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louisa 920507 adps sngs hci ♥ BEST!clare ♥ aikching ♥ boonyi ♥ brenda ♥ eehui ♥ emilytan ♥ haziq ♥ jazreel ♥ jesmine ♥ jodie ♥ lokyin ♥ melody ♥ myra ♥ qiqin ♥ samuel lee ♥ sophia ♥ tomoe ♥ vivian ♥ weifen ♥ xinru ♥ yinyee ♥ zhuwei 샤월 ♥ ai ♥ desiree ♥ lynn ♥ michelle ♥ samantha ♥ vernette ♥ weiqi [cow] ♥ yanchiew 09S77 ♥ caiyi ♥ caleb ♥ cherie ♥ cynthia ♥ elizabeth ♥ keejia ♥ qiaoyan ♥ valerie ♥ weiqi ♥ zichao ♥ 09S77 ♥ APOLLO! ♥ 4T'08 / 3T'07 ♥ 2G'06 ♥ 1C'05 ♥ yellows ♥ snsj November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 June 2010
Monday, April 30, 2007
my keyboard oddly malfunctioned just now and typed "blooger" instead of "blogger". -frowns-
okay my mother is irritating me with her theories on how Dumbledore must've created a Horcrux so he didnt die. given up trying to explain. it's stated explicitly in Half-Blood Prince: (wait i shall go find my book and riffle resolutely through it) ahh. here it is. page 465. (amazes me how much time i spent trying to find this little bit) Voldemort: "But how do you do it?" -'it' meaning splitting your soul to make a Horcrux- Slughorn: "By an act of evil - the supreme act of evil. By committing murder. Killing rips the soul apart. The wizard intent upon creating a Horcrux would use the damage to his advantage: he would encase the torn portion". SEE!!! Does Dumbledore look like a killer to you? -rolls eyes- then, she comes and yaks about Dumbledore killing bad guys. thus, she proves that she completely does not understand the implication that Dumbledore is NOT a killer. -sigh- page 478. i am wasting time here. Dumbledore: "he was in such a hurry to mutilate his own soul, he never paused to understand the incomparable power of a soul that is untarnished and whole". does that sound like he'd make a horcrux out of killing some bad guy? answer: NO. not that i rmb him killing any bad guys, though. given up trying to explain lah. she can go on and on and on about how her lovely Dumbledore killed his hand to make a Horcrux or something. i personally dont think an old and wise man like Albus Dumbledore would be as drawn to the idea of self-mutilation as much as teenagers like us, full of what we call teenage angst and so on. and no, the poor guy's not going senile either, cos he's DEAD. whew. pd tmr. :( by the looks of it, jubilate pd has flown out the window too. :( sad. now i've got to buy tickets and go broke. although its like 10 bucks if i rmb correctly but still, 10 bucks is a lot of money for compulsive eaters like me. RAHHHHHHHHHHH. i dont know how to end this ahha. -stones around randomly- fyi, i have no idea what on earth "woeful wonders" is supposed to mean. i just thought it was a lovely example of alliteration. (and if you took abovementioned comment to be serious, i think you've got a screw loose up there.)
Thursday, April 26, 2007
曹格——背叛 雨不停落下来
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
:D -laughs madly- maybe that was the something i needed.
what thing? dont know. smoking kills 12 times more than road accidents. in short, it's okay to run across the road. because i dont smoke. and you're more likely to die of smoking than of getting hit by a car. hmm. nice thought. and please, folks, dont buy lottery. humans are 176 times more likely to be murdered than to win the lottery. i suddenly remember jesmine's ominous prediction while walking home today. somehow i get the feeling that her predictions cannot be trusted. but then again. -glances nervously around- i reckon i ought to bring a bulletproof vest or something. maybe a big metal pot to block bullets :)
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
sigh, school is sian.
