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louisa 920507 adps sngs hci ♥ BEST!clare ♥ aikching ♥ boonyi ♥ brenda ♥ eehui ♥ emilytan ♥ haziq ♥ jazreel ♥ jesmine ♥ jodie ♥ lokyin ♥ melody ♥ myra ♥ qiqin ♥ samuel lee ♥ sophia ♥ tomoe ♥ vivian ♥ weifen ♥ xinru ♥ yinyee ♥ zhuwei 샤월 ♥ ai ♥ desiree ♥ lynn ♥ michelle ♥ samantha ♥ vernette ♥ weiqi [cow] ♥ yanchiew 09S77 ♥ caiyi ♥ caleb ♥ cherie ♥ cynthia ♥ elizabeth ♥ keejia ♥ qiaoyan ♥ valerie ♥ weiqi ♥ zichao ♥ 09S77 ♥ APOLLO! ♥ 4T'08 / 3T'07 ♥ 2G'06 ♥ 1C'05 ♥ yellows ♥ snsj November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 June 2010
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
today was a day packed with silliness (:
it started in the morning, at the leadership handover ceremony. forgot whether it was mrs goh or another person who announced that we'd get our ppr back tomorrow, but anyway, someone did. and xinru said: "Oh my gosh, we're getting our PPR back tomorrow!" and faked a hyperventilation/heart attack/seizure right there and then. a few minutes later, hilary asked, "What? What?" slow right. haha. anyway, xinru said "we're getting our ppr back tomorrow la!" or something like that. and hilary started laughing maniacally. i dont know why, you know. she just started laughing. as if getting your ppr back is very funny like that, haha. weirdd. and then we had chinese (it was rather siann diao today) and then pe, where we went through the ACES workout again. :/ we amused ourselves by hanta-ing at the end part ((: and yanlin is still fervently trying to learn sj's NICE, LOUD and SMART bangs, because hers is rather silent, you see (: anyway. i could've played badminton, but i had to go make up my morning jog. five rounds around the hall. i ran about one full round, and the remaining four rounds were practically half rounds la. just cut across the pairs already playing badminton, y'know. nearly got knocked out by bella and her badminton racket though. scary. and apparently, wells, i only had about two minutes to play badminton ): because the teacher was reiterating over and over again that it is not her fault that nat chen's morning jog was marked wrongly. you see, it said nat chen didnt do her morning jog because she was at syf. point is, nat chen's in track. go syf for wht. so apparently, haha, lijia was the one who didnt do morning jog because of syf. -shrugs- oh, and after that we went back for bio. molly was being she was scolding us for doing the SPA table incorrectly, when its not exactly us who did the table, we only filled it in. and then she said, "girls, i understand that your math teacher didnt tell everyone to BITE their curve ruler". i have no intention of sinking my teeth into a flexible piece of plastic. hmm, and then it was math and chem. math was mind-boggling, as usual. chem was occupied by chem test. mr teoh is a muchly inspiring speaker ((: whats done is done lor, haha. "thats it, done, liao, merry christmas" is his favourite line. especially merry christmas. even the acids/bases notes page he put up on his website has the heading 'merry christmas'. but, well, apart from that, he is still a very inspiring speaker (: ppr tomorrow, not looking forward to it at all. and then after that's friday, which is army open house day. (though i'd honestly much rather go back to adp) then the sept holidays, which arent really holidayish, and then term 4, and EOYs in a flash :/ ohh and let me tell you all about the silly saga of my wallet! some time ago, i lost my wallet. it contained my ez-link card, my house keys, and quite some money. apparently, someone found it and left it at the central police station. after some checking, the police station found out that i am from stnicks. so they sent this delivery boy to go down to stnicks and deliver the wallet to the office. but when the delivery boy got there, he found he had lost my wallet. so, instead of helping me to find my wallet, he helped me to lose it. anyway, before that, the office had been notified that this person was going to go down to the office and deliver a wallet, so they tried to call my dad. however, my dad missed the call, but when he returned it, the office said nobody called him. then another stnicks number called my dad, but when he picked it up, the line got cut off, and when he called the number back, it said nobody called him. so he called my mum and they both tried to call my form teacher, but his line was busy. after a big hoo-ha, the office managed to contact my parents and gave them the full story, of the boy and the lost wallet and everything. apparently, initially they tried to look for louisana lee xiu xian. -.