clare ♥ aikching ♥ boonyi ♥ brenda ♥ eehui ♥ emilytan ♥ haziq ♥ jazreel ♥ jesmine ♥ jodie ♥ lokyin ♥ melody ♥ myra ♥ qiqin ♥ samuel lee ♥ sophia ♥ tomoe ♥ vivian ♥ weifen ♥ xinru ♥ yinyee ♥ zhuwei 샤월 ♥ ai ♥ desiree ♥ lynn ♥ michelle ♥ samantha ♥ vernette ♥ weiqi [cow] ♥ yanchiew 09S77 ♥ caiyi ♥ caleb ♥ cherie ♥ cynthia ♥ elizabeth ♥ keejia ♥ qiaoyan ♥ valerie ♥ weiqi ♥ zichao ♥ 09S77 ♥ APOLLO! ♥ 4T'08 / 3T'07 ♥ 2G'06 ♥ 1C'05 ♥ yellows ♥ snsj November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 June 2010
Sunday, August 24, 2008
starting tomorrow, prelims season is starting.
i'll find it hard to go on hiatus. especially since SHINee is back ): oh well. i will survive without them for, um, 80 days. so goodbye, blog. i will miss this blog as much as i will miss them. but i will survive ((: BYEBYE (:
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
after that disastrous printer fiasco of last night,
louisa is stuck at home with a headache and nausea. o.o and because i had no psychic powers or foresight, my bio tb is in school. no chance of studying for bio there. (i dont trust molly's notes all that much) louisa is irritated now. people are all at school doing their elec papers. and i dont know what to do. being sick sucks. hoho end of rant here ((:
Monday, August 18, 2008
under normal circumstances, i would not be blogging at this point in time.
not when there's elec practice paper tmr, plus an emath paper1. but i simply have to air my grievances about what i have just experienced, so whoever is unfortunate enough to be reading this, please bear with me. i did not start out to do something incredible this late at night, at 10:45 pm. no, i did not. what i simply endeavoured to do was to print a couple of documents. you see, the hard copies of both my 5-lit-essays and emily tan's 5-lit-essays seem to have vanished from the face of this earth, so me the kind soul with both soft copies in my comp decided to print it. unfortunately, my dearest daddy has not connected the printer to my comp, despite him promising to do so, oh, about half a year ago. and i dare not do it myself for fear of doing something wrong and having to suffer his wrath just before he flies off. so anyway. since i can't print on my own comp, i ask to borrow my mum's comp to print. (that printer's much better anyway). mum: don't download anything ah! later got virus. this is my new machine, i'm so scared. me: orh. (decides to tread carefully around it) so, i switch on the comp (it takes me a while to locate the start switch. overtly sophisticated machines, you see.) and begin to try printing. sadly, some screwed-up security system forces me to sign in TWICE into my hotmail account. fair enough. signing in to MSN isn't that difficult anyway. the downloading is the part that kills. a new machine, mark you, that takes five minutes to download two documents. fair enough, i go and exchange a few words with zhuwei online before heading back to check on its progress. hurrah, the documents have downloaded. then, the same screwed-up security system decides to restart the computer in approximately four minutes for some "update procedures". not too sure what those are about. IMAGINE HAVING TO BEAT THE CLOCK JUST TO PRINT SOMETHING OUT, FOR GOODNESS SAKE. (we only got four minutes to save the world, yo.) so anyway, i am fully confident that i can print two simple documents out in four minutes, and thereafter proceed to attempt to print. THE EFFING PRINT BUTTON WAS NOWHERE TO BE SEEN. i searched and searched to no avail, while the time ticked and ticked. (bloody security system). finally, lucky me remembered the keyboard toggle to print. CTRL+P, for future reference. with only two minutes left (not so confident with half the time left to save the world), i now REALLY had to beat the clock to print the lit hmwk. the layout was screwed up and i had no time to let the thing print double-sided, so now everything's single-sided with extraordinarily large margins. even with all that hassle, i was only left with 30 seconds before the thing restarted on its own. and that's exactly what it did 30 seconds later. restarted. except, it only did half of the procedure. it shut down. and it didn't turn on again. i thought it was supposed to be RESTARTING. aka, the SCREEN WAS SUPPOSED TO LIGHT UP AGAIN. but it didn't. i will leave my mother to sort out her own fantastic machine for herself. but she will most prob end up just turning off the power to simplify things. which is exactly what i would have done, except that when she does it, she doesn't get scolded by anyone whereas when i do it, i get a double scolding from both parents. (when the irony is that my mother would have done the same thing and got away scot-free) hurrah for fairness and screwed-up newfangled computer machines, yayness. and now, on my watch it is exactly 11.00pm. i have impeccable timing, fifteen minutes to write this whole post. goodbye, and i shall go to bed. (:
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
this is my 200th post :D
