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louisa 920507 adps sngs hci ♥ BEST!clare ♥ aikching ♥ boonyi ♥ brenda ♥ eehui ♥ emilytan ♥ haziq ♥ jazreel ♥ jesmine ♥ jodie ♥ lokyin ♥ melody ♥ myra ♥ qiqin ♥ samuel lee ♥ sophia ♥ tomoe ♥ vivian ♥ weifen ♥ xinru ♥ yinyee ♥ zhuwei 샤월 ♥ ai ♥ desiree ♥ lynn ♥ michelle ♥ samantha ♥ vernette ♥ weiqi [cow] ♥ yanchiew 09S77 ♥ caiyi ♥ caleb ♥ cherie ♥ cynthia ♥ elizabeth ♥ keejia ♥ qiaoyan ♥ valerie ♥ weiqi ♥ zichao ♥ 09S77 ♥ APOLLO! ♥ 4T'08 / 3T'07 ♥ 2G'06 ♥ 1C'05 ♥ yellows ♥ snsj November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 June 2010
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
complications. again?
things are getting complicated... lets just hope it settles down by itself.
okay today got geog and amath test, i am surprisingly confident for both of them despite having made a stupid careless mistake at the end of amath. but i actually fear being confident for tests cos i dont know whether im being overconfident or not. hehehe. wells wells today wasnt a very interesting/happening day, except that i conclude that the school is mad, want me to get A1 for everything except lit which is A2, and expect my L1R5 to be 6. dream on man. hurr hurr hurr. its alr a great achievement if i can pass maths :) blah i think i am going to die of caffeine overdose, i shall not relate the story of how i ended up being overly saturated with caffeine. i vow to stay off coffee for the next month or so. AAHHH i give up on hydrogen and its idiotic deuterium isotope, and stupid logarithms too, may i know which mathematician had nothing better to do and went to invent all these dumb logarithms and its laws?
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
maths is irritating
amazingly i managed to complete all my maths homework! yay. although actually some were due today :p but oh wells, alot ppl didnt bring, so some ppl get to hand in tmr! for lazybones like me, that can only be good news. stupid ec consolidated assignments.
yay congrats to truth! we won the chinese debate!!!! falalalala. truth vs loyalty+charity! 进入名校能确保学生的前途,正方!lalalalala. yan lin, li jia, charlyne and jazreel :) and li jia was our 最佳辩手!yay truth :) training today, after we attempted one nursing case then we went to do fd cos shirley's grp wanted to use the nursing room. then we did one format for tomoe to see, then maams came down and requested us to do another format for them to see. jesmine and i then ended up practising commands and timings, while the other three ended up doing "random drills". yupp, must push my timing to a higher pitch apparently cos i dont need to push my voice low to suit jesmine's. and i didnt even realise i was doing so la. oh wells. we'll see how it goes tmr la. today was the first time i went to fairprice xtra la. and honestly lor, its just like carrefour :p only its located in the heartlands, while carrefour is, erm, at suntec as far as i know. brenda and aikching were obsessed with the peppers - they caught our attention by waving the yellow peppers at us. and then we were wandering around the cherry tomatoes section when one auntie suddenly asked us if the cherry tomato package stated where the cherry tomatoes came from. then she went on and on abt how the ones that came from thailand were the best. -shrugs- all cherry tomatoes waddddddd. haiya. okay, i embarrassed myself just now when melody asked me how to draw the covalent diagram for aluminium oxide. and i tried to draw it out knowing full well that the notes containing the covalent diagrams are in school and in my chem file, and it ended up looking like two aluminium hanging off one oxygen, and each aluminium has one oxygen hanging off from each of it. sorry lor, thats the kind of covalent diagram you get from someone who has non-existent aesthetic skills. now that i think about it... for some reason tomoe has started to enjoy speaking in shakespearean language. "Art thou sure?" "Where art thee peppers?" can i be amused? when you dont know who to trust; and no one else will understand; what will you do?