- so when my dad finally managed to speak to the people at the central police station, they said that the supervisor wanted to meet my parents and apologise to them for losing my wallet. which is uber lame because that would mean making my parents go all the way down to the police station, meet the supervisor (who's probably supposed to be busy), and listen to him say 'sorry', but not even get my wallet back. wow. so anyway, my mum tried to call me at school cos she thought something happened to me, but she happened to be calling during the chem test, so she got even more worried because i didnt pick up the phone. after the whole fiasco, the police checked and found my wallet again. this time, they're keeping it there, so my dad's going to go down to the police station tomorrow morning and collect my wallet (at last). they'd better make sure its kept under lock and key. if it gets lost at the police station again... :/ :/ :/ but then again, if its kept under lock and key, they'd better make sure they don't lose the key. hurr. it's all been so silly. haha. so all in all, i'm getting my house keys back tomorrow! yayness (:
Sunday, August 26, 2007
不过我倒很想听一听,你们编出来的借口能有多巧妙。 我知道你们事到如今都不觉得有什么不妥。 你们应该很快就会知道了。 别急,别急,先别太着急。 还有漫长的路要走。 要跟我玩,是吗? 我绝对奉陪到底。 想,若结局一样,又何苦再想?
Thursday, August 23, 2007
i thought i knew what i signed up, voluntarily or not, for.
in the end, heck what anyone signed up for. its not exactly mixed up or confusing, you know. its actually pretty straightforward. it's like... oh, what's the phrase? orderly chaos. to use some form of analogy, its like this huge ball of string thats all tangled up and messy. but actually, in order to sort out the mess, all you have to do is untie just one single knot. once upon a happier time, i would've trusted you unconditionally. now, i alternate between thinking and stoning sessions, both of which were supposed to help me figure out what to do, and i still cant think whether to trust you. 一下子把我贬得一文不值, 一下子把我捧得高高在上, 你到底想怎样?
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
is it the world that's going weird, or is it simply a matter of perspective?
haha. firstly right, no matter how i try and look at it, it's just weird. i dont believe in light bulbs. i believe in torchlights. and if you dont understand this, then forget it (: secondly, the hierarchy of the world must be changing. or maybe it's just a thing of the past. doesnt seem to count for much anymore. and i suppose, well, that's a little saddening. of course, i could be unwittingly committing the same mistake. hurr. i want to pon school ): but actually right, i dont know what i'll be doing if i pon school too. sleeping, probably. i cant bring myself to mug for the exams ): the page on the student diary for 21 August is full of ethanoate salts -.- the first exam is on 27 August. English Paper 1 Social Studies. siann diao ): maybe i should buy one of those exercise wrist guards or something. TWO papers that require you to write frantically, bordering on hysterically, in a day. and wow wow, the day after that, HCL Paper 1. my wrist will break within the first two exams, and then my brain will rot in the next exam for emath, such that by the time i get to english paper2 and chemistry, i'm half dead. the tenth of october is a very important day indeed. i shall look forward to that. it is... 36 days to the start of exams, and 49 days to the end of exams. you became the light on the dark side of me.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
wheeeee fireworks ystd!!!