hurrah for randomness. as my tablemate often likes to tell me, "i'm WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY up there. stuck to the ceiling." nvm nvm, inside joke. whyyyyyy did they cut off Michael Phelps' heats? i started watching swimming at 7pm promptly. and thn i saw them showing which swimmer was in which lane. i saw a swimmer named 'Park' and got all excited, thinking it was Park Tae Hwan. But thn, after they dive in, this 'Park' swimmer lags behind like nobody's business. and im all "THAT CANT BE PARK TAE HWAN RIGHTTTT." and its not him. haha ((: which means i still have yet to see TWO of my favourite swimmers in the olympics. WHYYYY must swimming be broadcast at TEN IN THE MORNING, whn i am forced to play mini tennis ): pls, olympics is so much more entertaining ): i shall now sulk about not being able to watch swimming. and lit is WTH la. yesyes, the poem is true to a large extent. you can be best friends and oh-so-alike today, but then in maybe even less than ten years from now, you can be so different you won't even know it. but the questions she set, they suck. and i would rather eat up more chapters of my chemistry textbook than do that crap. heck la, there's only 1/2 hr of lit tmr. zzz. haha i just went to watch today in beijing. PHELPS IS AMAZING!!! not abit during the men's 4x100 relay, he gave the USA such a huge lead that for the rest of the competition, they were halfway along their next stretch of the pool while the others just touched the wall. their distance in front of the green WR line was more than one body length :O and its so clear that Michael Phelps has style. was watching the underwater shot of one of his teammates swimming and it was abit... haha. but he is just mad cool at swimming. :DDDDDDDDDDDDD and now, i want to watch tomorrow's swimming matches. now that i've seen Phelps in action, (YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS) i can't wait to see Park Tae Hwan :D :DDDDDD i shall go watch more olympics now (:
Monday, August 11, 2008
die )): and after that is bio, chinese, lit, chem. i shall survive tmr and refuse to let my mind stray anywhere near my TV set. i so badly want to watch the olympics )): i would so stay home and watch the olympics, yo. ): i am bored. ): this post is too full of unhappy smileys for me to want to flood it with happy ones to neutralise the effect. by louisa's orders, SMILE ((:
Thursday, August 07, 2008
aish, today's chem test was woaaah.
so much for me and sarah's mutual encouragement before the test. after that we just died please. i will encourage her for chem, and she will encourage me for math. HURRAH. .____. and english! i honestly didnt knw what i was writing. sarah was so amused by the contents of my speech can. i insist it is a very nice class outing. fusing the pot luck idea, movies idea, staying overnight idea. who says you cant do all of them at one shot? this is called improvisation. it will cater to many different preferences this way! see, what a good class chairperson i would make. -vomits- haha but i love my resilience compo pls. i plunged into a long-winded rant abt the banning of corporal punishment. but i insist it was not out of point. because it perfectly showcases the complete lack of physical resilience in the young people of this generation. i am attempting to justify myself now. how amazing. going out tmr to spend money again o.O i must be thrifty this time ): otherwise wait SOMEBODY (thinks zhuwei) berates me again. if she berates me again, i will follow her all the way home (nt tht far from my house anyway), steal that beautiful you single and wait for another 10 years of friendship before giving it to her again. HMPH (: did i say pain was overrated? i am beginning to wonder if it is a matter of perception. after all, if everything seems overrated to me... something must be rather wrong. maybe something's wrong with me :O everyone has issues with their self-confidence nowadays. but i have already seen two ways the path can go. one of them involves rather hilarious results. myra: "you are not an insect. you are not an insect. you are not an insect." and because of the long abdomen incident, i laughed from yishun to admiralty -.- and tomorrow we are all going to be led by the COMPETENT tour guide, zhuwei ((: the other path, not even those who walk it know where it goes. would you really wanna know? the only real difference between her and you isn't very large. it is not an insurmountable obstacle. i dont even know how to say it. shall we say it is like burning graphite and diamond? both of them are carbon, burning in oxygen to form carbon dioxide. both have high melting points and need alot of heat to burn. aren't they the same thing essentially? but given a choice to burn either graphite or diamond, most people would choose graphite. because it looks more disposable, doesn't it? that's why graphite becomes pencil lead. whereas diamond gets to be polished, sparkly and set in beautiful rings to be flaunted by the rich. and what is the difference between graphite and diamond anyway? only the structure of the atoms. only the structure, but look what that difference in structure does to them. aish, this is a terrible analogy. it's hard to describe such things on a blog, cos you don't know who's reading it :/ i shall go onto youtube now, zzz.
