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louisa 920507 adps sngs hci ♥ BEST!clare ♥ aikching ♥ boonyi ♥ brenda ♥ eehui ♥ emilytan ♥ haziq ♥ jazreel ♥ jesmine ♥ jodie ♥ lokyin ♥ melody ♥ myra ♥ qiqin ♥ samuel lee ♥ sophia ♥ tomoe ♥ vivian ♥ weifen ♥ xinru ♥ yinyee ♥ zhuwei 샤월 ♥ ai ♥ desiree ♥ lynn ♥ michelle ♥ samantha ♥ vernette ♥ weiqi [cow] ♥ yanchiew 09S77 ♥ caiyi ♥ caleb ♥ cherie ♥ cynthia ♥ elizabeth ♥ keejia ♥ qiaoyan ♥ valerie ♥ weiqi ♥ zichao ♥ 09S77 ♥ APOLLO! ♥ 4T'08 / 3T'07 ♥ 2G'06 ♥ 1C'05 ♥ yellows ♥ snsj November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 June 2010
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
haha if it doesnt work out then at most give it up lor.
hahahahahaha. what a wonderful backup plan. i shall brainwash myself into thinking that it's all going to be just fine. chinese Os in 2 days time and i am still maybe it's the school's extra lessons and its evil aura that's affecting me. i'm feeling murderous again. bad bad bad. maybe they're right. maybe i shouldnt be forcing myself to do something that i dont want to. at least, something that i'm not entirely sure i want to. oh no, i dont recall ever being this indecisive. old insecurities. keeping them could be equally helpful or else equally detrimental. you don't understand. you're making it worse, not better. shut the _____ up.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
blatant injustice.
i do not TOUCH people for the sake of doing so, and certainly not during random times when it is not necessary. hence, the moral of the story is... dont touch me, lest you get blamed for something simple and totally irrelevant. what an utter waste of brain cells. USE them, for goodness sake, it's what they're for, isnt it? on the one hand, it's true that sometimes you've got to think about more than yourself. sometimes you've got to think about the greater good. but on the other hand, how can you be sure you aren't indispensable to this greater good business? what if the other party is more interested in the greater good than in you? what if the other party couldnt care less about how you feel or what something means to you? louisa oh louisa. how could you do this to yourself. you big meanie.
Monday, October 22, 2007
i suppose sitting at home and rotting is better than going to school and rotting.
hurr. im still qt shocked tht ms poore actually listens to pcd. cos she gives a sort of i-listen-to-classical-music aura. so when "dontcha" suddenly played in the infinity lab, most people were like woahhh. and she said "buttons" is her favourite song. double woahhhhhh. i think i think too much. old news shouldnt be this disturbing. my mind spins into freefall once i start thinking about it :/ thus leaving me with a splitting headache afterwards. i suppose this is a form of self-torture? gahhhh. i am not making sense again :/ i shall go and find a cappella songs to listen to :D i think a cappella rocks okay. especially when it's done in a group. its not just singing without music, its actually using your voice to make background music. the coolest part of a cappella is the 'background music'. ooh and i like people who can do that beatbox thing too (: although it probably spoils the mic :/ ahhhhh off to find a cappella ((:
Friday, October 19, 2007
a certain someone did rather *ahem ahem* things to me today.