:/ lovely chem test to look forward to on thursday. :/ btw, i HATE the mole concept. do i srsly look like i want to know the mass of one carbon atom in my pencil lead? fyi, the answer is NO. 854 is a nice bus to take from bowen secondary. btw, bowen appears to be very easy to break into, if you dont mind breaking a couple of your bones to jump in from the overhead bridge. of course, you're likely to suffer a skull fracture by banging onto the covered walkways lah. -shrugs- sports day rehearsal today, managed to skip 2.4! for now at least :) lalalalalalalalalalalalala. i feel qt sian talking to ________. whtever i say, they just smile and dont say anything. so wet blanket can anot. :/ haiyaa. saw ______ at ______ today. got down from 854, talking happily with jesmine... suddenly ___________ walk past us, engrossed in _______. me and jesmine appeared to be quite amused. then we walked for a while, and jesmine decided to eat waffle. she pointed to somewhere-beyond which supposedly sells waffle. and then _____________ walked past agn. me and jesmine WERE quite amused. and then, she whirled around and went in the exact same direction as she was heading the first time we saw her. me and jesmine were DEFINITELY amused. and anyway, the place where jesmine thought sells waffle didnt. so we strolled along and went into a bread shop. and i was so amused by the sight of a container of ribena so i pointed at it. BIG MISTAKE. i accidentally sent jesmine into a craze over ribena and in the end we went to cold storage to find ribena. but she couldnt find cold ribena. in the end she bought yogurt. and couldnt find the bloody spoon. so she asked the cashier about it and the cashier gave her a plastic spoon. oh yes i forgot to mention when we alighted from 76 on our way to awwa (supposedly pronounced eh-wah, but we feel ah-wah sounds better) jesmine walked damn far away from bowen secondary before she decided to cross the overhead bridge and walk the other way and we nearly went into a centre for the intellectually-disabled asking for directions. at long last, jesmine decided to call the girija person who gave us directions. and so we finally reached awwa jesmine all-the-while cursing her cousin who was from bowen and apparently doesnt know where awwa is. i-n-t-e-r-e-s-t-i-n-g. now the fella has denounced bowen and hereby declared his school as singapore poly school of business and NOT bowen. -shrug- AWWA IS COOL AHHHA :) (except for tht little recurring vision of some kid throwing a crayon at me. it was initially a pen, but in the end it changed to crayon. guess those kids dont really use pens anyway) was making funny sounds in class all day so much so that i ended up confusing morphine with endomorphine (according to jazreel). for the record, the chemical in your brain that makes you happy is apparently ENDORPHINE. you were confused too, hahahahahhaha all in all, i conclude tht today was qt an amusing day. except for the part about YOU.
Monday, April 23, 2007
너를 용서할 맘은
너를 다시 볼 맘은 없어 amazingly, these few lines really represent wht i wna say.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
words dont normally fail me.
but they just flew all out the window this time. i dont know what to say or do anymore. maybe, like tomoe says, im just confused. and maybe i should go sleep and stop worrying about it. but still... 为什么要收拾残局的是我? 为什么错的一定是我? 我原本还想维护你,别人批评你的时候还想给你找借口。 做做做做做,做到有点累了。 或许早就该休息了。 你让我无话可说。 怒火建起了厚厚的冰墙。 火越猛,冰就越厚。 im really really lost. someone help me. please.
Monday, April 16, 2007
i <3 the video on the truth blog! its like so... when i see it, memories flood my mind.
i wanted to kick the habit of being a compulsive blogger. as is obvious, i failed to do so. tsk tsk tsk. 没有自制力。 ahhh!!! this is one of the rare retail therapies that make me happy :) okay i went spastic with windows media player and am now listening to an ultra-fast version of ai qing fu xing. sounds like some irish folk song or something... i am going to laugh out loud any time now. x-man rocks!!! although yoon eun hye and kim jong kook left the show long ago so its qt boring now :/ but it was damn funny while it lasted. okay now theres this ultra-fast version of ni guang which is also very funny. i am totally going high today. and thats WITHOUT the effect of chocolate. -sigh- im still not feeling very optimistic. i need sth to kick me out of this mood. and no, neither x-man, or ridiculously-fast versions of my favourite songs or the video on 3 truth blog is going to help. unfortunately. maybe a ridiculously-fast jing wu men will help :) im still thinking of __________. it's a never-ending cycle, isn't it? you're never going to see it from my point of view. and i'll never be able to see it from your point of view.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
i feel like a compulsive blogger, suddenly blogging everyday when i dont even have time.