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
pain. \ˈpān\
function: noun. definition: a. usually localised suffering associated with bodily disorder. b. a basic bodily sensation induced by a noxious stimulus, characterised by physical discomfort and typically leading to evasive action. c. acute mental or emotional distress or suffering. in the context of definition c, pain is overrated nowadays. just saying (: great, and now im dying of embarrassment. ____________ wants to borrow my sec3 exam papers to photocopy. oh crap, die, i should've worked harder then. now i just want to dig a hole and hide my face ): box her face )))))))): WHY DO THIS TO MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
Monday, August 04, 2008
i am srsly really too siann to study any more bio or ss already.
tmr nt abit amath (DIFFERENTIATION ZOMG) and bio back-to-back, and ss after school. hurrah hurrah. to take my mind off my sianness, i shall post what happened on saturday ((: well, first i set off late from my house. cos fiddling with media converter :p end up the video quality still turned out rather badly. anyways. so we went down to citylink (: thn there was soooooooo much time before we were due to meet ivy and jesmine. (see, im so nice, i dont call her fatfat) so we went HMV (: bought my lovely SHINee album <33333333333333333 and zhuwei's present. i srsly wont buy things if they arent worth it to me. and, wells, i went out with the mentality to spend money. so zhuwei! dont feel guilty! tomoe finally bought DBSK stuff! :D and we went to look at AADBSK2. it costs a whopping 141.95! scaaaaaary. but my lovely cousin very nicely agreed to lend it to me! watchfest after Os, she thinks it's a good idea too :D after HMV, we went MPH to look around. and somehow all the books tht i picked up were damn sad la. the last lecture. the whole book itself is damn sad. and then i picked up a random book about a girl whose dad just died, and he left her a little journal sort of thing, with one entry for every birthday of her life. from 18 years old to 30 years old i think. thn i read the first entry which was OMG DAMN SAD. thn i went off and found another book called The Other Boleyn Girl. since both the previous books had very sad first chapters, i flipped to the ending for this one. and it was about the execution of Mary's sister. and Mary was lamenting the loss of her own love, and her sister's life, and the fact that Jane Seymour was the new Queen. or smth like that. WHICH WAS ALSO DAMN SAD. ): anyway, after that we went to find fooooooooooood. ate mos burger ((: and i mastered the art of blowing straw wrappers yesss (: yinyee's expression whn it hit her nose was so funny (: after lunch we walked to marina square!! went to find tomoe's waterbottle. and picked out all the fluorescent-ish clothes that she says she likes. some of them remind me of SHINee. :O but at least they (SHINee) look good in skinny jeans! not like (.............) after we found her waterbottle, we went to find ivy! (i talk like ivy's another item on a shopping list) anyway. thn we ate hokkaido ice cream while waiting for jesmine! and i accidentally spilt the ice cream on yinyee :p but yinyee saved the cup, so she saved the ice cream too! thank goodness (: and in typical jesmine fashion, she was suuuuuuuuuper late despite being the one to suggest meeting at 3.30pm. and the most auntie-ish out of all of us lorxz. all of us were wearing shoes while she was wearing slippers and a super aunty bag. AUNTY JESMINEEE (: thn we walked towards the stadium. really a sea of red y'know (: and, haii, just so many memories ((: although the road that we used to stand on, it was previously tiled but now its paved. and we got the "lime green" sector, which was not too bad! i was worried we'd get the dark green one, cos then i'd see nth. abit light green is lime green and dark green is leaf green la. -.- can't leaves be bright green too? navy blue sounded a bit more normal, but sky blue..... oh wells. the parade was <3333333333333 its really different seeing it from a spectator's pov! and, wells, i think i irritated alot of people trying to get good pictures :p i dont think they turned out that well anyway. waiting till after all the tests for this week are over to upload pics. probably will do so either on the 7th or 8th. the hosts were, well, not the same people as last year. but equally (...) as last year's people. hot pink jumpsuit, yo. only after they mentioned it did i realise they were meant to be power ranger outfits. and adrian pang wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D he rocks (: and he sang well! (: and he also wore a very nice shade of blue ((: i love blue (: jonghyun's wearing blue in the SHINee album too <333 (although his shirt says 'drink water' but thats beside the point) anyways. the wheelchair-dance group was damn pro! so cool haha. and after the parade we went down to the promenade (is that what its called?). and we saw chen tianwen! only then did i realise he was in the performance hoho. haha the line dancers were pretty cool