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louisa 920507 adps sngs hci ♥ BEST!clare ♥ aikching ♥ boonyi ♥ brenda ♥ eehui ♥ emilytan ♥ haziq ♥ jazreel ♥ jesmine ♥ jodie ♥ lokyin ♥ melody ♥ myra ♥ qiqin ♥ samuel lee ♥ sophia ♥ tomoe ♥ vivian ♥ weifen ♥ xinru ♥ yinyee ♥ zhuwei 샤월 ♥ ai ♥ desiree ♥ lynn ♥ michelle ♥ samantha ♥ vernette ♥ weiqi [cow] ♥ yanchiew 09S77 ♥ caiyi ♥ caleb ♥ cherie ♥ cynthia ♥ elizabeth ♥ keejia ♥ qiaoyan ♥ valerie ♥ weiqi ♥ zichao ♥ 09S77 ♥ APOLLO! ♥ 4T'08 / 3T'07 ♥ 2G'06 ♥ 1C'05 ♥ yellows ♥ snsj November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 June 2010
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
ehh. very hurting lehh.
): at first i thought i was just being sensitive y'know. then i realised its not just me who feels a little hurt. ah wells. in situations like this, we ought to be a little more egoistical. (: it's all going to be fine :D i am going to go broke soon. but wells (: oh and i really do want a sleepover on the 8th! its so exciting (: and so memorable too. its going to be august in a few hours' time. yupps. 2007's going to be over in a flash. thats rather sad. cos that means right, after that it's hello SAD sixteen. not sweet, sad. this is what the O levels do to teenagers. saw something rather shocking today. hurr. its something i wouldnt exactly have expected. but wells (: lalalalala. school is so siann i just want to pon it. ):
Sunday, July 29, 2007
whee ndp preview!
falalalalalalala. for most of the way it was rather dead, esp cos it was raining and we couldnt do it in the rain until rather late? hurr but luckily we did the truncated run in half-u man. -shudders at the thought of a scarily transparent blouse- what with sweatdrops and raindrops. grr. then it started to get crazy. from i-dont-know-where, 128976019823470198234 balloons just started popping out. and we were hitting them back and forth like siao, screaming and yelling and making complete zi-high nuisances of ourselves ((: i got hit rather alot of times. by balloons and hands alike. there was alot of hilarious cases of balloons bouncing off people's heads, crashing into people's noses and stuffs. damn funny. and i kept hitting the pink balloons out of bella's hands and away from her, all in the name of fun (: right, and pap was behaving super childishly. one such instance is shown below. pap: yay we have mars bars! lets take pictures with them! -promptly starts cam-whoring with mars bars- honestly. of all things to cam-whore with, you cam-whore with a MARS BAR. anyway. balloons get people into zi-high moods (: YAYE. and someone came up with the idea of simultaneous bombing games and sabo-ing people to shake their butts by singing the "we love you ___________ deep down in our hearts" and wells, we saboed the five sergeants (: yes, five. how unlucky, the first day of being a sergeant and this happens. tsk tsk tsk. but i honestly got a shock when he called my name la! i heard nisa, so i was just stoning and stoning. then suddenly jesmine nudged me and said its me la. then i just freaked and went "HUH?" damn loudly. super malu can. hurr. mmm. this post is rather disorganized. but i dont care (: oh oh oh and apparently sj is now very well-known (: airforce, navy, civil defence... all said nice stuff to us la! (read: melody's blog) ohohoh and wells, PATRICK has his own cheerleading squad. hint hint (: nth to do with the school at all, i assure you. speaking of st pats. i am still resolutely trying to figure out who he could possibly like in stnicks. other than, wells, the odd odd candidates that popped up during the, uh, 'interrogation process'. hmm. oh, and we finally found out who sophia's eye candy is from ncc! currently i think those who know who he is are rather divided over whether he is indeed shuai or not. the final decision also decides whether sophia has taste or not (: i think he looks weird though. reminds me of ______. haha. the next thing i'll be, wells, 'looking forward to' is AGI. i really feel like going. maybe it's cos i dont want to forget, i dont want to let go just yet. if they all go, i will go too. haha. we'll see how it goes. right, now the three ndp songs that they played over and over again is firmly stuck in my head. namely "there's no place i'd rather be", "will you" and "xin lian xin". i want a chinese software man. typing hanyu pinyin is just plain disgusting. i dont know what to make of it. so maybe i shouldn't.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
now i know what you mean by mental. okay, so there i was, standing in 3U talking to cassandra, waiting for tomoe and yinyee to come back from the staff room. then, SHE walked in. innocent me thought they had english remedial or something and prepared to walk out. then, she started moving the tables around with a horrifyingly purposeful look on her face. and was immediately deluged with yells, shouts and complaints from nearly everybody still in the classroom. i must admit, the noise was somewhat overwhelming, not unlike my own class at its noisiest (: alright, so anyway, by the time tomoe and yinyee came back, they had finally convinced her not to do it NOW, because there was english oral going on. but seriously. she is completely and utterly mental. i would have been shocked silly if someone had come and dragged my table away when i was in the midst of filing bio stuffs. she is so scary. oh wells. tmr there is tingxie and chem test. HOW LOVELY. yucks yucks yucks. )): im not feeling very happy now. buzz off ):
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
every day is so... hurr.
