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louisa 920507 adps sngs hci ♥ BEST!clare ♥ aikching ♥ boonyi ♥ brenda ♥ eehui ♥ emilytan ♥ haziq ♥ jazreel ♥ jesmine ♥ jodie ♥ lokyin ♥ melody ♥ myra ♥ qiqin ♥ samuel lee ♥ sophia ♥ tomoe ♥ vivian ♥ weifen ♥ xinru ♥ yinyee ♥ zhuwei 샤월 ♥ ai ♥ desiree ♥ lynn ♥ michelle ♥ samantha ♥ vernette ♥ weiqi [cow] ♥ yanchiew 09S77 ♥ caiyi ♥ caleb ♥ cherie ♥ cynthia ♥ elizabeth ♥ keejia ♥ qiaoyan ♥ valerie ♥ weiqi ♥ zichao ♥ 09S77 ♥ APOLLO! ♥ 4T'08 / 3T'07 ♥ 2G'06 ♥ 1C'05 ♥ yellows ♥ snsj November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 June 2010
Saturday, June 30, 2007
alright, lets talk about misc. ndp stuffs first (:
the umbrellas stink as usual. bahh. :/ oh yah, they were giving out some orange banana boat sunblock, which according to jesmine resembles white shit. but in the end isabella still used it to try and, er, dilute her beret mark. oh yeah i met bessy's sister at ndp! but i think i scared her. oops. but jesmine was being stupid and not noticing the 'SNG 1st Company'. not my fault. it was damn stupid okay!!! me, jesmine, bella and xinru sat tgt, thn beside me was the, er, 'fake cueman' called david. haha. then behind me was yankai and a bunch of toot boys, and diagonally in front to the left is nisa while to the right is yingjie. the beginnings of a highing session. alright, talk about david first. all he do is laugh and laugh and laugh okay! jesmine only has to say one sentence for him to laugh. mine lagi better. he only has to LOOK at me to laugh. :/ i do not have a comical face, unlike _____. hurr, but he is qt a nice guy. we threw all our sunblock to him. all he did was "oei" but he still took it. how nice is that. and in the end we kind of forced him to keep it. i said he was too white, so he must maintain his fairness using the sunblock. kind of lame. oh yeah, speaking of david. he put his bottle somewhere near nisa's chair. and nisa very unwittingly took it up and drank from it. only while she was drinking did anyone realise that she was actually drinking from david's bottle instead of her own. -.- abit her bottle has liquid paper all over the cap? and david's bottle has his big name all over it? abit blind only la hor. (: nisa was doing very stupid things out of utterly mundane actions such as drinking water and eating peanuts. the sirs were throwing out packets of peanuts, and i dno if david was the one who wanted the peanuts or was it nisa. whatever it is, the sir threw a pack in their general direction. nisa just screamed. and whacked the pack of peanuts forward two rows. PRO. nisa apparently has loads of siblings whose names end in nisa. but we cant catch their names. neither can jesmine pronounce nisa's name, it seems. tarmizzunnisa! I REMEMBER!!! wahahaha. i rmb got two 'z's and two 'n's (: in the end, we just called her tummy or tiramisu. pretty stupid. we also made up stupidish names for her sisters, like 很热-nisa, quadratic nisa... you get the drift. and yingjie... DAMN FUNNY OKAY. we tried to swap nisa and david's bottle caps while nisa was at the toilet. but it failed, thanks to david. so we swapped yingjie's and nisa's instead. but we saw two bottles, both seemingly with J on it. but one in black, the other in white. i think we swapped them around. i THINK. thn yankai was like 'act natural, act natural' when yingjie and nisa came back. so we acted natural. and nothing happened. YET. until we got back after the rehearsals for dinner. then abit the confusion started. they started to drink from each other's bottles. and then for some reason, nisa started taking yankai's bottle and passing it to denise. cos yankai was the one who instigated the swapping. yeah. then nisa said she is SMART, because she knows who exactly to pass to so that yankai will not get his bottle back. somehow we also found out that the white J is not a J but a C. referring to his girlfriend, whose name sounds something like carsinni or something. yeah. anyway yankai tried to pretend that he didn't care. he said "take lor, take lor" then i said "are you sure, its your darling cassini leh." then he said "OMG CANNOT CANNOT" and jumped up and tried to get cassini the bottle back from denise. but he failed. minutes later we were told to form up behind the chairs. yankai got kicked out of the contingent apparently, so he didnt fall in with us. he seemed to be trying to manoeuvre around the chairs. i asked him "are you still looking for your cassini" all he said was "pathetic" but he still went to look for CASSINI. and apparently, we think we might've swapped