everyone says the fireworks from spain were nicer, but i dont care, its the feeling that counts (: okay, so i turned up slightly late to realise that actually there are other people who havent arrived. for example: boonyi and isabella. and, well, surprisingly alot ppl wore pink. for example: boonyi, sophia (pinky police), amanda plus alot other ppl tht i dont rmb. haziq and sophia both sprayed their hair, but it looks purple on haziq and pink on sophia. mm. i turned up five minutes' late and boonyi turned up around five minutes after me, and bella turned up abit later. in the meantime i went to bring yingjie down from, er, around starbucks there. haha. yingjie is still stuck in the national day mode. she wore red and white. patriotic ((: bella ended up in raffles city (but she didnt even know she was in raffles city itself) and in front of LEVI's. and i was just wondering how to go and fetch her when she finally realised where she was and came over by herself. after she came over, she entertained us all with her storybook, gushing about how she and xinyi are in love with benedict-the-main-character and also trying to turn away from the wind (i think), only to realise that the wind is kind of everywhere. initially i didnt know what we were standing around for, until yankai came over at around seven with his girlfriend and his girlfriend's friend. r-i-g-h-t. dua pai LEHH. anywayy. we went for dinner after that. we went to the food court initially, but alot of people ended up eating stuff elsewhere. like marina square, for haziq and shabana and hidayah i think, and mos burger, for me bella boonyi and yingjie. anyway. it doesnt matter where we went. because we all ended up at the stadium in the end. freaking crowded along the way though. i had to cling on to bella's bag just to avoid being separated. cos we were alr qt separated, as in me, bella and boonyi from the rest. so if i got separated from them then i'd be quite alone. and everyone knows its quite scary to get separated from everyone else in a crowd like this. mmm and then we saw the officers! haha. bambang sir wasnt there though. but, wells, there're some romantic sparks flying, somehow ((: shant go into detail. the music was quite corny. all like remixed chinese songs. after everything, boonyi succeeded in identifying one as 茉莉花 (: this song always has special meaning to me. because i once accidentally heard it as molly-花. and if you know molly, you know she's no 花. ((: anyway. the jnrs were cam-whoring beside us (: and yujun was behind us, frantically trying to avoid getting poked. she looked rather deranged. me and sherrill exchanged numbers (: so anyway, whiled away the 30 mins to the start of the performance by taking pics and stoning and watching red cross and girl guides battle it out with cheers. they are rather high. yupps (: okay so in the meantime the emcees were trying to warm up the crowd. one of the ways of doing so was to get two people to the promenade to test their knowledge of singapore's mrt stations. the little boys are so cute haha. one of them would burst out dancing whenever he felt like it. apparently they both live along the green line, because they dont really mention any mrt stations on the red line. and apparently they have no knowledge whatsoever about the purple line. but, wells, they are so cute! clarke quay = clock key marina = manarina bedok = berlok damn cute laaaaa. okay, then, FINALLY, the performance started! started off with a rather weird light thing? the music is rather corny but still, it brings up the suspense haha. then there were about six of these lighted remote-controlled kites that made their debut at ndp. i tried to take a photo, but my phone cam was too slow, so i got a picture of the middle of the hitachi building, i think. so i gave up taking photo and just watched the kites grouping together, spiralling away and then swooping just inches above our heads. they're really really pretty! ((: the fireworks were niceeeee. no words to describe haha. the only chemical i remember from the chemistry of fireworks is BARIUM. it makes green fireworks. anyway i decided to take videos! but i had no time to change the setting so i ended up taking about 15 videos that were around 16 seconds long each. nevermind, though. the videos are just like fireworks. they are pretty, but they dont last long. there are these silver sparkler-like fireworks that shoot up into the air, then explode into a lot of small silver lights. then there are these pink, blue and green fireworks that shoot into the air, then burst into numerous pink blue and green fireworks. and there were these golden snake-like fireworks too. but there was a lot of smoke ): anyway, after the performance, me and boonyi went down to take videos of the fire dancers while bella went to get food. and we got pictures with the balloon people too! haha they are laden with balloons. and then we played CATCHING! haha before that we (as in me, boonyi, bella, sophia, haziq, benjamin, seha, shuting) wanted to take a picture together, but there was no one to help us take, until we asked yankai to help us take. abit haha, he was going to take pic with his girlfriend and his girlfriend's friend and yingjie i think, but we just pulled him out to help us take. and abit he took a pic with his own phone first before helping whoever-it-was-that-gave-him-the-phone to take? and we didnt know you know. haha. at first when i saw him pocket the black phone, i