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Thursday, November 30, 2006
vivo city rocks

ystd was a super spastic day. vivo is the perfect place to get super high and spastic.

ok so when we first got there we hung around at candy empire for a bit, then we went to buy the tickets to casino royale!!! 007 ((: then aft tt we went one HUGE round ard vivo city before finally finding earle swensens which was right behind us in the first place -.-

i think we were, um, 6 very crappy and noisy teens down there who were gawping at the ridiculously LOW prices of all the food there, while the others eating there are like, what, ang-mohs and taitai-looking ppl and rich-looking ppl. ppl who can afford the prices, while i blew all my cash (even though it was only what, 16.90 compared to nini's which was 19.90). but act that was because my mum gave me only ard 25 bucks while the others had what, 50 plus? and the movie tix cost $7.

so after that we walked ard vivo and decided to go to the PLAYGROUND!!! yupp and we SO acted our age there. haha. i think one of the ah-peks standing down there was qt disgusted with us. and jiji is so meannnn, trying to steal everyone's playthings and everything. then after a while they got a bit dizzy from sitting on all the spinning things and running around, so we went in and found this 'Mother's Garden' shop where they sold lots of cute things, then we even saw this mock first aid kit with some fake aspirin inside. heart attack, anyone?

aft tt we walked ard vivo agn, then nini instigated jiji to act leader-ish and not tell ppl where she was going and expect them to follow her. so i got bored and instigated their abandonment by telling melody, aikching and eehui: "lets abandon them". so we rushed into toysrus before they could see us.

actually we were having some fun in toysrus, laughing at the stupid designs of some of the dolls, but then i suddenly saw a very familiar short person in a loose pink t-shirt and a very familiar tall person in a black t-shirt, so we darted ard toysrus and hid behind some very ridiculous toy structure thingys. however melody spotted them and they were qt close to us, so we darted out of toysrus and tried to find another place to hide.

we told them we were at tangs, but then we darted off to the cinema down there and ended up hiding in 7-Eleven. all the while we told them we were at, what, 37 Degrees, mini toons, carls jr, toilet and pageone. actually we nv went toilet laaa, cos not abit pageone super quiet, then cant think of another venue so we pushed the blame to eehui and said that she needed to go to the toilet, so all of us were in the toilet. heh then we told them we were at page one, me and eehui went to the back of the store but couldnt find melody and aikching, end up i think nini and jiji are super blind, cannot even see colorful paper bags waving and waving -.-

anw after that we went to the cinema and watched CASINO ROYALE!!!!! actually its qt a nice movie, except for the end part when the girl died. cos james bond tried to do cpr, which totally sucks. the process goes sth like this.

SLAP! -slaps hand to neck and holds it there for a nanosecond- NO PULSE! COMMENCE CPR!
and then he starts groping the girl's boobs and, um, pushing it around? some more his arms are bent like wad, chicken wing like that. and he nv even head tilt chin lift, and then he's not even giving rescue breaths, more like, what, kissing her and sucking her mouth or sth. super disgusting siaaaa. no wonder she died. :p and anyway everyone was like "omg, so sad, the girl died" but then the 6 very crappy and noisy teens were like "omg, so sad, james bond cant do cpr". and we were all laughing and laughing which i think was qt irritating to other ppl. and anyway after teaching ppl to do cpr for close to 2 months, and suddenly seeing cpr like that, it is really qt exasperating. ((:

oh ya then i didnt know the movie was so long laa, by the time it ended was 6.30 which was the time when i was supposed to meet my mum at bishan. then she called me and scolded me. like hello, why is it my fault? am i supposed to know what time the movie ends and warn her beforehand? wth if i know wad time movies end arh, i no need take exams anymore. just use my powerful future sight and take a peek at the answers can le. then i can anticipate when bnco will hold a changing parade rite??? then get ready beforehand. ya rite. -.-

speaking of bnco, i think i am quite weird, freaking out for bnco at unearthly hours and attempting to play chuzzle to take my mind off it. abit i alw freak out when no one else is doing so. i think im scared of changing parades the most, followed by kena-ing course ic or sth like that. AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. nonononononononononononononononononono i dun wanttt.

hopefully my mum lets me go for the homework session at tauhuay tmr. haha i aim to complete bio today, since i alr completed chem. homework is like my insurance policy to go out can. i used my completed chem as my insurance policy to go vivo ((: but still got scolded because i did not foresee that the movie ended so late. -.-

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

im BORED. suddenly everyday is like so freed up. suddenly bam, no more mcom trainings, suddenly nth to do but my mountainous pile of homework. dang it.

oh well. at least there's tau huay gatherer outing tmr ((: abit after my mum's bargaining can. like this also can bargain la. if i complete chem hw, then i can go out. if not, stay at home. oh well i completed my side of the bargain alr. say yay everyone. chem is down (:

oh ya i was totally wuliao today and went to go compare thickness of bio and chem textbooks. i conclude that bio is thicker by a few mm. i also found alot of ex-jtc names there. lets see.

~The nerve fibres that transmit nerve impulses away from the cell body are called axons. Axons are usually long.

~Sepals are modified leaves which enclose and protect the other parts of the flower in the bud stage. All the sepals together make up the calyx.