SIANN DIAO. lets have a peek at tomorrow's timetable, shall we now. 2 periods of math. splendid, there's a congruency and similarity blah blah thingy test. 2 periods of lit. ah wells. it's lit. 2 periods of english. it's english, duh, what can i say? RECESS! -admittedly rather siann diao also- 1 period of chinese. no comment. 2 periods of bio. excellent, i'm really looking forward to homeostasis and learning how 'un-cute' 3 Truth is, courtesy of a certain someone. i shall give her the benefit of doubt and refrain from joining MLFC for now. assembly - wednesday's 1215 to 1315 period i think. lets see. that is... one period math, one period chem. EXCELLENT. maybe he won't be coming tomorrow? i don't know. but, well, if he doesn't come tomorrow, let's have a look at the after-school programme. BIO/CHEM REMEDIAL depending on who's available and who wins the negotiations, apparently. (why do i get the feeling that she's going to bully him into letting her have the remedial slot) and btw, we DO have a chem test on friday you know and its all about redox. i strongly suggest a chem remedial. revising redox will definitely do much more help to the test than homeostasis. honestly. then there'll be some ndp briefing thing after that. -stone- how exciting. i'm looking forward to tomorrow, man. detect any sarcasm yet? alright, i'd better go and sleep before i go crazy. p.s. I CANT STAND YOU-KNOW-WHO! and no, i'm not talking about voldemort here. DOES SHE HAVE TO SAY IT IN SUCH A SARCASTIC MANNER? IT'S JUST A GENUINE MISTAKE CAUSED BY PANICKY STUDENTS WHO HAVE JUST BEEN THROUGH ONLY A COUPLE LESSONS OF SOFTBALL! and yes, panic can do a lot in softball. now it looks like i excreted all over my pe tee. hurr, now i know what it feels like to have all the wind knocked out of you. no injuries, though (:
Monday, July 23, 2007
alright, i am supposed to be attempting to squeeze everything on rivers into my head.
what with the bloody hydrographs ): i think i'm losing myself. like, honestly, if your number one goal every day was to just get through it in one piece, something must be darn wrong somewhere. my brain feels like it's swimming so hard, it won't know where to stop and it'll eventually just die of fatigue. it's no use, rivers of geog info aren't flowing into my head. i should just stop and hope for the best tomorrow. and i dread it, i detest it - because of you.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
most predictably, i am going to blog about ndp ((:
(anything to get away from my disgusting argumentative essay) what will end will end. i'm just not prepared for it. it's hard to believe i'll never see some of them again, never be able to crap with them again except in maybe highly remote situations. )): okay so ndp was sposed to be rather siann because it was raining nonstop and there were no rehearsals beforehand. but there was rather much entertainment going on. what with the femininity/masculinity tests and all. i am 2/3 male :/ and 1/2 of this 2/3 male thing is attributed to the fact that i have a scar on my elbow, which explains why i check my elbow that way. but wells, surprisingly a very gayish yankai is purely male. -gasp- ohh, and david is, uh, 1/3 girl and 2/3 gay. hurr. because he gave two very in-between answers, and not knowing what to do we just classified them as gay. tsk tsk tsk. we had a great laugh trying to poke nisa and attempting to help her in her no-laugh competition against yankai. hmm. adding that to the fact that the warrant officer was constantly contorting yankai's face to very comical results. gahhh. i want to see who sophia thinks is handsome haha. some ncc guy apparently? hmm. so far right, all the ncc guys i've seen at ndp are gits. so yeah. oh and jesmine arm-wrestled alot of people and lost many times, so her arm ached like hell haha. mmm. what else. oh yeah, because of some harris book fair thing, our holding room was shifted up to the topmost level. so after the actual thing when we go back up right, its rather dark with very soft and dim lighting. and alot of people were saying it is romantic. true, but it's not romantic if you have nobody to be romantic with, is it. alright, so we took 980 back with johar. he kind of got bullied by some weird guy sitting beside him. i dont know about jesmine, but i was shaking with laughter. but wells, its not his fault the guy's a weirdo. and we were kind of drilling him with questions about peirce's pop haha. i think my bn group qt illustrious hor! haha. -counts- there are about four people ((: shall not go further. i heck the stupid cpbs badges liao la. dont want to care about them le. anyway they dont look