Monday, January 29, 2007
sad case
i feel like a sad case now. arrrghhh.
chinese, maths, elit, bio and english tmr. that doesnt help. jiayou to our chinese debate team! ahaha. go ppl :) feeling depressed and i dont know why. maybe i'm just sick of all this crap every day. maybe i just want it to end.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
depending on trust
okay i survived today without eating ANYTHING except for two pathetic potato chips (i wasnt sposed to eat two but i just forgot :p), and macs after cca. such a sharp contrast to the bloated feeling during bn la. ohh and i must definitely eat in case i get gastric during maths, otherwise she is going to insist on getting me soya bean. -.-
ah wells so english debate today and some, er, chinese debate practice where we were sposed to ask the debate team some qns. no comments la. lessons were qt, wells, DRY. i knew friday was going to give me a blah feeling. cca today and the new sec ones finally came in. okaay la, so i dont really know many of them yet, but one name is alr stuck firmly in my mind. and i dont spose thats a very good thing. you do THAT one more time, i stuff my 1.5 bottle into your mouth. BOTTOM in. then after that went to macs, then went home. -refuses to comment- 到头来,重点还不是在于信任?可以撒手不管的还要去管,是多管闲事还是关心? 除非你说你不承认,不然别忘了别人还是你的谁,你也有责任。
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
原来心在流泪,却要装出若无其事的样子才是最难受的。 难道要我为了你而把眼泪吞进肚子里? aaah. i shall post when i feel better.
Monday, January 22, 2007
lameness and randomness
great. so now i cant even fall off my chair without getting labelled as a rebellious idiot. WHATEVER...
as if amaths wasnt enough of a killer, my mum got bushuang that i was engrossed in amaths and nv reply her when she talk to me, and started scolding me for being rebellious and etc etc etc, even blaming it on my friends and everything laaa. like hello why suddenly drag my friends into this la. then after that i fell off my chair, then she immediately assumed that i was throwing a tantrum, therefore i missed the chair while trying to bang things around and thus i fell off. WOW. she will surely get full marks for elit/history/any-subject-which-requires-good-inferring-skills. also she was unhappy that i refused to trouble my dad with my amaths and insisted on finding a classmate to teach me. and what is she doing when i am trying to do amaths? laughing and playing with my two hamsters. how to concentrate like that la. omg. anyway, poc was on 20th jan. wells thats like the last time i'll see my entire bn group like that. and its qt amazing, like how long ago bn was and how we even managed to survive it. and anyway thats when i had to wear a SKIRT for the first time in dno how long. and i was so occupied over the weekend that i forgot to wish charissa happy fifteenth. :p then 21st jan was my mum's cousin's wedding dinner, where my mum insisted that i call each and every one of her relatives by their proper chinese title, which obviously no one can work out since one of them was like my mum's uncle's sister-in-law's mum. like HUHHH. she is super lame. fast forward to today, where i find it very interesting that mr nunn attempted to read out this passage from sharpening the senses (i think it is on page 60-something), this fella called conrad loves this girl called lucy, then he's trying to make his way over to her across some coffee shop or sth, then there's this "magnificent fat man" in his way, so he's trying to get around the "magnificent fat man who was in front of him". unfortunately i think his glasses need changing, cos he read: "magnificent fat man who was wearing a pink blouse"... actually the blouse is like what the girl is wearing la. and you know what comes after the pink blouse? "pink blouse which fell softly upon her shoulders and covered the upper half of her arms". imagine a MAGNIFICENT FAT MAN wearing that kind of PINK BLOUSE. -faints- anyway our whole class was laughing like hell la. yupps. uh-oh. tmr's timetable looks pretty depressing. footdrill, double maths, double pe, double bio, double chem, chinese, maths, training. so far i am still finding it hard to decide which is my favourite day and which is my least favourite. suddenly all my favourite subjects are gone and i seem to detest every single one of them. hurr hurr on second thought i think friday is my least favourite day, cos i have bio, double lit, double maths, english, chinese and ipw. :/ hehe i think wednesday is going to be my favourite day again, as usual. double geog, chinese, double english, double chem and double maths. at least maths is the last period, which means that immediately after a brain-frying session its home-time :) oh yes and my new favourite hobby is to make the symbols on my calculator form this: YE5!93.3FM
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
training today which was, erms, qt entertaining in some ways la.
we did our first fa case in which there was a qt hilarious situation happening with my casualty, but i shall keep it a secret. wells wells. cpr is a killer! five cycles in two minutes? lets look at this mathematically and see what we're dealing with. two minutes = 120 seconds one cpr cycle consists of 30 compressions and 2 blows now, if 5 cycles must be done in 120 seconds, that leaves you with 120 divided by 5 = 24 seconds for each cycle. assuming we leave out the 2 blows first. we're dealing with 30 compressions now right? so, 24 seconds divided by 30 compressions gives you o.8 seconds for each compression. now we add in the two blows, which should roughly amount to two seconds in total. so, 24 - 2 you get 22 seconds in which to perform your 30 speedy compressions. thus, 22 divided by 30 gives you 0.733333333333333333333333 seconds for each compression. wells wells. no further comments. aahh, tmr i see morning jog, elec geog, chinese, english, math and lit on my timetable. how interesting. argh.