thought he was just putting it there for safekeeping or something. apparently, so did boonyi and some other people. until after taking the pic, he walked off with the black phone still in his pocket. IDIOT :/ anyway. like i said, we played catching. and boonyi started off as the catcher! haha. i think she caught sophia. then i think they caught benjamin. and because haziq's white-and-orange combo is very easy to spot, so the three of them were chasing after him. bella was off buying food. me, seha and shuting managed to avoid getting caught. cos me and shuting are wearing black, so we blend in with the night (: and seha, i think she blends in with the blue. (: anyway in the end we got back together and started acting stupid. actually, not all of us. mainly sophia, haziq, seha, shuting and benjamin. there was this girl dressed in white, seated quite far up, and she'd been crying for the past five minutes. they were initially debating on whether to go and comfort her, but shuting was saying that the girl would slap them, especially haziq and benjamin. in the end, they went up to sit behind her. and haziq, eventually, said 'are you ok? take care' or something like that. its quite dumb. we went down to the promenade there and tried to act like the GOH. but it was quite a failed attempt. cos we were all laughing madly. shuting was roflmao. in all literal sense of the acronym. literally rolling on the floor, laughing her ass off. sophia tried numerous times to diam this crazy GOH but failed, obviously, cos no one was listening to her. in the end, the most we managed was two steps. before we fell over laughing. and haziq seemed to be trying to, er, 'chat up' the balloon girls. haha. in essence, we were just being extremely zi-high and acting stupid. the journey home was much less high. i was admiring my fireworks videos, until i met jesmine at yck mrt. how surprising! and i just realised. seven days to AGI rehearsal, twelve days to army open house, fourteen days to actual AGI, twenty days to the last bbq at HQ. ): i am feeling very low now ): i hope you understand. i'm sorry.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
i cant stand myself, ARGH.
i must be stuck in some sort of living nightmare. maybe one day i'll go mad and do what my hamster's doing now. (by the way, i swear it's scary, what it's doing.) it climbs all the way to the top of its cage and hangs there for about five minutes, swinging madly and chewing the bars at the top. then it suddenly lets go and crashes down to the floor of the cage. then it runs back up and repeats the cycle. remind me not to open the cage door at the side again. it bounced out the last time i did it. let go of the bars, crashed down to the floor and bounced right out of the cage onto the bed. honest to heart, i fear for its sanity. everything... is so siann diao. not in the academic sianness sense. i mean, well, lessons cant be all that siann if you're going to be dissecting some pig's kidney for bio or something right. but honestly... i dont know WHY i've been falling asleep so much lately. i NEARLY fell asleep in geog today. and i just fell right asleep in elit today. i didnt even mean to, i wasnt exactly tired in the first place. i just collapsed and, well, i think she was scolding me, but i was too groggy to listen. but... she'd been talking about the same question for very long, and then i fell asleep somewhere halfway through. when she called my name and woke me up, she was still on the same question! i mean... :/ :/ :/ my attention span is dwindling. DAMMIT. when i was walking home from sch today, jazreel's friend walked past me haha. and she just turned around halfway and yelled, "WHY ARE YOU SO BROWN AH" say until very nan ting lehhh. say im tanned still can la. brown is like... for a moment i thought i got milo dinosaur on my pinafore or something. the getai is damn LOUD this year. past few years, i could only hear them faintly. now they've been yelling since 9pm. and its so loud, it sounds like its coming from my neighbour's house. :/ they are yelling something incomprehensible now. noisyy. some things... are just too hard to say. i dont like this :/
Sunday, August 12, 2007
okay whew, thankfully i survived the skirt ordeal.
it really amuses me how many people assume i am in npcc. why ah. hmm. is it the most famous uniformed group or something? or do i have i-am-in-npcc written on my face? i wonder. maybe it's the same reason many of my pri sch friends thought i was korean -.- alright, this dirty great wind blew up and knocked both the singapore flags in my room off the top of the cupboard. anyway. someone asked me today: "oh you're in ndp issit? are you in the NDP07 formation?" and i nearly fainted. according to jesmine, and i agree with her, those people are still serving NS or are like the jnr reecruits tht just signed on. i'm fifteen and a girl. hurr. okay, i saw a photo on friendster and am hopping mad now. i dont care what reason. im just furious. maybe its a case of hopeless inferiority complex. i should just go and stick my head in the earth like an ostrich. how can _____________ suddenly fly all the way up there? blatant injustice! -yells and screams madly- crap la. damn you man ): i bet you're sneezing your eyes out now, haha. im dreading school. its terrible. this is going to be rather funny. i shall sit back, relax and enjoy the show. and maybe i should adopt that attitude for everything else. couldnt be bothered anymore. hurr.