i am rather uncomfortable with someone doing that. its not exactly, ah, polite. i resolve to stay away from her as far as i can help it. vanessa insisted that my glare has a kind of 杀伤力. and hilary cant glare! -grins- it was qt funny. the school is maddd :/ 8 hours of school, and one hour break in total. lessons 7.30am to 3.30pm, half hour recess break, half hour lunch break. and on.. i think its tuesday. 6 hours of pure chinese. madness. truth is what everyone wants, but they only show lies on their faces. you can slowly guess where this sentence comes from (: 或许正是因为我没有所谓的杀伤力, 事情才会演变成这样。 可是……
Thursday, October 18, 2007
i dont know why, but i really love this sentence that i came up with today (:
she's a figment of my imagination, not my dual personality! speaks volumes, i guess. i really, REALLY want to pon school :/ no meaning anymore :/ okay, maybe there's meaning, just that i cant find it. arghh. and the stupid toilet survey keeps crashing! that's the THIRD time i've been forced to answer questions about TOILETS and it refuses to acknowledge that i actually completed its stupid survey. and it refuses to let me be a good girl and download the extra lessons schedule too. anyway, today i was relentlessly attacked by myra during the review of the ss paper. i swear i saw the people to my right laughing :/ not funnyyyyy! very painn la :/ let me list down to you what miss myra lai did. 1) poke me alot alot times and say "bullhorn!" 2) i dont know WHAT she was trying to do with the back of my neck :/ 3) grabbing my arm and shaking me very hard, saying something about her seq tht i didnt hear 4) digging her fingernails into my back 5) banging her head into my back (okay, its not really banging, strictly speaking, but her head is quite hard) 6) pulling my pinafore/blouse until i kind of choked on the button :/ and there you have it. thank goodness she went off after reviewing ss paper, otherwise i'd have died. seriously. life sucks :/ chinese compo and cca plan to do after dinner :/ i shall go and find something to entertain myself while doing it. and no, not dbsk. if i'm going to multitask, i'd rather have something i can understand. and their chinese singles are incomprehensible anyway. gahh. silence can sometimes be unbearable, yes. but you're worse.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
i shall not mention how reviewing of papers went. :/
mum bought jolin's new album for me!!! aint that nice of her (: okayy. you know 李伟菘's english name is paul right. i was flicking through the lyrics sheet and was curious as to who wrote 怕什么. so i saw 李伟菘's name. beside his chinese name, his english name was listed as PULL lee. i stoned there for a moment okay. honestly, pull lee. like, imagine, "hi, my name is pull". like yeah, my name's push. -.- honestly, this kind of printing mistake :/ okay, maybe this error isnt present in other versions of jolin's album. i dno where my mum got this one, but its title is changed to 爱情任务 instead of 特务J. she got it at like 9 bucks. its apparently from china. well, bully for pull anyway. i found this 40-year-old version of dong bang shin ki on youtube. eh not bad leh. 40+ years old still can do breakdancing and hip hop. unfortunately one member's daughter prefers 20-year-old dbsk. last time when the mc interviewed her, when he asked "is micky cooler or is your dad cooler?" she said "my dad". (so sweet right). this time the mc asked her the same question, except now 20-year-old dbsk is on stage too. then her answer was "micky is cooler". so they asked her "why did you say micky is cooler now when last time you said your dad was cooler?" she said "last time micky wasnt on stage." naturally, her dad was devastated. poor old man. she's 11 years old, by the way. and some flexible teenage girl wants to marry xiah junsu (: quite funny luh. they made hero jaejoong sing happy birthday to her in many different versions. hurr. anyway, i want to figure out the meaning of this odd dream i had, but it makes no sense. pfft. involving a train station, loads of people i know, and people that vanish around corners. :/ i'm going nowhere, somebody help me.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
im sorry, but i hate it when you ask me a question and expect me to give you a definite answer, but i may 害到 alot of people if you take that 'definite answer' and start spreading around. you know full well that there can be no definite answer and i am obviously NOT the person to ask because i am not the one who decides right. im not all-knowing, you know. and then after that when i tell you i dont know, you tell me something that's obviously what you wanted me to say. and if i'd said anything else other than your ideal answer, you'd just argue your point until i give you your ideal answer. thats sweet, isnt it. isnt it as good as not asking the question at all. or better yet, why dont you just directly ask for confirmation that your theory is correct? i dont like being taken for rides. pffft.
on a side note, dong bang shin ki is cute! esp jae joong (: he is cool.