yingjie's, nisa's and yankai's bottle caps around, so yankai and yingjie might be drinking from each other's bottles while nisa is safe, or maybe everyone is in danger of saliva contamination. thanks to us man, wahahaha. james' umbrella overturned. as in. i dont know james personally. but i think that was kind of stupid. oh oh oh and david is still super nice. he helped us throw our dinner boxes (: even though he was laden with dinner boxes himself. tsk tsk so sad. we ate tiramisu ice cream also. how sad, tiramisu tummy's tummy is filled with tiramisu. yankai is LOUSY, haha. he cannot defend himself when he is being suan-ed. we suan-ed him like siao in the bus. and all he did in defence, if at all, was to laugh. like... nisa call him 白痴, 白猪, 同志, 猴子, 我恨你 also same reaction. LAUGH LAUGH LAUGH LAUGH LAUGH. dont even know how to suan back man. haha. and i am still positively sure his voice is lower and more 沙哑 now than in bnco. i think people remember me as the hyperventilating course i/c ): but nevermind, i remember yankai as the fella who hurt his toe. -scene in bnco, checking strength time- me talking to group i/c: okay, qixiang went home for basketball... group i/c: qixiang went home for basketball... me: and yankai hurt his toe. group i/c: and yankai hurt his... huh? me: TOE. yankai hurt his TOE. how stupid is that. hurr. and he always sit opposite me during mealtime. and kept looking stupid when he was trying not to laugh. cos like, y'know, not allowed to fidget. so eyes keep glancing here and there. then they tell us to look straight. which is like at each other. then i will start thinking how spastic he looks. and he apparently thinks i look funny too. so we will start trying not to laugh. and he looks even more spastic when he's trying not to laugh. :/ and i still havent started about sophia and haziq la. abit haziq alw pangseh sophia. so meann right. last week he went to gay around. heee. and pangseh sophia. this week he went to date ___________. AND PANGSEH SOPHIA. some more sophia sound exactly like a 失恋的情人 okay. abit we were complaining about how haziq is so mean to keep pangseh-ing sophia. and all sophia said was: "aiyah its okay la. he alw do that to me." in this super resigned voice. like... SO 戏剧化! like this guy keeps having affairs or something, and his super nice but super pitiful girlfriend just accepts it willingly. and then if i rmb correctly, jesmine and i were suggesting ways to give haziq a good payback time. and i think sophia said "dont want la..." again, SO 戏剧化! like the super-nice-but-super-pitiful-girlfriend right, she usually has a bunch of very headstrong friends. then they all want to 打抱不平 for her when she is, uh, mistreated by her boyfriend. and then she, who still doesnt want to hurt her boyfriend, tells them to not do anything. but in the dramas, the headstrong friends usually do what they want to right. heh heh. 戏如人生,人生如戏. every saturday tomoe gives me rather shocking news via sms. it is quite a nice surprise. hehehe. and every saturday i tell it to jesmine, but i refuse to show others. haha. i feel MEAN. i dont think i've laughed so much in ages. i laughed alot alot today. thanks to the spasticity of yingjie, nisa, yankai, david, sophia and haziq. they each have varying degrees of spasticity. not to mention how fun it is to break up a 'quarrel' between yingjie and nisa simply by poking either of them. but yingjie's aim seems to be very poor and she ended up poking my ribcage instead. alrightt. i shall look forward to next saturday. provided i manage to survive the five days before saturday. including... -gasp- POP! speaking of POP, i still cant believe yankai is probationary OIC. wait, no, i think he already is the OIC. or OC, as they call it, actually. BUT STILL. omg la. i rmb nisa saying he is the only, uh, ELIGIBLE person. sounds like they are choosing bachelors instead. whoops. heehee. still in the aftermath of zi-high-ness. i hid my head in my bag alot of times today. possibly cos there were advertisements like "HOLD YOUR BREATH FOR NDP 2007" and i was there wearing the prominent red ndp tee and stinking the entire mrt, possibly making others hold their breath too. alright, i did a very long post today. heeeeeeeeeee. i better go now. midnight liao. EDIT. alright, fine, i found out, his girlfriend is cassini and not carsinni or something. yeah. he calls her darling and she calls him dear. he wants to be with her forever and she... well, she didnt say anything but she said their story wont end. yeah. http://danbandettos.blogspot.com/ -points points- END OF EDIT.