i just had to come and announce ((:
I BROKE MY PINBALL RECORD! six million five hundred and twenty-one thousand :D on the down side... I. DONT. WANT. TO. WEAR. A. PINK. SKIRT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my mum is making me wear one for her, uh, colleague's restaurant's opening ceremony. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. argh. let me go and wallow in my own misery now. fyi. i hate pink, especially when they're on clothes. i never wear a skirt if i can help it. i assure you i wore one for poc most reluctantly.
Friday, August 10, 2007
i have been resisting the urge to pack my full-u for almost the entire night.
:/ it's been more than 24 hours, yet it still hasn't sunk in. i have newly discovered just how hua1 chi1 ppl can get. like whoa. haha but seriously, the stories are rather amusing. i mean really, no offence meant. but he was once somebody's eye candy because he was said to look like edison chen. (fyi, i still dont see similarities :p) and he was 'dumped' as eye candy because he was revealed to have a 'voice like a crow'. i've never thought of it that way before, haha. i resent it when i'm talking to someone, and i'm asking a question, and the person just completely ignores me and starts asking her own question. i mean if she answered my question, or even brushed it off with a simple i-dont-know, i wouldnt be so irritated la. and then she insists that i answer her question. -.- rather muchly irritating. i do wish you wouldnt ask such excruciating questions anymore. number one: you know i know you know the answer. i bet you're just asking for the sake of doing so, and perhaps partially to show off. number two: we both know you're doing this without sincerity. i am not about to feed your already-inflated ego just because of this particular relationship or something. you do put me in a bit of a sticky spot, you know. or do you secretly enjoy doing this, knowing full well how i feel? i guess i'll never know. i wonder how, i wonder why, i wonder where they are. the days we had, the songs we sang together. i miss you.
alright, the sleepover on 8th was quite fun haha.
i really, really cant play mahjong :/ oh yeah and we really owe boonyi ren2 qing2. we shall make it up to her someday (: writing the letters and all that, it was rather funny haha. as usual, jesmine's spastic actions brighten things up. ohh and the cups (: heeeeee. haha lets fast-forward to today. more fun (: at first it was kind of deadly boring. until we tried to make up the actions for some songs. like 'top of the world' and 'will you'. plain spastic. the truncated run was hot. and i still rather resent not being the dead centre of the conitngent anymore. very saddening you know. and to think i was still so happy with my old place. ah well, everything turned out fine in the end. oh, when we were returning from the truncated run, this little girl just insulted johar and moses loudly and openly (: she pointed at the two of them and said loudly: "SMALL BOY IS LIKE THIS ONE" or something like that. so (...) la. but wells, serves them right nyeh nyeh. they are so irritating sometimes :/ they gave us new gloves which are GIGANTIC! they're hilary-sized gloves. and that's saying something. hilary's little finger is the size of my index finger. scary, much? mm then all the photo-taking and whatnot (: boonyi is almost as fun to poke as nisa! teehee. maybe even more fun ((: OH MAN THIS POST IS SO DISORGANISED heck la. ahh. there are alot of details i just wna gloss over. maybe i'll return and blog in more detail later. i say later because it's past midnight alr, haha. okay, so before making up all the song actions and photo-taking it was the LAST DINNER. courtesy of singapore food industries. the one that consistently served uncooked chicken last time :/ okay, i shall fast-forward to when we were going downstairs to finally start on the road to the floating platform! i forgot that we'd be going down the same tunnel agn to get to the bus to go back to the hq. so i told bella this is the last time we'd be walking down the tunnel. and she said "bye this sweet lovely staircase" or something like that. and promptly started blowing kisses at the cracked walls. so lame la. there was a lot of hand-shaking and hugging and good-luck wishes before the march to the stadium started. NCC was being lame and stupid, as usual. immature gits. the march there was quite okay i suppose, haha (: i still love the drummers! they're so cool HAHA. and for some reason that i still dont know, sj is very popular amongst other contingents. like, well, after the whole entire thing we took a picture with the AIR FORCE GOH! like whoa. and civil defence was all "stjohns! woo woo woo woo" or something like that. dno wht kind of weird noise they are making luh. okay, so everyone was being very high before we marched in. despite all the, ah, screamings from the emcees. coupled with the echoes and stuff, its really headache-inducing. and apparently the only line everyone knows how to sing from 'stand up for singapore' is, well, stand up for singapore. everyone made up for it by singing extremely loudly haha. so when it was finally time, everyone was really nervous and all. heard alot of oh-my-goshes