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louisa 920507 adps sngs hci ♥ BEST!clare ♥ aikching ♥ boonyi ♥ brenda ♥ eehui ♥ emilytan ♥ haziq ♥ jazreel ♥ jesmine ♥ jodie ♥ lokyin ♥ melody ♥ myra ♥ qiqin ♥ samuel lee ♥ sophia ♥ tomoe ♥ vivian ♥ weifen ♥ xinru ♥ yinyee ♥ zhuwei 샤월 ♥ ai ♥ desiree ♥ lynn ♥ michelle ♥ samantha ♥ vernette ♥ weiqi [cow] ♥ yanchiew 09S77 ♥ caiyi ♥ caleb ♥ cherie ♥ cynthia ♥ elizabeth ♥ keejia ♥ qiaoyan ♥ valerie ♥ weiqi ♥ zichao ♥ 09S77 ♥ APOLLO! ♥ 4T'08 / 3T'07 ♥ 2G'06 ♥ 1C'05 ♥ yellows ♥ snsj November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 June 2010
Sunday, September 30, 2007
oh no.
emath. arghhhhh! i can i can i can i can i can i can i can i can i can i can i can i can i can i can i can i can i can i can i can i can i can now that i'm done fantasizing about how my math results are going to look like, i shall go and revise math.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
today's papers:
a) EL Paper 1 b) SS status of papers: a) screwed. b) double screwed. reason: a) 100% out of point. b) its ss la haha. need i say more? i'm only here because tmr's HCL Paper 1 and i dont intend to study gong han format or anything. and i am certainly not going to do emath, because i am going to spend the entire weekend in emath and i dont want to start my misery early. after the ss paper was done, your lovely truthians were screaming about the horrors that they experienced at the hands(?) of the disastrous exam. so much so that poor mr alex teoh was rather, ah, disturbed by the noise. and i mean NOISE, unlike anything you've ever heard. it mostly consisted of the below topic: 1001 WAYS TO SCREW UP YOUR SS PAPER. although i must say, i am rather pleased with myself because i managed to find time, while staring hopelessly at the decidedly un-interpretable sources, to give my knuckles a well-deserved cracking. they were seizing up from all the writing. congratulate me, i think i just set a new record for sbq! i completed the last one with five minutes to go. i spent ten seconds reading the first source, two minutes and 17.5 seconds writing the first half of the answer, ten seconds reading the second source and two minutes and 17.5 seconds writing the second half of the answer. that left five seconds after i dotted the last full-stop to the end of the paper. -bows- of course, i am planning to get ZILCH for that question. -bows again- i'm newly in love with this japanese song from this singer called misia. it's called everything. and its so wonderful ahhhhhh. although i dont understand the lyrics. but still.... <33333333333333333 this is the youtube link. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_8g8dR8q88 go watch! it rocks (: somebody needs to tell you, you're not that good-looking such that the whole world wants to stare at you.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
we saw wang lao shi's wedding pictures on friday! :D
she looked really, really pretty there. i'm just trying to imagine her with a part-time career as a model or something haha. and i think i'd really love it if she gave us a copy of the photos ((: when i saw the photos, i knew her husband reminded me of someone, but not until she mentioned it did i realise he actually looked like nono. haha. i have been checking humjipeng.wordpress qt frequently lately. lazy me dont wna open siann-diao ss tb. but its still relatively under-constructed. hmm. incidentally, its humjiNpeng, at the very least, for 咸煎饼. just my little habit of liking to correct spelling errors (: even though i do make them myself. speaking of correcting things... wengjun and her lovely little story ah. vampire wants to bite aorta. (...) he means neck. neck = carotid artery or sth. not aorta. and incidentally, said vampire was talking to a girl. i stoutly refuse to imagine how he would look like trying to bite the girl's aorta. possibly very disgusting, no? this reminds me of when we tried to confuse bella about her body parts in chinese. i forgot where we successfully transplanted her eyebrows, shoulders and ears. the worst possible experience with chinese that i can remember so far is: haziq telling jesmine she has menses (月经) nisa attempting to call yankai a 同志 haziq successfully admitting that he is a 猴子/同志 us trying to teach haziq what is 妒忌. oh, molly was going ard trying to memorise everyone's names (chinese ones) haha. bessy successfully got molly to rmb charlyne as 小燕子, i think. not abit ... (: charlyne and xiaoyanzi dont really go tgt. and she started to get confused between zijin and yiling, and for the littlest bit, me and myra. hurr. that was quite weird. i dont mug by nature, i guess. compared to some of my more, um, hardworking classmates/friends, my studying status is really )): i shall go and bury myself in ss. (what a sad prospect).