nice on the uniform. yujun says they are heavy and hot. SO THERE. blegh. i dont want my nice nice uniform being punctured with so many little holes ): alright, you can cancel the 'nice nice' part. i'd much rather write a persuasive speech on why harry potter and the deathly hallows is a must-buy book, or why corporal punishment ought to be reinstated in UGs. or maybe i ought to argue about the importance of UGs and the injustice at UGs always seeming to be relegated to the bottom of the social classes in schools. not something like whether young people have more problems than adults or not. excuse me, what do you get out of that? in persuasive speeches, you either actually PERSUADE people to do something, like buy harry potter and the deathly hallows or reinstate corporal punishment in UGs. in CONSTRUCTIVE argumentative essays, you argue your point that is correct and oftentimes persuade the reader to do something as well. you argue about young people/adults' problems, like that'll get you anywhere. and everyone knows its not healthy to argue for the sake of arguing. i dont know how to end this post, because i feel very rubbishy all of a sudden. at the thought of school :/
i kind of skimmed through harry potter and the deathly hallows haha.
as in i know whats going on now, but i havent exactly delved into the details. except, of course, the climactic battle at the end (: you know, i do envy harry potter-ish friendships. they do have their occasional quarrels and stuff. but they always make up in the end, they always do. and they're there for each other at the most crucial moments. they always are. if everyone starts out on an equal footing, how is it that things are so different at the end of it all? i doubt anyone knows what really went wrong halfway. it's all just theories and speculation, ridiculous ideas about how everything is supposed to work, about how people's minds are supposed to think. for all you know, maybe you're bang off course. there are some things that flit around in your mind that you want to put down, but you just cant find the right words to say it. i love 容祖儿's 小小! its such a nice song (:
Thursday, July 19, 2007
i am honestly going mad.
one thing i want to make clear. I AM NOT AN IDIOT. So, stop treating me like one. you dolt. i dont mean to sound all depressed and angsty or whatever. but i do feel rather sad for myself. ... i ought to get over it soon. as tomoe said, worse things are going to happen. i'd best be ready when it comes. not like it's going to stop and wait for me to brace myself either. weird, isnt it. the same situation can be contorted into two so very drastically different ways. it all depends on the person herself, and circumstances around. there's always got to be someone on the losing end. maybe that someone is me. it's too early to tell, i suppose. ... i am still rather disgruntled at being treated like an idiot. i was under the impression that i was supposed to be working WITH you, not FOR you.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
i think my mum is going crazy, hurr.
just as the world of harry potter isn't split into good people and death eaters, and boys aren't split into gays and ah-bengs, so is the life of a teenager not split into schoolwork and studying. apparently thats exactly the opposite of what my mum thinks though. push me one step further, and i'll go mad. maybe i am going mad already. i wonder what's wrong with her, she keeps saying my grades are dropping thanks to the use of too much mobile phone. i think her mobile phone is driving her crazy man. alright, today we cleared the sj room and made it so nice and spacious! :D and um, went to watch harry potter afterwards. i like :D something very strange happened last night. curiously strange. yes. i dont understand the rationale behind it, and i wouldnt attribute that to lack of intelligence. and i heard something very ridiculous today. it is extremely ridiculous. even now whenever i think about it, i am still tempted to burst into laughter. i know very mean la, but wells. it is somewhat amusing yet quite disgusting to think about that scenario actually happening. oops. i told jesmine tan she has the emotional range of a coffee stirrer (: but she argued that she has the emotional range of a dessert spoon. how lame can we get haha. but she is adamant that cho chang has a fat face :/ so mean right. haha. hurr i am quite siann now. my mum is sulking on my bed now, presumably because she wants me to start blabbering about schoolwork. RUBBISH LA. pfft. hopefully she doesnt sleep on it till 2 am in the morning though. grr. maybe i ought to go chase her off my bed.