Friday, June 29, 2007
alright, last cca just ended.
although it was qt a .... cca, but still. first just did pop drills until my calves were so suan1 and my neck was breaking. but still, haiyaya. was this really how we were like? :p alright, then they decided tht we had been too slack, so we did PT :/ running jumping jacks pushups (dno why they just dont wna use the word pumps) crunches some funny thing with the arm sumo 明天不用去ndp了啦。 脚要断掉了。 and then, ya, last cca, so they said some stuffs. yeahh. qt unnerving though, now you think about it. two weeks from now we will be wearing our collared tee and people will be calling us MA'AM -shudders- ahhhhh. and then, wells, the darkblues sang 'i love you you love me' to the reds and they seemed qt touched. yet when we said 'its just goodnight and not goodbye' to them, they were unmoved. do we sound sarcastic or something? and thenn. went macs. and they came too. i attempted to wave. i succeeded in waving before some idiot blocked me. so i must've looked damn spastic or something. while tomoe and jesmine had their views unblocked. :/ omg. barely a few hours, and i miss them already. and POP isn't even officially over yet. WHICH REMINDS ME!!!! how how how arh. i really think i shouldnt be caring anymore right. but still... 我要做好好给她们看leh. like, oops, sound very suckup but srsly. 最后一次了. just give them something nice lah. like hurr. and this happens to be the one that they 重视 the most. last cca. really really really the last liao. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. maybe i am slow. the full impact hasnt hit yet.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
two more days till my parents come back.
ten more days to POP. seems to be quite fine for the moment, i suppose. it was fun at the library. i think we did a very gong-han-ish email. but at least it sounds polite. and it also ensures that we dont sound like we think we're already in authority when we haven't already gone through POP yet. YAYE. haha and i am pro in guessing people's emails too. :D okay, maybe its only because i rmbed it vaguely from somewhere. sometimes the things i rmb vaguely turn out to be true too. like OIC's number for instance. there was once i rmbed it only vaguely. and it turned out to be correct when it was checked against the telephone relay. :D all right, new chem teacher coming tmr. maybe his new CREATIVE style of teaching and his EXPERIENCE can help me pull up my mole concept marks. but still... I PASSED MOLE CONCEPT BY 2 MARKS!!!! yaye. the chem teachers are, er, nice enough to give us a chance to redeem ourselves though, since we didnt do very well here. week3, mole concept test. :/ fat lot of good it'll do. maybe i'll fail it and it'll pull my chem down even more. i rmb i got an A for chem in the cumulative. i dont want it to disappear lehh. :/ and ss is, er, hehe. although i still think it is quite okay. i still manage to do reasonably okayly in ss/geog though. :D damn embarrassing today can. like in geog, loyalty changed their layout AGAIN. so poor me is left with no chair. balcony only got table too :/ so in the end i resorted to borrowing a chair from purity. and most unfortunately the nearest empty chair had a wet towel on it :/ abit maluating only. hope mrs brenda tan dont rmb me eh. better find a way to magically procure a chair for geog so that i save myself embarrassing moments. yanlin found a memoirs of the geisha book under the table!! so we kind of, er, spent geog lesson reading it. hatsumomo is cool man. evil, but cool. she is damn mean though. hurr. but apparently she damn smart too. and haha, i feel so accomplished. for once i completed this piece of homework :D and hurr, actually yanlin could've copied from the TB lor. she and siyun ended up