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louisa 920507 adps sngs hci ♥ BEST!clare ♥ aikching ♥ boonyi ♥ brenda ♥ eehui ♥ emilytan ♥ haziq ♥ jazreel ♥ jesmine ♥ jodie ♥ lokyin ♥ melody ♥ myra ♥ qiqin ♥ samuel lee ♥ sophia ♥ tomoe ♥ vivian ♥ weifen ♥ xinru ♥ yinyee ♥ zhuwei 샤월 ♥ ai ♥ desiree ♥ lynn ♥ michelle ♥ samantha ♥ vernette ♥ weiqi [cow] ♥ yanchiew 09S77 ♥ caiyi ♥ caleb ♥ cherie ♥ cynthia ♥ elizabeth ♥ keejia ♥ qiaoyan ♥ valerie ♥ weiqi ♥ zichao ♥ 09S77 ♥ APOLLO! ♥ 4T'08 / 3T'07 ♥ 2G'06 ♥ 1C'05 ♥ yellows ♥ snsj November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 June 2010
Sunday, December 31, 2006
wheels and hamsters
well i am now the wheels i/c but i have to ensure that there are enough windows too. walau i dont care about 300 wheels anymore can, i shall just cut as many as the black paper permits and if there is still not enough then it is not my responsibility because thats all the black paper i am given, if there are extras then i shall just dispose of them. waste my time only wad.
today is like the second last day of 2006 but i am still cutting out tiny little circles and rectangles. i guess the only thing which went right today is the adoption of the two adorable hamsters from my uncle's house. ADORABLE!!!!!!!! from two hamsters, my uncle suddenly has 17 over, inclusive of the two he gave us, because the father hamster apparently went to mate with the daughter hamster and produce a litter of baby hamsters. and according to his maid who is the resident hamster gynaecologist, the mother hamster is pregnant again. she is the only one who can tell the male and female hamsters apart, and the only one who can tell when the female hamsters are pregnant. and the daughter hamster is super naughty can. she will hoist herself super high so that the poor babies cannot suck, and when she lets them suck she will run all over the place and drag them everywhere. grr i shall go back to drawing out my lovely little wheels.
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
i hate wei xing xiao shuo alot alot alot!!! i dno wad to write laa. at first i thought of making up some funny love story based on the true life story of miss AHEM and mr AHEM, but i seriously doubt it'll work.
nini is currently complaining to me abt her com and her internet. she is LAME sia. pffffft. i am worrying abt my homework and she is asking me if i know the ppl in her class. she is like the second person to do that. -.- i am boreddddddddddd because my table for hermia and helena is ruined and i plan to photocopy a new one tmr. i shall attempt to complete oberon and titania by today, since egeus and theseus are very boring. ok i have just completed a thoroughly entertaining conversation with sermin, because nini suspected her messenger got hacked into and so she gave me her email address and password, then i managed to sign in. but then sermin suddenly came to talk to "jesmine", so since i was talking to nini on the phone, she told me what to say and then i talked to her. she is highly entertaining and i believe she has cured nini's boredom, haha. i shall post it sometime soon.
Sunday, December 24, 2006
merry christmas
tomoe asked me to blog so here i am. frankly, i cant be bothered. let this blog breed mosquitoes and let the NEA come and arrest me for spreading dengue for all i care.
homework session on tuesday, after the meeting. i wonder how many ppl will turn up la. blegh. i'd rather slp at home or else try to complete my homework. i still have a lot can. i shall aim to get maths out of my face first, and then attempt either chinese or elit, both of which are equally un-tempting. my mother is currently doing her crochet thing. i dno how you spell it la, but its like knitting except you only use one needle. i dno why she wants to do it specifically in my bedroom and why specifically on my bed, since she knows very well that doing crochet makes her sleepy and that once she falls asleep it is very hard to wake her up again, therefore she will occupy my entire bed, and i cant wake her up, and then i cant slp early like i want to. haiya. so i am currently making a quick list of singapore-idol-reject videos on youtube to amuse myself while i wait for my mum to wake up later. speaking of youtube, it reminds me of how nini constantly bugged me to watch goong on youtube last time. and after i rmb goong, i rmb wad my dad said and i feel like fainting. he thinks goong's english title is called "naughty princess" -.- and that the chinese title is called 野蛮公主. for the record, the english title is Princess Hours and the chinese title is 宫——野蛮王妃. naughty princess indeed. considering i did not feel like blogging just now, i realise i blogged qt alot. whats wrong with me la. ok i shall go back to compiling my singapore-idol-reject videos now. oh yes, before i forget. merry christmas everyone!!! :D
Friday, December 15, 2006
tomoe ahh
i swear tomoe is crazy. she wants me to go do homework at her house and later eat it.
DAMN FRESH says: later eat my house okayyyy i laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
bnco is over!!!