Monday, July 16, 2007
louisa the compulsive blogger is back at work again.
actually, i'm just plain bored. 'o's LC today. it was qt okay, except for one qn tht i completely shot off on the wrong track. other than that it is fine. although there is like sleep-inducing classical music and all. halfway through right, this huge wind blew up and blew the papers into everybody's faces. somebody's entry proof got blown off her table too. haha. and sophia is so niceeeeeeeeeeeeee. she smsed me and jesmine (dno whether she smsed bella and xinru or not) to wish us good luck for LC! :D yaye. it's nice to have someone do that. thanks sophia!!! :D i reckon my brain is failing me. often i find myself unable to remember what i'm supposed to be doing next. and when i do, i dont want to do it. so it falls back into the deep abyss of my brain. lost until someone reminds me of it again. ahhhhhhhhhhhh. it started since POP actually. it hasnt exactly been improving since. I WANT TO EAT!! haha. i had an overdose of chocolate today and got abit high, you see. if i thought 5 little hershey's kisses and one bar of chocolate wasnt enough, i ended up eating one more hershey's kisses from tomoe and three squares of her bar of chocolate when she couldn't finish it. i don't exactly know the effects of chocolate on me. it's supposed to make me get high. unfortunately maybe that effect was downplayed today cos i got high right at the start of school (and was consequently depleted of energy by the time the last bell rang). i even started arguing with jazzie about the funny tree at the slope near the sec1 quadrangle, the one with really nice peach-coloured flowers and some funny brown growths. she said they were coconuts. i said coconuts dont look like that, coconuts look, well, coconut-ish. and i told her not to insult coconuts because they can be both vital and fatal. when you're stranded on a desert island, coconuts are one of the most useful things you could have on the island. and when you're sleeping under a coconut tree that doesn't like you, a coconut could fall on your head and break open your skull. so, moral of the story? NEVER INSULT COCONUTS! they're nice to eat anyway, why would anyone want to insult them? and honestly, does a coconut tree look like it would be growing in the middle of my school, sprouting peach-coloured flowers and having rather small leaves? the brown growths don't even look like coconuts anyway. more like enormous longans, or bowling balls painted brown. then she told me not to attempt to describe the shape of a coconut, but to describe the shape of nata de coco. they are two decidedly different things. nata de coco is cube/cuboid-shaped, depending on how skilled the cutter is. coconuts look coconut-ish, i've said it too many times. i want to watch harry potter and the order of the phoenix! :D oh oh oh and i want to buy harry potter and the deathly hallows. my mum is buying, but unfortunately she'll get to snatch the book away from me first, because i'll be at ndp. horrible. then i'll end up waiting for about a month or so in order to finally get my hands on the book, and meanwhile everyone will be talking about it and i'll be sulking about the fact that my mum doesn't let me read until she's done (which can take very long). my mother is so amusing okay. see, my room is being used as a kind of wine cellar, because there's no other place in my house to put the bottles of wine that my uncle gives us every time he comes back from an overseas trip. hence, my mum always comes to my room to get wine if she and my dad want to drink it. unfortunately, even if she drinks like slightly more than an average mineral water bottle cap's worth of alcohol, she falls into this deep sleep. like, really deep. and she always chooses to drink in my room, despite being fully aware of this tendency of hers to fall into a deep sleep after drinking even a little bit of alcohol. so, she ends up falling into a deep sleep ON MY BED. and i normally cant wake her up till about 1 am. her record's 3 am. by that time, nobody's online so i cant talk online. and what i've wanted to do on the comp has been done. but there's nothing else to do, cos my mum will refuse to get off my bed so i cant sleep. AND SHE HOGS THE PILLOW, so it's going to be a bit of trouble trying to sleep on the sofa. sometimes she falls asleep on my bed even without the influence of alcohol. similarly i have problems getting her to wake up till way past midnight. grrrrrr. seems like it's not my fault i'm not getting enough sleep. i kind of pigged during math and chinese today, you see. for a while i thought the concept of similar areas and volumes of solids was relatively simple. until i realised today i dont understand a single thing about it when miss poore was explaining. hurray hurray. another mathematical concept that i completely cant comprehend. i'll most probably fail again. like, duh, i failed the most recent math test by ONE MARK. ONE PATHETIC MARK. AND IT WAS ALL BECAUSE OF MY STUPID UNITS. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. alright, i have typed such a long and random post and still yingjie refuses to reply me on msn. wth. i shall go and watch tv.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
i thoroughly dislike doing chemistry online.