and oh-noooooooos all around. esp from shuting la haha. and i almost wanted to cry when everyone just stood by the side and started cheering for us when we went out. but wells, i am mentally strong :D and it wouldnt do to appear teary, just in case the camera pans across this way or something. the march-in was cool. as always (: we rock la haha. at the hanta part it was slightly messy, but amazingly everybody managed to keep up the timing. even __________, who according to jesmine usually cant make it. how amazing ((: i just got by thanks to peiming (: i just follow her timing all the way :D its exhilarating, staring at the sea of red. yeah. and, okay, the GOH rocks as usual (: i still love the GOH march-in music. i want the whole parade&ceremony soundtrack!!!!! :/ lala, no more weird guy holding the sign and fake-waving to the crowd anymore. this time its the real deal. all the real MPs and stuff. and i could see MM Lee! (alright, admittedly he was rather easy to spot) he's really getting on in years. can see he's the one who walks the slowest, and you can tell he'd much rather remain in his seat than standing up. and he covers his ears at the slightest hint of a loud noise too. ohoh and waving to the president was funny haha. i couldnt decide whether to smile or not. so i just decided on a half-smile, however you want to say it. haha. i was trying to count the firing of the cannons, to see whether its really 21 or not. but i lost count when my umbrella nearly slipped out of my hand. oh and i want to complain about the NCC contingent! they were being so irritating! they just kept talking and imitating the parade commander's commands?!?! like its the ACTUAL ndp and they still do this kind of crazy thing? -.- and as if that's not enough, they purposely sang the national anthem so loudly and out of tune. disgusting idiots, immature gits. HURR. the rest of the parade was quite okay though. i really really didnt dare to fidget, just in case. i mean, well, you never know. haha and when we turned to run out, we saw the last of the pyrotechnics falling from sheares bridge! wonderful sight, haha. the PAP contingent, as usual, was dreaming. took them about 3 seconds to realise that we're supposed to be running. and AFTER the parade... marched back to suntec. johar was going on incessantly about his stupid audition game -.- and then apparently it was air force who decided to take a pic with us. of course, it was haziq's dream come true. he was almost crying. wouldnt do to look teary in your dream photo, would it? haha. he ended up sitting on the floor in the front, along with me, jesmine and bella. dont ask me how i ended up there too. its supposed to be for shorter people. i stoutly insist that i am of average height! :D and on the bus back it was rather stupid. yankai and nisa were arguing about where to look for the fireworks. nisa was sitting on the left of the bus while yankai was sitting nearer to the right. in the end... it was at the right. so while everyone was running over to the right side of the bus to get a last look at the fireworks, we were telling nisa to keep looking to the left (: even long after the fireworks had passed out of sight. even the valve ktv bar thingy became her fireworks. not to mention the DHL balloon. -sighs- i hope i remembered her email correctly. and back at the hq we looked completely stupid as we ran around giving out the presents! heee. i hope they like their hairclips (: please put them on and think of us (: okay, joking, joking. but honestly, haha. strawberry clips, and pink and purple (: one to cure an obsession with strawberries, the other to accentuate gayness (: oops oops haha. we couldnt play at the playground before going home by lavender mrt :/ there was already a bunch of 20-something-year-old people playing seesaw there. tsk tsk immature. (gentle reminder: we were going to do the same thing too.) but nvmd, we are like only 3 years above the age limit for the playground! better than being 8 years above the age limit anyway. saw alot of ndp spectators on the way home. they are all carrying nice-looking, new umbrellas that look as though they can really be used for shelter from the rain. as opposed to ours. sigh. so they are organising some gathering thing after the 18th! i want to go...... haha. then can continue the long-standing love story between ___________ and ________, and the debate over whether __________ and ______ are in love or not, and whether __________ and ____________ are secretly gay partners or not. what incredible pairings. it's ended. i'll just wake up this saturday and wonder what to do. thankyou to wanjuan for wishing us good luck! and tomoe, vlau and andrea for asking how's the parade! :D i hope xinru can help us record the encore telecast, if she hasnt already recorded the actual one. i want to keep it, and whenever i watch it, i'll remember what it came with. i am adamant that i did sense someone watching me. i just dont know who. NDP 07 - WE MADE THE DIFFERENCE! my love. <3 p.s. it just didnt register that some people dont know what is this: (<3)
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
i am blogging simply because someone died and refused to tell us how to go her house tmr!