copying my answer in the end when it can easily be koped from the textbook. abit i copy from textbook also one lorr. copy my answer and copy textbook also no different one right. heh. lets see, chinese oral is on 10 july. uhh. and this time is for real eh. but somehow. i dont feel much pressure yet. maybe i will start worrying the night before and end up blabbering like an idiot in front of the fella. teehee. ehh we all damn slow eh. peirce take over alr right, their oic is huixuan right. the, uh, super-power girl who is strong in comp and leadership. bgss also got one vain probationary oic NG YAN KAI. who is apparently the most "eligible" person. since they apparently usually choose a guy to be oic. and he appears to be the most ELIGIBLE one. although he seems abit vain. abit only la hor. -subconsciously touches fringe- i shudder slightly when i imagine him being oic. -shudder- and if i rmb correctly i think kcp take over alr liao too. was it yingxuan who said it? dont rmb. hurr. and zone2 also... abit got ppl call yujun nco la hor. abit guai guai de. and its hard to imagine yingjie as house c i/c with denise as her asst. dno leh. like it feels weird to know that people in the same level as you are already taking charge in their own respective areas. makes you feel old. hurr. in stnicks also lah. other ccas practically all take over liao lor. i think band took over alr. guides and npcc both had pop liao. myra became choir president. as for charlotte, wells, she been ACL since last yr. so not very surprise that she is a CL now right. haha. roxanne library president. seline library vice-president. zhuwei library treasurer. yiying and andrea also running for head monitor/head prefect respectively. like wow la. wonder how it'll feel like to have two of your classmates running for elections. i wna see the booklet man! alright, actually i heard its not really very completed. but still... hee. i wna know whether its actually going to be a BOOK or a bookLET. and in the library there was this girl playing some funny beach volleyball game with monkeys. they jump into the air trying to catch nothing, when the ball just bounces off their head. amusing. tmr sj day ehh. how ah. morning jog eh. pe leh. i wna play softball!!!! and i wna join in what may probably be mrs tan's last lesson before she goes on her childcare leave. hurr. may i just say that i dont really know what we are supposed to do tmr. other than bring/wear full-u. and i completely forgot abt mogu's skirt. whoops. at least tmr i'll confirm be getting rid of it, in a sense. so i dont have to think about it anymore. actually i alr got my new skirt la. i just keep forgetting to return mogu's old one :p and there is cca this friday. and yes, it is definitely last cca. wonder how i will feel. most prob wont cry la. take more than that to get me crying. i dno whether this is going to be how it's like when we take over eh. how how how how how. as in not saying that i am going to have to care about this after POP. but still. :/ it is not a very nice feeling now. like, y'know... we just talked to rachel about the food ystd. and then i made the mistake of talking about it in front of her. next thing i know, she pulls rachel away and starts talking to her about the food. and... i dno... as in if you dont know the full plan right... there might be some impt details tht you miss out right. :/ see how first la. and the sqd item... you know you know you know. you claim you know. do you really know? remains to be seen. i really really like that little list, you know. i get a certain sense of satisfaction when i see it. its kind of like a talisman to me, i suppose. "as a reminder of what it had cost and what remained still to do" in harry potter/jk rowling's words.