it makes my brain whirl when i try to decipher the stupid formulae. and try to recall what is oxidation and reduction. in the end for most of it, i went to tikam the answers. and i got a very pretty-looking 8 out of 11 ((: goes to show, tikam-ing DOES help. (now if only i could be so lucky for a mole test) i think i am going mad, i get rather interested in anything to do with ndp. like for example, emily tan's msn nick is "city of possibilities", which is the theme for ndp. so i was curious and asked her why she put tht as her nickname. end up her brother went for ndp and she got this stack of coupons which had a caption saying "city of possibilities". i hate going back to school. it is such a dreary feeling. what with listening compre tmr. it still hasnt hit me that i am going to be taking an o-level paper tmr. and that i have already gone for one, which is the oral. wells, we shall see how tmr. i dont even remember what i'm supposed to be doing the next day. i reckon i ought to go and sort out my thoughts. yeahh.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
maybe on hindsight, it wasnt the worst thing after all.
i got to see how the parade looked like from a spectator's point of view. and it taught me to treasure my place in the contingent a lot more. (talk about bad geographical location). i finally saw the videos of the parade sergeant major and the parade commander! and i was like rather zi-high and stuffs. the rest of them all seen the parade from the audience stand before, whereas mine and norita's was like the first time, so i was trying to yell and stuffs but failing, unfortunately (: i think norita was sleeping. so i was the only zi-high person among a whole lot of people who are falling asleep. i learnt tht the shooting thingy, called 'Feu De Joie' but i dno how to pronounce it, sounds like farting from the audience stand. i also learnt tht no matter if it is in NDP or NS40, the N is alw very neat in their timing, while the rest... aiyaaa. my neighbour went to watch the NE show todayyyyyyy!!!! and she got this damn nice electric fan which spells "Happy Birthday Singapore" in red laser light when you turn it on!!!! all i got was a t-shirt. admittedly the t-shirt is nice, but i want a goodie bag!!! haha greedy me (: and i saw a whole lot of P5 kids who were going home from adp after the parade. i rmb reaching adp at abt 11 pm after the NE show in 2003. which reminds me. BF7!!!! Must get down to that. anywayyy. so cool la. was wondering how many teachers i knew who were there. couldnt see guofeng today though. he seems to be MIA for v long liao. but then again. took me damn long to realise he was in NDP in the first place. it was rather mindlessly stupid again today, ndp training. first there is the two people who includes the PRCS OIC, their vocabulary was initially limited to "can you shut up" and "bloody shit", but slowly expanded to "i dont respect you/you dont respect me" and so on. they started talking about stupid things too. and i think hong wei was very tired, he started to lean on jesmine's chair, hug his umbrella and moan "I WANT MY CPBS BADGES.........." while everyone cant wait for ndp, i kind of dont want it to come. ndp is one of the few things related to sj that i dont feel tht it is eating up my time. (even though it really swallows up one whole saturday on its own). but i found new friends there. i found a whole lot of fun there too. (which includes bursting many boys' egos) i will miss it loads after it's ended, really. cliche as it may sound, the experience will really be unforgettable. I AM USING SO MANY 'REALLYS' IN THIS BLOG POST. I MUST GO AND EXPAND MY VOCABULARY. oh ya, nisa's new husband is the eagle flying in the sky after we finished doing the actual run. ((: and yes, isabella, now we all know dogs have periods. the stunning new REVOLUTION (it was supposed to be revelation) of the millenium. WOW (: in preparation for the end of ndp training, i alr drew up a list of people whose emails i want to get by the end of it all :D
Thursday, July 12, 2007
haha i am rather aware that i do sound rather ego by saying this, but i really do like the feeling of self-satisfaction i get when people ask questions about ndp and i answer them while all the memories flood my mind, and the best thing of all, people are genuinely interested. (the sulky faces of jealous souls who refused to take the chance when it was offered to them is but an added bonus :D)
actually it's more of behind-the-scenes where all the stupid stuff really takes place. like swapping bottle caps and ripping off shoulder flashes to make people look gay. hee. hmm. mole test tomorrow, i am going to mute my comp and stare at that website all night if i have to. why do i have to mute it? simple. I DISLIKE THE MUSIC. rawrr. it is really rather irritating. and it'll be our first cca tmr. AHHHHHH. i have a sore throat, you dumdum :/ the extra work i had to do last night really makes me wonder whether _____________ has ever used excel before. i seriously doubt it. i love 3 Truth's class tee!!! yaye (: and i love our photo at the rooftop garden too ((: at least it doesnt have a certain someone in it, like it ALMOST did. oops, being a little mean here, but nevermind (: i am secretly nice. i am secretly a lot of things. but i am very openly violent ((: and thats why, in future, if anyone were to sit between myra and me, they would just die. because either myra and i will gang up and attack the one person, or we will end up fighting until we accidentally kill that person too. oops (: at least, that's what i THINK will happen. polling day was today too. all the best! :D harry potter is out in cinemas now (: i wna watch (: the harry potter movies are nice, even if they do cut out a lot of details. i don't know which one i'm looking forward to more, the seventh book or the fifth movie. the fifth movie, i suppose, because it is nearer (: oh yes, tomoe answers her own questions with spastic monkeys that can be hooked at the head. they nod like mad until their heads look like they're about to drop off. and then she tries to tell you that you are a retro dancer, but it ends up looking like luo zhi xiang in that xing fu lie ren mv anyway. -shake head- ai-ya-eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. a new edition of my favourite sound (: i want a new belt!!!! ltr ppl keep saying it is the officer's belt :/ it is not the officer's belt lorr! it is just a very old one :/ :/:/:/ i shall scout for one! hopefully. you've got the perspective a little bit wrong, actually. a bit detrimental to your own image.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
admittedly, chinese oral today was kinda screwed.