Thursday, September 20, 2007
hehe my studying life recently has sprouted alot of Ms.
music/meals/munching/massacre/mania/mayhem/maze (as in my brain becomes one, and the facts get lost in it)/mortified/muddled/mystified/maelstrom (my brain is like one of those after studying, say, ss or math)/mugging. massacre is there because my room has recently acquired a rather magnificent infestation of ants, and they keep crawling over my notes which is highly distracting, thus i have taken the see-and-kill approach. see one, kill one. bam. dead. quick and clean (: okay and i listen to music and i munch stuff when im mugging too. aii. i need to really get down to mugging ss. eeyer now there's this great ugly beetle on my bed and it wont go away. bio SPA todayy. for once, i finally managed to get a turgid potato strip at the end of it all! i applaud myself (: but i did do a rather lot of... well, i really dont think i should say (: if opposites attract and i attract oddities, then i must be the polar opposite of an oddity! although, the part about attracting oddities is rather unfortunate and occasionally, highly embarrassing. it is getting late, i am making no sense and the dirty great beetle is still on my bed. you stupid beetle, if you dont want to fly out of my room pronto, may you get electrocuted by the light or else incapacitated in some other way so that i dont have to worry about you flitting around my room at night. shoo, beetle, shoo.
Friday, September 14, 2007
my brain cells were pretty ok today, until after school.
chem extra lesson. i totally agree with that chemystery/chemisery/chemistry thing lor. gahh. constructing balanced equations :/ not abit got sodium chlorate and sodium chloride la, not bad only. i cannot remember what the exact questions were, though. but i will put them up if i get them back. so you can see what a miserable time i spent after school today. jazreel is amazing, though. she solved like dno how many questions la! hurr and to think i was planning to do some hardcore memorising revision work like ss/propaganda. chemistry prevented that. i <3 my water babies! :D:D:D:D:D they are so cute and squishy! i want to bring them to school, but since my table is always so messy, i think i'd better not. a couple of them fell down the sink though. sad. and i dont really like sine/cosine/tangent graphs ): esp tangent ): sine and cosine are still okay, until you have to superimpose one on the other. get off my back now. you, you, you, you and you. undesirable and irritating. wasting my time. go away.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
my mum saw my report book and promptly started attacking everything from my friends to my maturity to my future as a gone case.
she was actually deluded that i got 6 for L1R5 before. -.- ah well, she is being lame again. my com crashed and left me high and dry with no lit and no ec project. at such a crucial moment as last night too. nearly died la hurr. Helena Number Two :D haha you're welcome to guess who's helena number two (: anyway, i found this song on youtube and i think its kinda nice (: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4Kj8DBLrt4 i've got to move on and be who i am i just don't belong here i hope you understand
Sunday, September 09, 2007
BBQ was <333333.
out of 13 stnicks ppl tht went for ndp, only 3 ended up at the bbq, namely: me, boonyi and jesmine. anyway i arrived early at city hall and ended up stoning there until ard 4.10 for boonyi who was buying her prom dress at marina square. jesmine was still at sembawang at ard 3.50 or so, so we went off without her. so we ended up arriving so early at hq tht there were only a few ppl: yujun, sherrill, yingjie, yankai and a few other zone2 boys whose names i dont rmb. we stoned and stoned and stoned until 6-something, whn most of the ppl had come (: in the meantime, we signed the 'leftover' umbrellas to be given to the warrants ((: anyway, after tht, the VERY FEW zone1 ppl there set up a zone1 自闭 corner :D the 3 bgss ppl (yingjie, irnawaty, yankai) and the 3 stnicks ppl ((: we put six chairs in a circle and started 自闭-ing/emo-ing. irnawaty was the most emo because she had a headache. oh and anyway we asked them where nisa was. us: where's nisa? yankai: she's still in hospital. us (shocked): what happened to her? reply: her aunt was admitted to hospital. you would normally take "in hospital" to mean "hospitalised" rightttt. -.