Monday, June 25, 2007
i don't know if there's something wrong with me, or something wrong with something else.
i've just been sent way over the edge. my temper is boiling, my blood is boiling, and it's not likely to cool down soon. i am not going to say here what happened that made me so angry. maybe if you know me very well then you will have a rough idea. look, i dont know what the heck you are up to okay. all right, i admit, maybe we should have asked everybody first. but still. i was right there, i was right in front of you, and you just plain ignored me. you went about things your own way not even planning to tell me not even planning to tell us. so now everything's my fault, isn't it? let me get this straight. i don't know how exactly you're thinking or what. but i want to get this clear. what seth tan said today is true. everybody has a choice. the choices others make can deny you the chance to make a choice. and it's not my fault that the choices they made didn't go your way. i chose to walk down this path. everything that i've been through so far in sj, i chose to go through it. it's my own life, it's my own decision. there's hardly room for you to care. and i'm not even half finished yet. i know it's not easy. but the whole thing not being easy still doesn't justify anything. it doesn't justify the way you do things behind everybody's back, trying to be the behind-the-scenes one-man crew, and then coming around and complaining that you don't know what's going on. when you actually ought to know jolly well that all we know put together doesn't even match up to half of what you know. it doesn't justify how you expect things to be done your way, and if it's done any other way, and people have agreed on it, accept it. it doesn't help to play around at that point in time. it doesn't help that you've got a totally unrealistic expectation either. i tried to tell you, but you were too far gone. since that's how it's going to be, that's how i'm leaving it. this is the first time i really feel like giving someone a slap. you know, a good, tight and painful one that they always do in dramas. i cant take this. i'm feeling extremely murderous now. maybe i should go and buy dinner. maybe i'll cool off.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
school starts tmr :/
me the professional procrastinator is at work again. i have alot homework left undone. and lucky me, i cant find my msnd book. i think i lent it to someone. problem is, i dont rmb who i lent it to. so i think my lit homework is kind of botched, cos i think i did something wrongly but i dont have the means to change it. oh shoot, my hamster chewed off half the cover of my chengyu book :/ better hide from my mum. job attachment ended at sembawang shipyard. it is a nice place, but i dont think i got a very nice supervisor. from what aini said, and from my own experiences too. haha but i got to see the person that jesmine tricked into admitting that he is a 同志! cool though :D then got $50 in return for the two deep papercuts i got on my fingers. :/ but still, I'M $50 RICHER!!! :D ndp ystd. it was quite okay i suppose. except that i kept feeling queasy, a feeling that was worsened by the horribly smelly umbrellas. and btw, they're being totally unfair to jesmine. NOT FAIR. hmph. sophia and haziq are so... haiyo. its like. sophia is like macho like that. and haziq is like... please la, you see his friendster, he types like a lian. and sophia's friendster is... well... like some solemn, moody boy or something. and anyway, we managed to trick haziq into admitting (kind of) that he is a 同志 too. although he kept saying he is a man's shit (男屎) and on another occasion he said he is a monkey (猴子) and he gays around with _________ and _____________ apparently. haiyoyo. yujun is allergic to stinky umbrellas, they make her want to puke. and tmr sch starts. lets see whats lined up. ss, math, eng, chi. note. i havent done math i havent done eng i havent done chi theres no ss hw im doomed right. and i dont even know what are the tests lined up in the first week. i am so darn pro man. thankyou, thankyou, thankyou everybody. and my computer has some funny problem that makes everything a horrible rainbow color. so much so that the POP ppt is going to have to be put on hold. because i cant see the pictures. that means i cant do ____________. it is a tedious yet highly satisfying and comedic job. and i am still very happy with that ONE masterpiece. oops, i think i just gave away a clue :D tomoe is obsessed with her 神雕侠侣 and her dislike of guo fu for severing yang guo's arm. next she will apparently be moving on to 射雕英雄传. as for me, i still like 仙剑奇侠传 although i havent cared about it in ages. i have been in shock since saturday evening. shock gradually turned into amusement as the shadow of doubt was cleared. and finally, amusement turned into a cloud of dread. if i have to spend ten more weeks like this, i could just hang myself. seriously. sch tmr, better go and get myself mentally prepared to wake up at 5.45 :/
Sunday, June 17, 2007
you wake up in the middle of the night, expecting...