i deduce this by the way the examiner did some odd yawning action and turn the other way halfway through my 'speech'. sianness. i am so siann of school, i dont want to touch some irritating graded assignment or san guo yan yi or wdv. it looks completely and utterly disgusting. i am rather sleepy. must be the effect of the medicine. some idiot doctor went to prescribe FIVE different types of medication. in the end, to show my defiance, i am now only taking the antibiotics and the throat inflammation. i do, in fact, enjoy irritating tomoe (:
Sunday, July 08, 2007
POP 2007.
it still doesnt feel like we-the-yellows have taken over. although we know our posts alr and stuff. it is a very odd feeling. alright, so anyway, i was like qt nervous so i, uh, hormatted at the wrong time or sth. pfft. AFD still hormat until like tht. wah-piang la :/ oh, right, and the first thing i did when i went home after walking one round ard amk hub with the juniors and our new AIC, was to load up the CD and take a look. and i found some interesting things too!!! teehee. oh yeah, the ppt was a success! 我们的杰作! muahahahahaha. rachel and isabella's ppt/video too. except tht the laptop suddenly ran out of battery which was kind of sad. yaa. and i screwed up my present-giving. rawrr. oh yes then ndp was ystd. still retaining the stupidity, but it was rather siann. nisa and yankai were bickering like some old couple behind us. and yankai laughs like a pig. hurr. i think he showered me and jesmine with alot of blessings, just tht we cannot see it. the only one we saw was the one where he burst out laughing when he was eating ice cream and it landed on my hand. then i accidentally wiped it on jesmine's leg and she started screaming. oops. ohh and the ice cream kind of sucks, basically, because the cone just fell into pieces and the ice cream fell all over my full-u :/ so embarrassing sia. to quote sophia: OMG YOU GOT MENSES ON YOUR BODY! -stone- yankai and nisa were arguing over their ice creams, i think. nisa ate hers like she was applying lipstick/kissing it, and yankai was laughing at her about it only to find that he himself was doing the same thing. and then somehow, me bella and jesmine launched into a discussion about the F word. like damn lame right. hurr. and then dno why the bgss ppl were like stealing each other's beret and waterbottles. yankai's bottle was secretly passed to denise. i think he got it back in the end. oh and nisa ripped off yankai's shoulder flash. then when he turned to whack nisa, or i dont know what he wanted to do to her, i stole his other one. then jesmine said that she got pumped 50 for taking off her shoulder flash before, so we started panicking and hurrying him to put his shoulder flashes back on. and sherill claims that he will get alot of wrinkles when he gets older because he laugh too much. that weird. haha. he laugh until he look like a tomato. abit i think i burst his ego when the subject of bn groups was brought up. because i brought up the issue of him hurting his toe. lame isnt it. but it was damn siann, before the actual thing we were all like falling asleep liao. attempted to wake ourselves up by doing jumping jacks, but to no avail. we still felt sleepy when we went back to our seats. and jesmine still looks stupid whenever she does jumping jacks. honestly. i think the new sound i alw make is ai-eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. which is quite a stupid sound. the actual run was qt messy actually, haha. and the parade commander lost his voice until like siao. abit everyone in the audience laughing at him can. and some ppl in his own parade also laughing la. i pity him man. its like so embarrassing. i wont forget how the GOH contingent commander lost his voice too. his voice stuttered like mad can. haha. sophia is a nice person!! :D wahahhaa. as