and i am supposed to be doing matrices which are due tmr. lousy matrices, not like i will be using you in future anyway. why cant you just stay in the movies and not bother me. (not like i love matrix movies or wdv, but at least they dont bother me there) i think of next week and i want to die. 我怀念的是无话不说 我怀念的是一起做梦 我怀念的是争吵以后 还是想要爱你的冲动 说不定我不该怀念了。 是时候学会放得下。
ndp training was qt nice today actually. how surprising!!! :D and next week we are going into army camp, hurrhurr, where theres going to be like some combined rehearsal. wheeeeeeeeeee. okay i sound like im so excited to go into an army camp when actually i dont feel anything.
training ended suuuuuuuuuuuper early cos the weather wasnt good. and jesmine has developed a rather bad impression of ________. and new quote from bella: gossiping is healthy for the mind! so maybe i should gossip more. then i can be smarterrrrr. now my screen anticipates that i will input some words into it. but i dont know what to put into it. its all just so SCREWED UP. or maybe to put it more accurately YOU are so screwed up. you're screwing up everything and you dont want to see it. stop acting nice when you know you're not being that way. stop pretending, because everyone can see. or maybe that's your objective in the first place. it's not funny, okay. maybe funny to you la huh. how wonderful. i bet its very funny to ___________ especially, since _________ obviously shows immense pleasure in making life difficult for others. my mum makes so much sense nowadays. nobody is going to whip a dead horse. i have nothing more to say to you. what i can say has already been said too many times. but nothing has happened. what mum said is true. no matter what we say or do, nothing can change the situation. so i can only watch as you continue with your overbearing arrogance your pretentious actions your ridiculous self-delusions your whatever. which wont stop as soon as it seems it will. it probably never will. what the heck. i dont care about ____ anymore okay. just get out of my sight as far and fast as you can. i doubt i would want to see you in the near future. its the deliberate intentions of your actions that deal the damage.
Friday, April 13, 2007
go and die man rawrr.
for the first time, i really really really felt like scolding someone the f word. i dont know whts going on actually. all i know is that suddenly everything's come to this and it's not something i like. it is not a given that because i've done this, i can, will and must do it again. it is not a given that i must be at your beck and call because i am not your dog or servant, i have a life of my own to lead and YOU are certainly not going to take control of it. i cannot afford to change my entire schedule to suit your whims and fancies. you have taken the last bit of my passion for granted and trampled all over it. now that it's gone, there are only two options. to find it back, or to give up on it. and the latter is so much easier to achieve. i like the song 傀儡 by 牛奶 now, not cos of the melody or wdv, but maybe its the lyrics that i like. 受够你的约束快还给我自由 不想继续任由你摆布 我要走我的路 不相信你不会藏着世界的残酷 总有一天你的身边不会有一个人报复 脱下你的面具 露出着你的面孔 甜言蜜语已经没有用 说出你的阴谋 界限已被你超越 我不再对你有眷恋 让回忆就消失在黑暗的宇宙间 不再做你的傀儡 你的枷锁弄得我好累 不再做你的傀儡 我有梦想去追寻 不再做你的傀儡 不在乎你到底对不对 不再做你的傀儡 抛弃的爱已经要不回 发现不再为你掉下一滴眼泪 绝望在内心泛滥成灾 脑海已变空白 不相信这世界会有所谓的真爱 我正以为松开我的防备 命运我来主宰 脱下你的面具 露出着你的面孔 甜言蜜语已经没有用 说出你的阴谋 界限已被你超越 我不再对你有眷恋 让回忆就消失在黑暗的宇宙间 and the parts after this arent really relevant. wells wells. how amazing that something so very perfect in the past could wind up like this. LIKE THIS. it seems pathetic, and i deduce it IS pathetic. now, everything to do with _________ is pathetic. never have i hated anyone/anything with so much passion. never have i dreaded anything this intensely before. THANKS TO YOU. 佩服佩服。 lousy idiots.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
i really really REALLY dont want to go school tmr.