but there's nothing. its an empty and sad feeling. i miss changing parade so badly. absence really does make the heart grow fonder. and that's because... ______________'s mum wrote a complaint letter to miss susan lim saying that her daughter was having panic attacks and was going to commit suicide just because there is cca the next day. not a very unfamiliar story, is it? well, there's what i just found out. that person is not a secone, like i thought. it is from my sqd. how ashamed i am of my sqdmate. how very much ashamed. UG is all about discipline, you idiot. if you cant take it just get out la. not like anyone will miss you right. better than staying on and letting people hate you because you are silently and discreetly destroying the entire sj. what with your complaints and suicidal tendencies and stuffs. the obvious and simple solution is to just scram right. but no, of course you have to stay behind and just wreck everything from within. listen. SNSJ IS NOT A TORTURE CCA. although yes, there is your lovely CORPORAL PUNISHMENT which should not be banned. but it really teaches you what is discipline and team spirit. when it is time to be serious, things are really serious, no messing around. but there is always time for fun, and its really fun. 该严肃的时候就严肃,该玩的时候就尽情玩。 你们这些豆腐做的姑娘们,快给我滚开吧。
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
i have just been looking through dtc photos in an attempt to remind myself that i've been through this before, and there's no reason why i can't do it again.
fat lot of good that did. whenever i saw the photos of ________, my hand would start shaking so badly that i couldn't press the button to go to the next pic, cos the whole cursor would be trembling. so maybe, maybe if i go and really see this kind of scene on that day, my hands will start shaking and i will end up dropping everything that i attempt to pick up. or maybe my legs will start shaking, and then they will give way, and then i will faint. or maybe my head will start shaking and i will look like i'm attempting to do indian dance. and, for the record: i REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY dislike answering stupid questions. as in, really. (okay i just realise that was super redundant but wells) sigh. i shall go and put myself into the right mindset. (in case anyone thinks that the 'right mindset' is the politically-correct one, i'm sorry to say it isn't haha)
everything will be fine
everything will be fine everything will be fine everything will be fine everything will be fine everything will be fine everything will be fine everything will be fine everything will be fine everything will be fine everything will be fine everything will be fine everything will be fine everything will be fine everything will be fine everything will be fine everything will be fine everything will be fine everything will be fine everything will be fine everything will be fine everything will be fine everything will be fine everything will be fine everything will be fine everything will be fine everything will be fine everything will be fine everything will be fine everything will be fine everything will be fine everything will be fine keep telling yourself that :/ jtc tmr and i havent packed yet. cant bring myself to, i suppose. grp flag is, er, artistically messy. now to find a way to use double-sided tape and stick it on. my homework is in a dire situation, i am desperately trying to be optimistic for jtc, and pop is hopelessly stagnant too. go louisa, you can do it man. okay now i should be devising a packing strategy for jtc. survival strategies too (:
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
NDP 2007.
Case study #1: (girl) admits to having a crush on (girl) , but is rumored to like (boy) . Case study #2: (girl) is consistently paired up with (boy) , has a darling in ___(girl)___, found an eye candy in ___(guy)___, but seems to be interested in ___(boy)___. Case study #3: ___(girl)___ was thought to be __(boy)___'s girlfriend (who was later revealed to be someone else), and apparently has a thing for ___(guy)__. Case study #4: ___(boy)___ got suan-ed behind his back a lot of times today for no apparent valid reason. Case study #5: ____(man)___ was thought to be married. A rumor then came about that he has a girlfriend in ____(girl)___. i reckon this is gna get interesting.
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
may i just proudly say that i love my accidental manicure???
first, i attempted to wash mabelline's brushes and ended up getting yellow paint all over my hands. attempted to wash it off, but it didnt really work. next, i tried to help darice to wash my brush and ended up getting splodges of green paint on my hands. attempted to wash off again with no luck. third, i ended up throwing away two of mabelline's brushes and one of mine. please omit this step. fourth, i went home and bathed. finally got all the paint off except for those stuck under my nails. TA-DA! Lovely yellow-and-green nails. the effect really is quite nice. yellow-and-green at the top, all pink at the bottom ((: ndp tmr. dno why today i felt like dying more than ever. i've never felt so tired even after standing still, getting shocked by 21-gun salutes, laughing at twitching people and guessing whether people's voices have broken, opening umbrellas, marching and running off parade grounds for one whole day. zzzzz. i wonder how the INTERROGATION is going to go tmr, though (: hee. i should be waiting for a wonderful show. wonder how my flag is doing, stoning in the fam lounge now. (: I think Will Turner is cool (: -dedicated to 2 orlando bloom fans i know- ehh. i really do think he's cool lor. save for the fact that he has no heart now. literally.