Monday, October 15, 2007
isolation = dinner.
why? dinner = FOOD = no more dwelling on isolation :D anyway. trip to the zoo with myra zhuwei and beverly was on 11th. YIPPEE! firstly, the brochure that zhuwei got had incorrect instructions. from amk, the bus to go zoo was sposed to take 1 hr 15 mins, according to said brochure. the journey took 20 mins. so we arrived at the zoo at about 7.50 the zoo opens at ... 8.30 so we stoned and stoned and stoned outside. i met JOAN LEE there too! like woah! so cool man. anyway. zoo finally opened and we went to look at otters first. took a couple pics, including some of otters rolling ard. the monkeys at the treetop trail were all still slping. so we moved on to the orang utans. then we wanted to catch the polar bear feeding time, but it was at 10.05 whereas it was close to 9 when we finished with the orang utans. and taking photos with the japanese girls who wanted to take pics with us too. friendly people. met them at the elephants of asia exhibit too. but i'm jumping ahead of myself. went stoning around zoo some more. we saw baby white rhino (i think its name is jelani) and antelopes and zebras and giraffes (zhuwei's personal favourite) and lions and meerkats and we were early, so we went to the polar bears' place to stone and wait. i nearly exhausted all my camera battery trying to get shots of the polar bear. i think it was sheba, the smaller mummy bear. anyway. the polar bear feeding started. inuka is ENORMOUS. the water refraction thingy and the glass made his head seem cut off from his body. i got a shot of that :D then we saw white tigers, myra's favourite! they're seriously really pretty. but their feeding was at 2pm or so. so we left them after taking some shots of them. then we went to see pygmy hippos (: the signs are adorable. the real thing isnt as pretty though. although its supposed to be the underwater ballerina of west africa or something. we also went to the australian outback enclosure. there was a sign put up in memory of steve irwin. it was a raunchy sort of day for the animals. iguanas and snakes are being... well... not very discreet. then we fed the kangaroooooooooooooos. myra fed an emu, which pecks with much force. and we were warned to stay away from the "not-very-friendly" wallabies. they looked pretty friendly to the kangaroos though. and kangaroos can really jump super farrrr. like wowww. i forgot to mention we saw warthogs along the way. timon and pumbaaaaaaaa. oh, and i photographed the raunchy acts of the animals because i was the only one with a cam :/ then we went to see hamadryas baboons! it was damn cute okayy. its like there was this mother baboon with her baby, so i took a pic of them. then my attention shifted to the ibexes and other animals. then when i looked back at the baboons, i saw this male one walking towards us. so i snapped one of him. then suddenly a whole lot of baboons came running after the male too!!! so i took a pic of them too :D its like... baboon runs to front. many baboons run after first baboon. first baboon jumps into water. other baboons dont follow. weird baboon behaviour. then went to see elephants of asia. the elephants are really smart and cute. and they take commands in SINHALESE. -remembers ss- abit the four of us started giggling/laughing silently when they mentioned the elephants understanding sinhalese. then we went to see penguins (: i kept trying to take pictures of them but the cam batt was running low, so the pictures were kinda shaky and everything and i kept taking people who were standing in the background too. that is... me. and i tried, and failed, to take a picture of the manatee. not like they're very pretty too anyways. we went to see crocs after tht. great ugly creatures. again, water refraction plays enormous tricks on your eyes. after tht went to eat lunch at kfc! yaye. then tried to walk around the childrens world or sth like tht. but i felt ludicrously OLD upon hearing all the kids' music. so we went out of there and went to see proboscis monkeys before seeing fragile forest. there were two