Monday, January 15, 2007
skirt ystd
went to buy poc skirt with tomoe nini and mogu ystd. we were supposed to meet up at amk mrt platform at 10 am, and i hereby proudly declare that i was the most punctual to arrive cos i arrived at 10.01 :) and i was the first one there. then aft that mogu came, then nini, and then surprisingly tomoe was the last one to reach. and nini immediately spotted her by saying that her shoes were very ugly, and then chanting "tomoe please drop" when she was going up the escalator. weird person.
we went to wisma first, then walked around at isetan. act we found some skirts that were qt nice, but they were all beige-brown and stupid nini claimed that she had an issue with beige -.- so we went off to find other skirts. our search for skirts took us all the way to heeren, where there were some nice skirts but then some of them dont go well with black or else they are too ex and way over our budgets. and then tomoe instigated the abandonment of nini and mogu, but obviously nini didnt care very much. i think its cos she's used to being abandoned :) (note: rmb the time we went to vivo??? haha) so we decided to go back to wisma, where we FINALLY bought the skirts and where nini wailed constantly that its very act cute. honestly... as if she doesnt act cute lor. blech. after buying the skirts we went to taka, where nini said she wanted to buy shoes but in the end didnt because she didnt know how to buy shoes -.- hmm. and then today was spent completing homework and attempting to eat up my notes. training starts tmr and my notes are like 乱七八糟. aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh. yawns. i shall go back to resolutely drawing out the cells for molly. AGAIN. training my copying skills :))
Saturday, January 13, 2007
pieces of meat
i cant get over it. first, THE picture. darnit. i shall cover my head with a paper bag from now on. actually no, i wont, i dislike paper bags for some reason.
haha the second thing is much funnier though. molleee and her pieces of meat!!! hahahahah. this is kind of what happened. SCENARIO: A typical bio class with molly, in which she is teaching us abt tissues and organs and stuffs. molly: what is this? -holds up a finger- class: finger... molly: you all can tell me this is a finger. how do you know this is a finger? why dont you all say that it is a piece of meat? class: -laughs- (molly draws a picture of lips on blackboard) molly: what is this? -points to picture- class: lips/mouth... molly: see, how come you all know this is a mouth? you can also say these are two pieces of meat!!! her and her pieces of meat. -faints- lala okaay so for some reason i was pretty obsessed with molly's pieces of meat throughout the day. we stoned at first tomoe's class then jesmine's class, where jesmine showed us her horrible sadistic tendencies, demonstrated by the poor innocent lobsters in the little microwavable containers. and did i mention i became a shaking pendulum at tomoe's class? heh. oh yesss and then i realised that me and jesmine are smart because we knew how to solve mr nunn's qn that tomoe was at a total loss to answer. cca next. now i know how its like to spin on one leg even when you're not ice skating. wheee. (no thanks to you, dear) then after cca went to tauhuay shop and laughed and went crazy, esp when some rather mad things happened. yupps. on a final note, i think molly will come to love me qt soon because im alw nodding earnestly to all her redundant questions such as "am i right, girls?" act its not redundant on its own but it is if she keeps repeating it ever so often. and im alw nodding earnestly to these questions because she always stares at me as if im daydreaming. so to prove im not daydreaming, i must give her this type of response. bleghhhh. okaay, my thighs have barely healed from last week's frog-hopping and now they are shaking agn.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
one person, im not going to butcher her up yet until she makes me mad again. meanwhile i sharpen my chopper :)
the other person, i dont know whats her prob or what her motives are. i dont think what she's doing is going to get her very far lor, im sorry. but then agn, such things are hard to predict and you never know, especially when ________ comes into the picture. to quote shirley: 很好lor,你赢了lor! well at least, thats what i think shirley alw says :p i dno laaa. haiya. i am alr qt irritated with darling miss molleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee for making us draw out the bio cells. i think the chloroplasts look weird, not to mention the stupid dotty RER. and i just realised my mitochondrion looks like a toothless mouth. so much for thinking my aesthetic/copying skills suddenly improved. yes, dear, i have recently received confirmation that the skills you have taught me worked out PERFECTLY.