and i slept at 9 pm and woke up at 5 pm today. my new 9-to-5 job is SLEEPING. i finally had my first bath after what seems like forever ystd. its such a good feeling to actually be able to BATHE, own time own target. sleeping too. and for some strange reason i had a craving for bananas the minute i woke up. so i finished two bananas and one pack of biscuits, which are yellow (but not banana-flavoured). and all of them are yellow, which is also the color of SQUIRREL! haha ok im being lame. must be the aftermath of bnco. and yes during bnco i got to be a lot of strange i/cs. example number 1: vomiting i/c during the course it was alr evident that my destiny was to be a vomiting i/c. "if anyone needs to go to the toilet and vomit, you help them to the toilet ok?" during the camp i also got to be vomiting i/c once. example number 2: toilet i/c haha ok this one is interesting. i think it was during the second night. i was slping, then the person slping beside me asked me to go to the toilet with her. i happened to need to go too so i agreed lor. then when i came back, isabella asked me to go to the toilet with her. i cant decline what, since she's my night buddy and i'll die if they ask her why she's going to the toilet alone. especially since she was still puking. so i went agn. the third time, someone from the OPPOSITE side of the bunk came over and asked me to go to the toilet with her. abit the first time was because i needed to go, second time was because that was my buddy, third time someone totally unrelated comes over to me and asks me to go toilet? -.- example number 3: table i/c "from now on you're in charge of standardising the stuff on the table, if its not standardised i'll hold you responsible. ok bye bye" -walks away- i think this explains itself. oh yeah thats not to mention after bnco, where me, jesmine and tomoe went home tgt and looked like three refugees stuck in yishun mrt station amongst a bunch of office workers returning from work at the CBD. and then me and jesmine had a small break at sun plaza macs and went totally mad. i was searching for stuff then she stupidly didnt want to order anything yet, then she started laughing and amused the person at the counter very much. also the person who was taking my order asked if i wanted upsize, i think im too used to bnco, i heard "upsize parade for you ma'am?" i nearly died laughing la, some more we were swapping hilarious stories from bn while eating, so i think the whole macs was qt amused by two funny ppl whose bags were taking up 3 chairs. anyway at long last bnco is over and its time to turn my attention to the mountainous pile of homework. AND the bn exam on saturday. -crosses fingers- i want to pass really really badly.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
dreading everything
ok. camp is in 2 days time. aaahhhh.
rahh and my parents wanted to ground me, but in the end they apparently forgot after my phone conked out on me ystd. irritating. haha luckily its working agn now! haha and then i slept for 12 hours, waking up at 1 pm today. 1 pm leh. (: im still deciding which bag to bring for camp. i scared not big enough to stuff everything laaaa. nvmd. i shall find a way to do so. SQUIRREL!!!! haha. i love our flag. the squirrel super cute (: jiayou to everyone going for camp!!!!! yay. oh ya and a special jiayou to tan nini. go nini ((: ok the other thing is wondering how to get to north view. apparently its near my friend's house. oh yes and i shall try to be comforted by the fact that at least it's in yishun, which is far closer to home than bedok. hopefully i'll get the chance to bathe at least once, otherwise i think i can just stink for 4 days 3 nights. aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh. ahh and got maths tuition later. someone tell me how im supposed to be concentrating on maths when my mind will be flying to bn every now and then. oh well at least i might get to complete my maths homework -crosses fingers- i shall go stuff my mind with, uh, standard form and algebra and simultaneous equations and mensuration and all the other rubbish that maths homework contains. and if they dont collect the maths homework and mark it next year, i will be very tempted to explode. everything graded graded graded, or else counted in ppr, from what happened last year all the supposedly graded homework vanished into oblivion and thereafter rotted in my bag until i threw it away to make space for sec 3 books. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Saturday, December 02, 2006
get highhhh!
here's what happens when three ppl get high over msn on the day before the bnco course is due to start. red: jesmine green : tomoe blue : me country of pain dear, pain. says: spasticity rules ((: says: country of pain dear, pain. says: you are my banana on my platter says: you are my banana on my platter says: spasticity rules ((: says: you are my banana on my platter says: spasticity rules ((: says: country of pain dear, pain. says: spasticity rules ((: says: country of pain dear, pain. says: you are my banana on my platter says: you are my banana on my platter says: you are my banana on my platter says: country of pain dear, pain. says: country of pain dear, pain. says: you are the methane in my cow's fart says: spasticity rules ((: says: you are the methane in my cow's fart says: you are the methane in my cow's fart says: you are the methane in my cow's fart says: country of pain dear, pain. says: you are the methane in my cow's fart says: you are the methane in my cow's fart says: spasticity rules ((: says: country of pain dear, pain. says: you are the methane in my cow's fart says: country of pain dear, pain. says: you are the methane in my cow's fart says: you are the methane in my cow's fart says: you are the methane in my cow's fart says: spasticity rules ((: says: spasticity rules ((: says: you are the methane in my cow's fart says: you are the methane in my cow's fart says: country of pain dear, pain. says: country of pain dear, pain. says: spasticity rules ((: says: you are the methane in my cow's fart says: you are the methane in my cow's fart says: spasticity rules ((: says: spasticity rules ((: says: you are the methane in my cow's fart says: you are the methane in my cow's fart says: you are the methane in my cow's fart says: spasticity rules ((: says: you are the methane in my cow's fart says: you are the methane in my cow's fart says: country of pain dear, pain. says: spasticity rules ((: says: spasticity rules ((: says: country of pain dear, pain. says: country of pain dear, pain. says: spasticity rules ((: says: country of pain dear, pain. says: you are the feelers on top of my impala says: you are the feelers on top of my impala says: you are the feelers on top of my impala says: country of pain dear, pain. says: you are the feelers on top of my impala says: country of pain dear, pain. says: country of pain dear, pain. says: you are the feelers on top of my impala says: you are the feelers on top of my impala says: you are the feelers on top of my impala says: you are the feelers on top of my impala says: country of pain dear, pain. says: you are the feelers on top of my impala says: you are the feelers on top of my impala says: the country of pain dear, pain says: the country of pain dear, pain says: in the land of lala says: you are the feelers on top of my impala says: you are the feelers on top of my impala says: the country of pain dear, pain says: in the land of lala says: the country of pain dear, pain says: in the land of lala says: in the land of lala says: the country of pain dear, pain says: in the land of lala says: in the land of lala says: in the land of lala says: the country of pain dear, pain says: in the land of lala says: the country of pain dear, pain says: and so i deduce that tan nini is the most high among the three of us. this part only includes the super spastic bits, since most of the space is used for haha-ing and some lame extra stuffs. haha and my absence from most of the convo was because i was typing this out and organizing it neatly. (: |
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