- anyway when the fire was started and they were cooking stuff, we asked jesmine to help us take corn (: and she came back with alot of corn. so she became CORNY (: oh and she got frozen corn though. it was lying in the pile of cooked corn but it turned out to be frozen. she refused to heed yujun's warning to CHECK the corn before taking it. so when she tried to take it back, it secreted some juice (butter) onto boonyi, making her slipper very oily. okay thn we started to play with water (: although the fun was quite short-lived, because... HQ IS NOT A PLAYGROUND. yup. anyway. jesmine stupidly went to wear snsj shirt, which is WHITE. so when she lost the game, obviously (...............................) yeah. -refuses to comment further- i deflected the cup, though, so i only got my face wet :D and that dried quite quickly :D unlike CLOTH, which dries rather slowly (: oh and we spent most of the rest of the evening gossiping about ______ and _______, who were VERY close and 暧昧. tsk tsk tsk. i took a picture of them, but i deleted it because it was contaminating my phone. LEECHES OF THE NIGHT :D i think their respective partners would have died of heartbreak if they'd seen what was going on. i think _________ secretly crushes isabella, because he said alot of nice nice things about her. very pleasant, yes. :D WALKATHON! haha okay we were qt early there i think. ivy had to become perm sec agn (: nobody cares about the real one, see. walkathon was quite dumb, i think everyone walks the same route every year. along the way we talked about bn and reminisced about ndp. surprisingly, SOMEBODY has a very amazing profession! imagine walking into his office one day. i think i'd see him, yell "OMG WHY IS IT YOU" and run out. hehe. we caught up with the bgss ppl at the traffic light just before hq. and yankai called jesmine corny again. jesmine thought it was nisa who called her corny. (although in my humble opinion, this would have been highly unlikely because nisa wasnt there when the nickname corny came about) anyway, jesmine called him HORNY. cos its the only thing she could think of that rhymes with corny. and i think everybody was rather in shock, you know. imagine a girl calling a guy horny. rather bone-chilling. anyway, if i didnt tell her she'd called the wrong person horny, she wouldnt have realised. smart, isnt she (: oh and amazingly, I CAN SIGN INTO HOTMAIL AGAIN! -celebrates- YAY. now no more running over to my mum's com and begging her to let me use it to check my email, while she breathes down my neck and stares at my emails :/ have to go out to dinner with my grandma again. why do i feel so siann. i should feel happy seeing her right. AHHH :/
Friday, September 07, 2007
this is SO, SO WEIRD.
it's been like something out of someone else's life, to quote my all-time favourite literary character, HARRY POTTER :D although he was saying it in a romantic context to ginny. but i mean it in a "my-life-is-crazy" kind of context. i want my old life back, sana course today and there were like a load of IDIOTS there. really. first one is that alan person. "为什么我会在这里~~~~~~~" the last word in a very off-tune, off-pitch kind of tone. earsore, earsore. then he keep acting gay and whatnot. eyesore, eyesore. then he keep teasing stnicks some more. rawrr. you will really feel like slapping him. second one is that colin person. he and jesmine got pulled up to the stage to do some weird drug roleplay thing. then jesmine was being her usual "i got some drugs here, you want?" and he took ever so long to dream up an amazingly witty response of: "Must I?" -rolls eyes- i hope you sensed the sarcasm. and then when aikching's group was doing the roleplay thing, he apparently got very pissed when they made him the 'drug addict'. and ended up causing the entire group to have to rework the entire skit again. lousaye pok. anyway, i was wondering if he was actually acting the first time round, because he looked ever so convincing as a drug addict! he was like stumbling listlessly around and muttering incoherently to himself, and i even thought he was acting out the part where drug addicts are sposed to have outbursts of temper. only to realise that he was pissed because he'd just forgotten his line -.- poor aikching. i can only begin to imagine what it must be like sitting behind this person. probably worse than s_______. and the third one, though maybe i shall be nice and give her the benefit of doubt, is jess. all i said was "sorry, excuse me, may i go to the toilet" and she thought i called her something bad. like, OOPS, i didnt know sorry/excuse me was a horribly bad word. i shall place it next to f*** in my list of taboo words. but i FINALLY satisfied my long-standing craving for kfc today! wheeee. im very happyyyyy now :D kind of. in a rather superficial way. i want to quit pretending, because it's really hard. but i cant break my promises, can i? i promised you, and promised myself, to keep on pretending. it's not tht i dont care about what'll happen to ________ if i come clean, you know. they already know. so this is becoming so pointless. pointless.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
AGI was quite cool haha.