grr. despite repeated nudges and stuffs. conclusion: she's dead. world trade game today. one big mess man. i didnt knw venezuela was THAT not well-off. we ended up a rather poor country. poorer even than ghana. whoops. but srsly luh. where got like tht one lor USA, japan and europe damn rich la. rich country bully poor country :/ and apparently charlyne has been doing some manipulating :/ walau. big fat mess with lots of screaming. i prefer the sec2 financial literacy game man. i forgot the name though. but damn fun la haha that one. world trade game is a bit (...) okay, said person revived herself. apparently she died temporarily from frying some roti prata -.- falala. sch ndp tmr! truth be told, im more looking forward to whats coming after it. im finally going to go back to adp! even though i kind of know what kind of reaction i'm going to get. but still. how silly i am. -sighs- i shall publicly announce my recent addiction to westlife's songs! and no, i am not going to wait for a band called eastdead to come out, tomoe. i've been listening to them on youtube for the past how-many-days ((: I'll always look back As I walk away This memory will last For eternity And all of our tears Will be lost in the rain When I've found my way back To your arms again But until that day You know you are The queen of my heart thou art pink with a nice and curly behind, and thy presence will be welcome in the claypot. -tomoe let's try, shall we?
Thursday, August 02, 2007
the world's gone mad, it has.
linear law was terrible. even by my low standards in math. i completely lost it by the third part of the first question. on the bright side, i got 44/50 for my xian shi kao cha! yaye (: unfortunately, its not counted in ppr ): this stuff always has to happen. i always have to do well in the things that don't count. three cheers for me. ahh okay, i have a newly rekindled love for badminton after pe today (: the last time i actually played a proper game of badminton was, when, three years ago? after PSLE there was just nothing to do anymore, so clare and i just kept going to play badminton (: mmm, then poor wang lao shi banged her head on the hinges of a door! (i think, i couldnt really catch what she was saying) like, OUCH. that's gotta hurt. and bio was just (...) as always. you cant really expect much from molly, can you. and chem, wells, i love WATCHING redox reactions (: like the way the acidified potassium manganate (VII) seems to just vanish into nothingness (: fine, i don't know what's wrong with you. but whatever it is, you continue with what you're doing, that action, and you see what'll happen to you. GRR. okay, my hamsters are freaking scary now. they just fought with each other. and, okay, well, they've 'fought' with each other before. like, you know, climbing all over each other and stuffs. but this time it was real. they were making a mess out of the cage, sawdust was flying everywhere, and when i finally broke up the fight with a watch strap, the thin one was bleeding at the abdomen! the fat one i think it got a bite near the mouth or something. but wells, it doesnt take a genius to know that the thin one was more seriously injured. so now, the fat one is sitting in the container that used to house the terrapin i found near my house. it looks like its serving time behind bars or something. im more worried about the thin one, though. lucky i had stuff to do online, so i didn't sleep early. or else the thin one might probably be dead by morning. -shudders- alright my dad is chasing me off the com now :/ |
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