in, really. and _____________ was super amusing okay. he stuck to sophia first. abit nobody asked him to tag along can. (i also accidentally scolded him twice during ndp and i think he was qt sad abt tht) and then he acted like he's the one pangseh-ing her and ran off. abit lame only. and srsly, alot of zone1/zone2 ppl look alike okay! nurseha looks like one of my bn groupmates (i forgot her name). and shiyuan looks like dorothy! such uncanny similarities. oh yeah, forgot to mention the spasticity of sophia and jesmine in the toilet! me jesmine sophia and xinru were in the toilet at concourse after burger king. jesmine and sophia wanted to pee, so me and xinru were like stoning outside. jesmine wanted the squat toilet while sophia wanted the sitting one. then they both shouted "I WANT THIS ONE!" at the same time and dashed into different cubicles. it was like damn spastic and stupid because they both were so kan-cheong over people fighting for their cubicles, and they dashed into the cubicles at top speed with no one rushing after them. it is quite hard to describe how stupid that looked in words. i had a stomachache after all that laughing. and sophia came out first, then me and xinru tried to re-enact what had happened, amidst gales of laughter. unfortunately when we came to the part about dashing into the toilets, xinru nearly ran into jesmine who screamed at the top of her voice. and when xinru went in to pee, jesmine retaliated by scaring xinru when she came out of the toilet too. how lame. oh yeah after getting off bus 100 which sophia very kindly took with us, there was this dog barking at us from behind the fence. trouble is, the dog's usually not there. so anyway, at first i just got a shock, that's all. then stupid jesmine screamed and grabbed my arm. THAT's when i freaked out and screamed. the dog is like jumping at the fence, then jesmine go and grab my arm. damn freaky okay! just imagine luh. :/ mainly, its not exactly the ndp TRAININGS that are fun, it's the people. which doesn't include you.
Thursday, July 05, 2007
i dno if i'm the one who has a brain problem,
or does everything just seem to be whizzing around me. i cant even rmb wht im supposed to do next tht kind of thing? hurr. alright. tmr i am supposed to be at amk mrt at 6.45 to help tomoe lug stuff to school. then i am supposed to stone and either concentrate on lessons or think about pop for the rest of the day. during recess, me and tomoe are going to _________________. nothing at all dodgy, i assure you. and, uh, after recess i will again stone and either concentrate on lessons or think about pop until the end of the day. then everything will rush past me in a maddening haze. and then i will know my post and get promoted!!! oh yes, in the meantime i will have collected my ic. yes yes yes. and i will have brought that corporal rank to school while attaching the lance corporal one to my full-u, only to get it changed during the parade. i think. pretty odd, but wells. ANYWAY. just when the programme is barely starting, i will have to leave and cab all the way to HQ to get ndp tix. and by the time i come back, hopefully tomoe will get them to stay back long enough for me to give them presents. if that fails, wells, we have a backup plan. but the plan is rather unfeasible. sigh. and then, at night, i will go home and frantically air my full-u in front of the fan in an effort to get it not-as-stinky by tomorrow. tomoe attempted to fish out some clues, but failed. sadddd. she tried to help me get clues too. but in a most... i-dont-know-how-to-say way. i doubt it was for lack of trying, though. hehe. 怎么总是事与愿违的,很麻烦咧。 不要一直告诉我你的要求咧。 很烦的,你知道吗。 你也真有够有趣的。 我好希望自己今天没有上网。 至少,如果我没有上网,我也不用面对你的诸多要求。 随口说说你很累,你要睡觉。 马上把东西丢给我就说拜拜了。 什么嘛。
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
YAYE, tmr there is amath test.