but i cant be sick tmr cos i got that dumb-ass bio presentation to do. sick and go home halfway? hope so, pray so. but that seldom happens in real life. i am just denying reality after all. i realise what they mean now. to not always think of yourself as being in the worst predicament on earth, because you never know what others went through and didnt tell you. to not impose your own discomfort with your own situation onto others who, for all you know, may be experiencing something worse than you, or may have done so. i finally understand, but now i dont know whether i should thank you or not for letting me understand that. what were you doing when i was stuck in a similar mess? i clearly dont remember you helping me in any way. all i remember is you giving me bushuang faces and cold stares, as if to tell me that i asked for it and it's all my fault that im so lousy i cant cope with anything. im sorry, but thats what i remember. and when ______ happened, what you did was to tell me that if anything went wrong, i asked for it all and i should have seen it coming. thanks alot. i need a space to breathe, pronto.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
deny reality
i finally found the source of my irritation, and its not due to hsk.
(okaay, maybe partially la.) i feel like a tortoise. i rmb my cousin telling me i was a pokemon. i bet im one that hides in its shell. if only it was so easy to ignore. im getting more and more confused when i think about it. and when im confused, I EAT. all the cny goodies are gone by now and i have nothing nice to eat. so i remain confused. lets just all deny reality, people. it's a way of life and we should live by it :)
Monday, April 09, 2007
if it all turns out to be true, I HATE THOSE !#$^!#*#!%^!%%!^!$$%$%*$#% HSK SCHOLARSHIP ORGANISERS. they suck la go and die. RAWRR.
may your unused brains rot forever in your skulls.
although molly didnt scream today, i still feel very irritated. which is not normal for a monday because im usually stoning.
maybe... nevermind. my feeling of irritation is building by the minute. how the heck is that there is no chocolate at home? is this legal? RAWRRR. i - want - chocolate. i dont care, im probably going to eat and eat and eat until i dont even have appetite for dinner or sth. or maybe during dinner i'll just continue eating until i lao sai or sth. rawrr. i found a song i like. yaye. 林俊杰——忘记 感觉梦醒着 你要我进去我才能进去。 你要我滚蛋我就非得滚蛋不可。 把我当什么。
Saturday, April 07, 2007
i <3 imeem
yay finished the imeem playlist!!!
although it was kind of rushed cos my mum was nagging me to slp but wells. pretty happy with it anyway. obviously must thank JODIE for introducing me to imeem. :D tht was when all the other files from other websites couldnt play. and stupid youtube didnt have the mv for 左边 either. I just rmbed some songs that i wanted to put into the playlist. but i guess it'll take too much time. imeem takes an awfully long time to load on my com. :/ nvmd i shall work on it some other time :)) well gtg slp now. or else my mum's nv gna let me hear the end of it. rawrr. 如果你真的是在耍我,我无话可说。 你以为我就这样而生气,你就大错特错。 反而觉得你是世界上最为可笑之人。
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
i find mogu's sudden bout of thick-skinned-ness as well as her continuous expounding of the virtues of mogus and moguism highly entertaining.
amath test tmr. smarty me didnt bring home the tb. i wave goodbye to any hopes of pulling my maths out of the deep abyss of the C grade. gahh. house prac today was entertaining la, i guess. everything's like super lame okay. haha. if my lip-reading skills have not failed me (which i think they alr have), tomoe and eehui got lost?!?!?! -shrugs- haiyaah. im sick of everything, including ss. i kick you away you lousy test paper. BAHHHH. everything's just getting more and more hypnotic. i am blanking out/sleeping in lessons that dont normally make me sleepy. !#*#$%*&!#$$&#$%&#$%* 界限已被你超越 我不再对你有眷恋 让回忆就消失在黑暗的宇宙间 |
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