turtles trying to be discreet in the fragile forest. hem hem. -imitates umbridge- butterflies love myra too much. and lemurs are scaryy. i failed horribly in trying to take a picture of a mudskipper :/ worst of all, the mudskipper wasnt moving. aii. anyway, myra took a picture with a cottontop marmoset. i THINK that's what its called. anywayy. we were at the reptile part when it started to pour. truly rainforest-style. so we were stuck there staring at reptiles. which, thankfully, werent very horny, if you know wht i mean (: unlike their OTHER cousins aka the iguanas, snakes and turtles that got caught in the act. anyway. we sat down in front of the anacondas' enclosure to stone and play handphone games while waiting for rain to stop. tried making zhuwei perform 'singing in the rain', but it didnt work out. the zookeepers then very kindly relieved us of our boredom by feeding the anacondas! they fed them with dead chicks. when the anaconda got the chick, it immediately started coiling itself around the dead chick and constricting it. i presume its an instinct, seeing as the poor chick is already dead. but it didnt eat it straightaway you know. i think another anaconda came and fought with it. so they were twirling around each other and making a mess in the water, and all the while the poor chick was floating around vertically upright. we were really tempted to ask wht gender the anacondas were. but we decided not to when a third anaconda joined in the fray. so you can imagine three anacondas twisting around together and looking quite... ah... indecent? dno la. haii. maybe we saw too many animals being very (...) already. so naturally more predisposed to think that way. lalalalalalala. one anaconda ate 3 chicks. greedy pig. one chick floated around with a bloody neck before it was finally eaten. anyway, we left when the rain got a bit smaller. toured the souvenir shop a little, and nearly lost myra to the dressing room -.- then we had ben&jerry's ((: and then went back. sat in amk hub and talked and talked and talked. myra was fantasizing about some zac efron/spongebob theme park or something. beverly had to listen to all that. (poor thing). while me and zhuwei talked about __________. :D then went home, and myra was still thinking about spongebob. LALALALA. okaay. i am going to upload the pics on shutterfly now.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
where oh WHERE is the post-exam euphoria that i am supposed to be experiencing now.
pfffft. my msn is still cut off, so i am hopelessly isolated (as usual). and my hotmail is (...) the server is perpetually busy. friendster has been horribly neglected, except for a very long-lost pri sch bestie that recently found my blog (yay) and whom i have just added. i miss weifen and her wonderful art :/ i am SO ISOLATED. so i shall eat dinner. byebye.
Sunday, October 07, 2007
dying of overdose of geog le la.
rawrr. the notes very confusing lehh. like all over the place like tht. so much for all the short forms that're sposed to make things easier. i cant even understand the forest notes now la can. !^!#%!#$!#^!#$!!#%&#*%^#%$* my knuckles are seizing up pretty badly. ouch. jolin's 怕什么 basically accompanied me all through geog revision. i didnt think i'd have the time to go searching for songs i like, so i just kept pressing play again and again. now i can pretty much remember the lyrics now, thankyou. they're qt nice though (: 蔡依林——怕什么 能感觉你手很暖和 能感觉你是特别的 当我的手被你牵着 在街头在风中放纵 随你到世界最尽头 随你山上去放烟火 当你唱着生日快乐 我感动你让我受宠 我不再怕什么躲什么 我只想知道你在想什么 请贴近我的心贴近我的耳朵 听你轻轻的轻轻的轻轻的说 到底我是你的什么 我不再怕什么躲什么 我只想知道你爱不爱我 现在我安静的贴在你的胸口 等你说听你说说爱我 我认定你是爱我的 我认定你是认真的 你会爱我天长地久 全世界为我们祝贺 我不再怕什么 躲什么 我只想知道你在想什么 请贴近我的心贴近我的耳朵 听你轻轻的轻轻的轻轻的说 到底我是你的什么 我不再怕什么 躲什么(说爱我) 我只想知道你爱不爱我(怕什么) 现在我安静的贴在你的胸口 等你说听你说说爱我 i have given geog up as a bad job. byebye.
Saturday, October 06, 2007
two more papers!
geog and amath. terrible. bio was hardd! everybody was screaming and yelling about it. cant wait for exams to be over. then i can slack guiltlessly. yaye.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
dear, dear, such screw-ups.