i think the no1 uniform is the coolest ((: but it looks stiflingly hot. now, why couldnt we have one of those last year? ): anyway. it rained just before the thing, so the entire field was damn muddy :/ couldnt even sedia properly can :/ like, couldnt pull my shoe out. and anyway i counted around ten people that fell out, but clarissa says she saw close to twenty, i think. and she was like right behind me, hurr. got this irritating girl in the contingent in front of us though. she squatted down, then after a while the pd ppl didnt come and take her away, so she stood up again. then the pd ppl came over and talked to her, something along the lines of "did you squat down just now" and she shook her head you know! then the pd ppl walked away. a while later she squatted again, and the pd ppl took her away for good this time. (whew) and then there was this guy that they pulled out just in time before the marchpast haha. the two commanders kind of sucked. actually the cp kind of sucked too, but nevermind HEHE. saw shuting and yvonne on the way home. and it reminded me of this saturday ): sigh. ok so anyway, had chem tuition today. it was quite okay, i suppose. rather unorthodox, being done in the canteen and all. i nearly had my ear blasted deaf while doing some LR questions, thanks to a certain SOMEONE. pffffft. if she'd gone an octave higher, my phone would've exploded. oh and choryi was being rather piggy, you know. running off to eat ever so often. hahahahha. crackers, toast, milo... (: __________ joined xinyi and bella's chem tuition. apparently bella's reaction was like touching a dead rat. hmmm. i witnessed the slow decomposition of one outside adp before. gosh, that was ages ago. i think me, clare and sam were going home tgt, going to go up the overhead bridge. then sam saw it, i think. and then as we walked the same route home, day after day, the rat slowly began to rot. and when the tiniest bit of decomposing flesh was still hanging off the rat's skeleton, it vanished. probably cleared by some brave auntie/uncle. i miss the mississippi playground, dammit :/ but i think we're all too huge to play anymore. the playground cant hold so many of us la walau :/ i remember it started off as a small game, with me, weekit, persis and sam as the pioneers (i dont rmb if there're any more pioneers). thn slowly more and more ppl started playing, until the playground was so overcrowded with people everyday that we started hating it. then slowly, less and less people played, and the few of us played happily again (: that is, until the rumors that there were teachers patrolling the area to check that all the students were going home after school and not LOITERING at the playgrounds and stuff. the game slowly started to be abandoned. a revival kickstarted after psle. gosh, i miss those days ): i THINK i saw poh kang today. i remember he used to be mr yap's 门神 almost all the time. ah well. theres sth wrong with my hotmail la damn :/ cant sign in at all. dad thinks its some sort of virus. whatever :/ with all his anti-virus precautions that make signing in to blogger/friendster/msn such a hassle, you'd think such problems could be averted. ): speaking of msn, i killed tomoe on msn yesterday! avada kedavra (: oh and then i disapparated to the forbidden forest, found the resurrection stone and gave it to her to resurrect herself. but then i found that she didnt need it because tomoe-bellatrix got a reprieve. in any case, i disapparated to do something else, and i apparated back a tad too late because she had to go offline then. okay, ignore the above if you dont understand a single word of it. if you dont understand a single word of it, then you should really start reading harry potter, because it's only in that universe that you get to do crazy stuff like this. nt really looking forward to tmr. supposed SANA course on 7th? i dno. hurr. bfa re-exam is kind of irritating. when you think of people out there who already passed their afa and are younger than you :/ and when you think of this group of people, you tend to think about those who have more arrows but are same age as you. -coughs pointedly- can anyone tell me a cure for demented hamsters? my hamster's going mad again. :/
Sunday, September 02, 2007
i deduce that i am quite smart, because i realised that jesmine wasnt talking to me when i asked her some questions ((:
me jesmine (the supposed one) jesmine says: jesmine says: louisa ((: and it's hard at the end of the day. says: jesmine says: louisa ((: and it's hard at the end of the day. says: jesmine says: louisa ((: and it's hard at the end of the day. says: jesmine says: jesmine says: louisa ((: and it's hard at the end of the day. says: louisa ((: and it's hard at the end of the day. says: jesmine says: louisa ((: and it's hard at the end of the day. says: jesmine says: jesmine says: louisa ((: and it's hard at the end of the day. says: louisa ((: and it's hard at the end of the day. says: jesmine says: louisa ((: and it's hard at the end of the day. says: louisa ((: and it's hard at the end of the day. says: louisa ((: and it's hard at the end of the day. says: louisa ((: and it's hard at the end of the day. says: jesmine says: jesmine says: -portion of sardonic humour deleted, with all due respect to the subject of conversation- jesmine says: -portion of sardonic humour deleted, with all due respect to the subject of conversation- louisa ((: and it's hard at the end of the day. says: louisa ((: and it's hard at the end of the day. says: louisa ((: and it's hard at the end of the day. says: louisa ((: and it's hard at the end of the day. says: jesmine says: jesmine says: louisa ((: and it's hard at the end of the day. says: jesmine says: louisa ((: and it's hard at the end of the day. says: jesmine says: jesmine says: louisa ((: and it's hard at the end of the day. says: louisa ((: and it's hard at the end of the day. says: jesmine says: jesmine says: louisa ((: and it's hard at the end of the day. says: louisa ((: and it's hard at the end of the day. says: louisa ((: and it's hard at the end of the day. says: jesmine says: jesmine says: louisa ((: and it's hard at the end of the day. says: louisa ((: and it's hard at the end of the day. says: louisa ((: and it's hard at the end of the day. says: jesmine says: jesmine says: jesmine says: jesmine says: louisa ((: and it's hard at the end of the day. says: louisa ((: and it's hard at the end of the day. says: louisa ((: and it's hard at the end of the day. says: louisa ((: and it's hard at the end of the day. says: jesmine says: -portion of sardonic humour deleted, with all due respect to the subject of conversation- jesmine says: louisa ((: and it's hard at the end of the day. says: louisa ((: and it's hard at the end of the day. says: louisa ((: and it's hard at the end of the day. says: louisa ((: and it's hard at the end of the day. says: louisa ((: and it's hard at the end of the day. says: jesmine says: louisa ((: and it's hard at the end of the day. says: louisa ((: and it's hard at the end of the day. says: jesmine says: jesmine says: jesmine says: louisa ((: and it's hard at the end of the day. says: louisa ((: and it's hard at the end of the day. says: SECRET HOTS FOR AWONG says: SECRET HOTS FOR AWONG says: louisa ((: and it's hard at the end of the day. says: louisa ((: and it's hard at the end of the day. says: louisa ((: and it's hard at the end of the day. says: louisa ((: and it's hard at the end of the day. says: SECRET HOTS FOR AWONG says: louisa ((: and it's hard at the end of the day. says: SECRET HOTS FOR AWONG says: louisa ((: and it's hard at the end of the day. says: louisa ((: and it's hard at the end of the day. says:
this wouldnt be the first time someone impersonates jesmine online. thankyou, and goodbye.
Saturday, September 01, 2007
due to a massive power failure at school
there is no school today! no ACES no army open house no teachers day celebration. apparently, one of the two generators broke down and it is in a very precarious situation/the technicians couldnt be contacted, i dont know which. precarious situation = may explode soon? i dno hurr. i spent all the way up to midnight thinking it might be a prank. first i was talking to some people on msn, when they told me. i dont remember who they are though. i thought they were joking. then i asked boonyi and hilary asked natalie, and they both said its true. then andrea told me, then tess, then a whole bunch of other people. and in the end i was forced to believe it wasnt a prank. haha. it was so illogical! haha. cos honestly, how many of us have heard schools closing temporarily because of power failure? furthermore on the eve of teachers day itself. coincidence, much. okay, so there i was being very happy that the trip to army open house is cancelled, thinking i could go back to adp at last. unfortunately i tried to contact many people to ask them when they're going back and whether we need to wear school uniform to go there, but they refused to reply me. and just as well i didnt. poor johnathan kim kena chased out of the school because he didnt have a PRIOR APPOINTMENT with the teachers. what rubbish. alumnae getting chased out of their alma mater. CHASED OUT BY A SECURITY GUARD LEH. someone please explain to me the rationale behind this, if it even exists. oh, im terribly sorry, i didnt know the teachers were sooooooooooooo busy even on teachers day. such that if i dont have a prior appointment with them, i'll be chased out by the security guard. maybe they expect us to go there with some sort of explosive and blow up the school. or maybe they think we're a secret army/gang of punks trying to sabotage the school. oh well. im still thinking about yesterday! haha in the mep room (: i was sharing chair with hilary and busy trying to butt her off. and i nearly succeeded! :D but anyway. after hilary very nearly got pushed off the chair by me, _________ asked her if she wanted to share chair with her! hilary was mortified, yes. haha. anyway. claudice on the flute, wengjun on the violin, jiamei on the piano and yiying and myra singing something to the tune of my heart will go on ((: oh and not forgetting the string quartet consisting of wengjun, claudice, maryanne and some other person that i dont know. but the highlight had to be wengjun's playing secret on the piano! we made her encore twice, i think. she - is - a - piano - prodigy. you look at her fingers when playing the piano and you'll just go :O impressive. so anyway, now im rotting at home and listening to 你是我心内的一首歌, 花田错 and my personal favourite so far, 必杀技! 必杀技 is super nice la ((: although i saw the english version's mv with zac efron in it. the dance moves make him look rather gay. but the chinese version is <333 i like it very much, as you may probably have figured out by now haha. oh oh and i found secret on youtube at last!! yayness (: its a nice piece of music ((: although in the shortened film version that i watched on youtube, its only the girl who's playing the music, and i wanted to see jay chou play it. i finally saw him playing it, but i couldnt hear what it sounded like, because it was kind of ruined as the school was being demolished around him. haha. |
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