too. although there was once i took a shot, and they happened to turn. and instead of catching their colourful outfits, i caught a mass of white backs facing me. :/ and the singapore cheer is cute! S! I-N! G-A-P-O-R-E! haha coolios (: and thn nathan hartono was performing! ahhhhh his jazz-ish kind of voice <3 and he looked qt cute too, dancing with the kids. although i only took a picture of him from the screen. but good enough, good enough. the performance by the naval divers/wakeboarders/parachuters (?) was cool too. they formed the word 08 in the bay! so cool (: THEN THE RED LIONS YAYYYY. highlight for every parade. although the welcoming cheer for them (i dno how else to say it) was rather badly timed. anyhow, i was too obsessed with taking pics (: i've always loved the red lions (: the military band was... wells, i didnt get their point. haha. their drills were fancy. but what was up with the red chinese fans, i had no idea. ooooo but the sparking motorcycles were cool. Sorry if my post is making no sense, im reviewing my camera pics and blogging simultaneously :p Parade Sergeant Major, MWO Shamsuddin!!! (i think i spelled his name right.) damn zai :D haha anyway, MEMORIESSSSSS. sjab is the last to be mentioned again, but ohwells. they got to march up the ramp, though. wonder how that feels, hoho. esp how it feels to have the combined choir right behind you and waving streamers? ohwell, the aerial view of the parade is alw cool anyways. regardless of whether it spells NDP07 or NDP08 (: thn the GOH! omg first time i took pictures of the colours party okay! they are damn zai (: and some more they werent using the practice flags! so it looks damn zai and cool (: ooooh and this time during the musical interlude they have dancers! they rewrote Home in tamil... veedu, i think it was. and they had indian dancers~ and thn there was My Island Home in chinese... thn the combined school choir performed with those beijing opera-style masks. and there was a chinese opera thingyyy which was quite cool haha. and then they rewrote There's No Place I'd Rather Be in malay! and they had malay dancers too. and then there was jacintha abishegenaden (oh gosh i can nvr spell that right) and the SAF Music and Drama i-dont-rmb-what-else. their acapella was nicee!!! i love good acapellas <3 oooooh and whn the speaker of parliament came, i made sure i took a picture of the flag flying past and the colours party's salute! will never miss those, haha (: oh and of course the opening of umbrellas! even though no one was looking, i will definitely keep an eye out for it! and then the speaker of parliament inspected the contingents... they fired the cannons too, wonder if anyone twitched like last year... and they didnt have to wave!! only the 'adult contingents', as i like to call them, waved! oh wells... and the jets!!! <3 aiya, one pilot flew too fast though. qt obvious from the shot. oh well! and then they did the feu de joie (: rmb how it used to jolt us awake (: ooh and i made sure i took pictures of the three state colours too (: although they all look the same, but i miss gawking at the flags :/ the marchpast was cool haha. they did a kind of u-turn at the promenade where they were standing. so i got shots of the army marching past the airforce, navy marching past police etc. hurray for GOH contingents marching past each other (: AND THE BLACK KNIGHTS WERE AMAZINGGGG. although the other contingents disappeared from the floating platform whilst everyone's faces were turned to the sky. BUT THEY WERE ZOMG SO AMAZING! i srsly went crazy trying to follow them with the camera. caught their midair loops. and attempted to catch them as they crisscrossed in midair, but gahh too slow. but i did take two lovely shots of the heart in the air (: and one with the plane right in the middle of the heart (: attempted to take pictures of the fountains (: i have a weakness for fountains. i think the pics turned out quite fine. the firework things to start off the show segment were cool. i had no idea what they were, though. but the digital displays on the screen were pretty (: couldnt catch proper shots of the round green balloons :/ cursed be the darkening sky. and the rest of the show was very pretty (: and so were the fireworks! my camera batt just got exhausted haha. nvm, but hard to describe the show anyway. i took HORRIBLE pictures because of the lousy lighting. either i use flash and the whole thing goes dark, or i dont use flash and the camera lags. anyway. and there was a nice picture of the five of us at the end (: i felt guilty, though. couldnt get my camera flash to work and i think the uncle was rather irritated. anyway! after that we squeezed with the rest of the crowd, thn went to eat dinner. mild miso ramen indeed. damn salty can. and not say very cheap too :/ and that concludes my saturday! (((((((((((: as you can probably tell from the liberal use of smileys, i enjoyed it alot ((: but that's over for now. and i have to get back to bio, ss and amath. boo yall. |
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