-shudders- i am doing a lot of 瞎掰-ing for eoys this yr. feeling blindly into the great unknown, taking extremely risky gambles and then hoping against hope that a miracle will occur. well, its worked before ((: left bio, geog and amath. -shudders- terrible. yesterday, that thing was so excruciatingly embarrassing. i only ever saw si hao's face. i kind of shudder to think who else was there. i think i think too much. a whole range of bizarre possibilities just occurred to me. and i am telling you, if it happens again, i will confine myself to eternal recluse. i will be like that estha person in today's elit paper. a quiet bubble floating on a sea of noise. or something like that. oh, how appealing. its depressing to hear that other schools' ss eoys test only up to chap4. that means they dont have to tolerate deterrence and diplomacy. the sec4s got good morning baltimore for their morning jog music :/ i want too. although i dont know how to sing. but i like the song (: and maybe all i have to do is jog near myra and she'll sing it out (: compare the william tell overture of last year and good morning baltimore of this year. what about next year? :D ah well. time to drown myself in bio.
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
eng paper2 today.
qt cool uh, about the whales and everything. Again, no one is certain about what is actually going on in the animals' large, convoluted brains. But trying to understand mammals in an environment so different from ours is part of the attraction of this ocean frontier. Whales have a way of turning questions about nature into questions about the nature of knowledge and how our human brains interpret the world. In your own words, explain in what way the study of whales is a questioning about the nature of knowledge. o.O rawrr. how to answer laaaaaa. (or maybe i'm just staring at the wrong paragraph) oh, and here's another one. Whales ordinarily come into view only briefly, when they part the ocean's shimmer to breathe. Humpbacks, though more active at the surface than most, still spend about 90 percent of their lives below. What are they doing down there? They roam too widely through rough and remote seas for scientists to follow; it's no wonder the ways of whales, Earth's grandest life-forms, are still steeped in mystery. But out in the wonderfully clear, blue, warm waters of the 'Au'au Channel, investigators have been gathering new clues about a crucial part of the whales' lives: courtship and birth. What does 'ocean's shimmer' suggest about the conditions under which the investigators study the whales? :/ today was also the noisiest exam i can ever remember sitting for. or should i say - most disrupted. very irritating. we know question 11 is from paragraph 16. we know it's phrased wrongly. but we were told this FOUR times by two different teachers. maybe miscommunication or something la. but you cant say it wasnt irritating. i think we were very visibly annoyed la haha. oh and according to jazzie, ______ kept counting the words to her summary aloud. okay, admittedly i do that too, but i dont think i count it out such that my desk partners can hear right. at most hear me muttering and whispering only. anyway, mr hu (sp?) had to tell her to count softer. apparently she did tht for eng paper 1 too. :/ shhhhhh. exam etiquette, child. exam etiquette. sigh. time to revise chem. i will, somehow, manage to tell the difference between metallic, ionic and covalent bonding. haha jesmine qt suay though. the first thing she heard when she switched on the radio was some girl dedicating this party song thingy by jessica simpson to yankai and his gang. hehe. how suay can that get. this makes me wonder whether siyun called in to say 'mole sucks' again. apparently charlyne heard her over the radio or something, calling in to say 'mole sucks'. hehe. i bet the DJ must've been so confused. damn funny la. oh and siyun reportedly has something going on with JH! woahhh. ionic bonding is electrostatic forces of attraction between +ve and -ve ions. covalent bonding is electrostatic forces of attraction between +ve nuclei and -ve electrons shared. metallic bonding is electrostatic forces of attraction between +ve nuclei and -ve sea of delocalised electrons. covalent bond > ionic bond > intermolecular forces. gahhhhhh. 忽冷忽热可以是很有魅力的一种举动。 可惜,像你这种极端的方式,却造成反效果。 少来这一套。 |
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