fat hamsters!
i hereby conclude that my hamsters look fat, feel fat, ARE fat. they must be half fat and half fur. they must go to a slimming centre to slim down, but they will only eat their stupid corncob bedding and grow fat again.
mensuration test just now. bahhh. we ended at like 3.10 or sth. :/ HOMEWORK LIST -bio drawing (-.-) -maths :( -elit z for zachariah thingy -research on Switzerland piangs. and i'm too lazy to start on anything.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
okay i dno why, maybe im just going mad or sth, but i just found this totally spastic. i strongly dislike mensuration--------me i strongly dislike mensuration says: i strongly dislike mensuration says: .TOMOE says: i strongly dislike mensuration says: i strongly dislike mensuration says: .TOMOE says: i strongly dislike mensuration says: .TOMOE says: .TOMOE says: TOMOE says: i strongly dislike mensuration says: i strongly dislike mensuration says: well. what can you expect when math is frying your brains and theres a stupid 25-min mensuration test tmr AFTER SCHOOL.
and afterwards... .TOMOE says: i strongly dislike mensuration says: i strongly dislike mensuration says: .TOMOE says: .TOMOE says:
Sunday, January 07, 2007
CCA fair
cca fair ystd. it was HOT. i'd rather run in and out from the specs stand than roast in the sun and get a horribly uneven tan.
i got a sunburn, though. thats the second time i got a sunburn. first time was after one particular sec one mcom training. surprisingly i didnt get sunburns during the camps or ccas or even kayaking. the sun was so hot, the clay melted right on the groundsheet of the first aid booth. and its DISGUSTING. ewwww. poor fd ppl. the sec ones walked off halfway through their format to go see the netballers. like whats the point la. looks like they werent transfixed by the hormat after all. now because of cca fair, i walk like a crippled penguin and i look like a roasted one. and thats not supposed to be very funny, in case random ppl think my posts are funny agn.
Friday, January 05, 2007
great. now my mum is nagging about how i have very little money left in my wallet. piangs la. i need a school pocket money fund now. rahhh. why is she scolding me everyday la. qt irritating only can. grrr. irritated irritated irritated, i am super irritated now and i feel like punching someone. and i can make you into a bloody pulp, believe i can.
Thursday, January 04, 2007
stupid yaomao
rahhh. i have been irritated ever since the end of school today. as, well, those who know me will know. THOROUGHLY IRRITATED.
thanks a lot sia. i absolutely refuse to have anything more to do with you unless absolutely necessary, which frankly i dont foresee any absolute necessity to interact with you whatsoever. but really la, thanks alot alot alot sia. pffffffffffffft. being irritated is bad for health. but its hard to stop being irritated. especially when such things happen. rahh.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
i swear i am suffering from going-back-to-school-blues. i have been sighing profusely for the past five minutes and i didnt know why until i attributed it to the going-back-to-school-blues.
today was quite a strange day. just stuck wheels on ambulances and tried to poke a hole for the hooks, but obviously it was qt disgusting, so i reverted to sticking wheels. then went to S-11 with tomoe and jesmine, and they ate dinner while i sat there and watched. jesmine's biggest achievement of the day is learning how to cut steak properly, although she still holds her fork a little weirdly. oh yes and the biggest discovery of the day is that both of them are terrified of bees. and that bees like, uh, chrysanthemum tea? it drank the chrysanthemum tea on jesmine's can and crawled into mine can. blah. ok i have just decided to lug many many textbooks to school, because i want to stuff them under my table and i dont mind shifting them around when the seating arrangements are changed. haha. and i hope i get to sit with jazzie!!!! falalala. all the crap about starting 2007 off with a bang, i think i will start off the school year with a bushuang mood especially if i get a lousy form teacher. and anyway i am alr a little little bushuang now. uh-oh. tomoe thinks i look scary when i am very very bushuang. i so do not. after being bushuang i will suddenly startle everyone by becoming extremely zi-high. lala i shall go and brood about school tomorrow. and i hate my LARGE school socks. wth. i dont care i am going to buy a new pair of MEDIUM socks the minute i see it on sale and i am going to trash my large school socks pronto. |
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