do i sound sarcastic enough? a personality test i took says i am not sarcastic all the time, but i do have a cynical edge. (: modulus and circles.... alright at least there are no ellipses, whew. i am damn tired now, my maid robbed me of a precious 1 hour's sleep this morning. instead of 5.45, she woke me up at 4.45. and that makes no sense at all because i always set my own alarm (and obey it when it starts making noise). maybe i was too sleepy, i actually thought it was a dream. i hallucinated that she woke me up to see FRIENDSTER :/ and that makes no sense whatsoever. so i concluded it was a dream... until she apologized when i woke up at my normal time. unfortunately, the bus was so bloody late that i reached school EVEN LATER THAN MY NORMAL TIMING :/ kns la. might as well just have woken up at 4.45 and left the house instead. but at least i met clare and guofeng!!! hee. clare seems very entertained by the idea of molly leong. who, in herself, is not very irritating because she totally spoiled my appetite for recess by giving a short yet vivid introduction on EXCRETION. alright, actually it is not about excretion. it is about how fibre helps to relieve constipation and what it has to do with the large intestine. *dont read below portion if you are eating/have just eaten/will be eating shortly* according to molly herself, if the shit is stuck in the rectum for too long, your large intestine will absorb all the water and it will become "as hard as rock", in her own words. so that's constipation. likewise, if your shit does not stay in your rectum long enough, it will become WATERY. and that's diarrhoea. "obviously if it cannot absorb the water then it will become very watery..." 人家可是在十五分钟后要去吃的leh。 )): and so partly thanks to her, i missed fried food. hmm not that i really wanted it anyway. although i started feeling hungry after math. and NO, i do NOT want to go to that website AGAIN because it is rather siann. GRRRR. ohh yes, clare mentioned that ms ong is coming back. YAY! i havent seen her in ages. wonder if she'll go back to ADP to teach though. the only reason i go back is to see 叶老师 lor. but fat lot of good it'll do if my lovely alma mater cuts the amt of time to see your teacher, and forbids you to go anywhere except bus bay/canteen, AND shoos you out with a megaphone after your time is up. i think i said this before, but i'll say it again. no wonder the number of people going back to ADP is getting lesser and lesser each year. i dont even know if i'll go back this year. ): that is quite sad right. considering i really have a lot of wonderful memories of my primary school. i miss 6L'04! although our class blog is pretty dead now. and it is rather impossible to think of a P6 class gathering anyway. until ms ong comes back, that is. even so, it is still rather impossible. what with 'O's and exams and stuffs. ): alright i have spent too much time here, i ought to be drowning myself in modulus and circles. math is, surprise surprise, first two periods again. which means we will most prob be getting back our test papers by the end of the day. ): ohh and molly's lesson is before assembly. ): dont let us off late can alr. ELECTION RALLY!!! hee. :D ... fine. i really SHOULD be going back to drowning myself in mod and circles, shouldnt i. (x-a)^2 + (y-b)^2 = r^2 :/
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
i hereby conclude that guessing too much is highly hazardous to health and mind.
yepp (: havent touched my homework at all. wheee. chinese, pe, bio, math and chem. OH YEAH TMR NO MORNING JOG RIGHT!!!! WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. but got some funny dialogue thingy at the drama studio i think. pfft. the plus side is, theres softball tmr!!! and maybe i'll finally get to run around a little and actually ENJOY myself in the process, rather unlike what happened today. i find _____________ and her mum highly amusing. as in, really really highly amusing. and yes, _____________ are completely weird. i am rather shocked to see this happening, actually. and i wonder what's your reaction to all this. i repeat myself. my violence makes up for my lack of fierceness, evilness and cruelness. although, may i beg to differ on the evilness part. maybe i am secretly evil and you dont even know it. nyeh nyeh nyeh :D evilness can probably be detected from the results of OUR masterpiece. 你是不在乎,还是不知情?
Monday, July 02, 2007
Yaye that little project is finished!!!
i like tomoe's half of it, and she likes my half of it. WHEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! sorry i am in a little bit of an ecstatic mood now. whew. okay. now to turn my attention to MATH :/ why does my intense dislike for math never leave me alone. 4 more days. gahhhh. oh yeah, we went out to J8 earlier today. and bought presents!!! hehehehehe. i saw my cousin there though. with his girlfriend. she looked pretty shocked to see me. hmm and then we just walked around and around and around J8. looking at spastic things and talking about spastic things too. i told tomoe everything i said in below blog post. (which i still love very much and will laugh every time i read it) and then we talked at macs about, uh, THINGS. yeahh. but i digress. i really really like the little project!!! although the process was quite tedious and siann. but still... the effect is ((: YAYE. wahahahahahahahahahaha. i still have the many drafts saved on my comp though. heee. it would honestly be very disastrous if this thing were to be sent to the wrong person. i still miss the zi-highness of ndp. i wanted to borrow a quote from someone to use here, but i figured that it would be in a rather satirical manner. and so i didnt use it. see, how nice i am. OH YES I FORGOT. hehehe they are going to DIE man. MUAHAHAHA. never forget. i am violent, which makes up for my lack of fierceness, evilness and cruelness :D |
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