Monday, June 04, 2007
bloody messenger kicked me out, rawrr.
sigh. wells. camp is coming. i should be happy right? i gave up huangshan to come for this thing. but i never expected this. how wonderful, isnt it? two people tell you exactly the same story. and then all you're left with is a sec 3, 2, 1. bingo? no. haha just realised how busy i am! pop meeting today grp meeting tmr ndp on wed errand for dad on thurs one day to rest/do hw and saturday is ndp all over agn. and all the time, jtc just comes nearer and nearer and nearer i just realised how long i havent been to the army market to buy camp stuffs! cos theresa asked me how much to bring and i realised i was clueless she doesnt have anything, while i have my green mug my mess tins and everything. this jtc, seems like qt few things to bring. but i think i am wrong. i hope i am correct, though. haha. ehh my com suddenly no sound! like wth. nvmd. when i look at the list agn, suddenly seems like alot to bring. sigh. i never have bags the appropriate size. those that can fit all my stuffs, too big for the table. those that can fit the table, cant fit all my stuffs. and piling them up just wont work, because i'll just get more confused. wonder how i managed to sort everything into four plastic bags last time. hmm. JTC 好像是要带多一点东西的吧。 i reckon i ought to buy new mess tins and stove. i seem to need a new one every year. my old stove was burnt to a black blob the previous time. wonder where my black blob is now. and mess tins, wells, somehow the toothpaste wont bloody come off. -scrub scrub scrub- no use leh. does anyone out there have a smash-proof torch? every camp since sec one, i have always wasted a bloody torch. like the previous camp LAH. one bloody torch from the army market, nice and bright, cost me 5 bucks. broke in the first bunk inspection. KNS la. spare batteries never do the trick. its alw the mechanism that spoils. hmm. i notice we no need bring plate. YAY. i've had enough of dearest mum screaming at me to keep that plate safe. oh no oh no that means we are eating from the mess tin during outdoor cooking. :/ i rmb sec one jtc i kept eating and eating cos no one wanted to eat. :/ got stomachache in the middle of the night also dont dare tell ppl lah. well guess what? i excavated a spare toilet roll, 2 boxes of solid fuel (hopefully they can still burn) and the stove that i was unable to open during DTC. ((: and i was looking for my groundsheet. how is it that i never seem to find the things i want, but find a lot of other things in exchange? found my groundsheet at last. hiding in a corner of my cupboard with my uniform cover. -raises eyes to heavens- Mars is bright tonight. However, it is being obscured by clouds. A great fighting spirit is being oppressed and waiting to be unleashed.
Friday, June 01, 2007
jesmine pangseh us!!! how could she :/
so i suppose all there's left to do now is wait till dec hols and pray that nothing's changed. went down to watch the darkblues' sqd item with tomoe. its qt random, but entertaining :D i mean its entertaining cos its random. so random = good (: or is it just me who likes random stuffs? the ppl with the cd player found the yellow house cheer routine song from like 2 yrs ago. like hurr, whts it doing there... then went to macs after tht with tomoe and finally managed to do more hw! although elit is very siann but still. walau that macs girl very irritating LEH. the short, short conversation went something like this. me: can i have one hot fudge sundae? her: hot fudge.... -stone- her: chocolate? me: err ya. (thinking) hot fudge not chocolate meh anyway, she gives me this hot fudge sundae with barely any fudge. me: err can you give me more fudge? -she stones for very long before finally apparently registering what i said and going off to add more fudge- she qt weird hor. i really really want to just throttle you. but no, that'll be dirtying my fingers, wouldnt it? not to mention if i can even get them around your poor neck that's supporting your fat head. |
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