~The petiole holds the lamina away from the stem so that the lamina can obtain sufficient sunlight and air. In some leaves, for example grasses and maize, the petiole is absent. Such leaves have long laminae.

hmm. abit no tibia or urena la. blegh.

oh ya and i finally changed blogskin. although its somewhat similar to the old one la. but at least no more "when will YEW come". YEW. pls la its so ah-lian-ish -pukes-

im rotting away in front of the com now. rot rot rot. i think i've been online for 6 hrs now. whoa.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

tan ni ni is STUPID.

i quote from her blog as evidence of her insane stupidity

ritz carlton damn posh okaaay. i just googled the hotel's name. yaye, i shall hold my wedding there next year. my father is thinking i am deranged.

i would think she is deranged also. i shall re-quote, for those who did not catch the idiotic part.


ritz carlton damn posh okaaay. i just googled the hotel's name. yaye, i shall hold my wedding there next year. my father is thinking i am deranged.


ni ni, i think you are weird. you edited alr, but you're a step too late. haha if what you said is true, alot of ppl will be seeing this and you will be DEAD. muahahahaha.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

it would be a lie to say that im happy with the outcome. and an even bigger one to say i wouldnt want the whole mcom journey to go any differently.

haha i cant believe i got most gentle grp la. dno how they judge one man. not abit i got violent streak one. ask my members can alr (: and the tau-huay shop members also, esp ji ji. haha ji ji im going to POKE you!!! and make you look like you just took ecstasy.


wells my last mcom is over. hurr. hilary its time for us to retire!!! haha im making us sound so old. and my two jnrs ah, i dun care wad u say lor, i will personally ensure that you come for mcom 07 BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

well at least i trained out a most diligent sec2 who thinks she is the most DELICIOUS sec2. hilary you are mad. and my no4 keeps reminding me not to slack.

oh ya. pls dun read the below unless you want to go through a super long and irritating and potentially depressing session of pure ranting.

well thanks a lot man. i cant believe that 1.5 months of training, 1.5 months of my hard work along with hilary's, failed to help you to follow the basics which ur sqdmates cld at least do. if thats the case then i think i really failed as a leader lor. i wna see how u go thru mcom 07 and maybe you'll understand how i feel when that time comes. rahhhhhhhhhhhh. if ur basics are not even there then i dun think theres anything more i can do. maybe i shall go away and rot and leave you to teach yourself. maybe you are your best teacher, and maybe i shouldnt have attempted to teach you in the first place if all im going to get back is disappointment and regret.

Monday, November 20, 2006

its not good to cry. if u cry too much, u will shed blood tears. omg omg omg. freaky eh. also, not crying = not caring is a serious misconception, hence ppl must not have this kind of idea.

im blogging everyday cos im trying to treasure my time on the Net. and partly cos i have nth to do cos blog-hopping is getting boring, no one blogs nowadays. blegh.

im going to miss tau huay shop gatherings after mcom is over. how pathetic is that. the tau huay shop is qt a nice place to get high. and i think the tau huay shop auntie knows our gossip inside out now. oh nooo. if yaomao starts work at tau huay shop, i wont go there ever agn.

guess wad, theres technically one more day to mcom only. how delightful. well thanks to _____, i dont feel so worried abt the camp. OOPS. heh heh.

i enjoyed the discussion abt how to freak _______ out for night trail. since she's so easy to scare. heh the thing is super anti-climax but everything must be right. heh heh what an evil plan i am making.

hurr i shall gobble up my fa manual and nursing notes on the night before mcom also. since 8 pm is obviously a very auspicious hour for mugging, i shall do that and hope that the results produced are similar to those in the eoys. although if i had a more absorbent brain, i might have gotten better.

anyway yayness everyone i managed to squeeze everything into my bag for dtc!!! plus, i can pull up the handle and make it into those pull-along kind of bags, yay, so i wont have to lug it all over the place, pulling is so much easier yay. hahahahahahhaha why do i get this accomplished feeling for no good reason?

lalalalalalalala now im super bored. packing early is fun. heh i get to explore the house properly while searching for plastic bags to stuff my stuff in. suddenly im excited for the camp. i must be out of my mind. -slaps self- anw i prepared two extra plastic bags, one for dirty clothes and the other for... ahem, emergency uses. u noe, when sth happens in the middle of the night... haha its not nearly as sick as it sounds.

Sunday, November 19, 2006
something amusing

i must say im thoroughly amused by how deluded my mum is abt the time i am spending at camp away from home.

mum: since its cold, u can wear ur slacks to slp ba.

me: in the middle of the night will kena changing parade one, slacks qt hard to change out of.

mum: really? nvmd at least u hv ur sleeping bag.

- S T O N E -

sleeping bag. ahem.

me: no slping bag one la... u tink so shuang meh.

mum: hah no slping bag? then u slp on wad?

me: groundsheet.

mum: aiyoh so 惨.

me: -S T O N E -

ahem. how deluded has she been for 3 camps now. and theres more.

me: eh mum i cant find my green mug. can we go army market and buy?

mum: huh green mug? how does it look like?

me: ok it looks like this red mug (holds up red mug used for art purposes), but its smaller and its army green in colour.

mum: hah army green ah. why cant it be blue?

me: blue is for ma'ams

mum: oh. how about red? purple? (other colours which i refuse to list out)

me: -S T O N E-

someone remind me again how deluded my mum has been.

btw after going to army market, i got a new torchlight, cos the previous ones totally cant light up anymore. alw kena spoiled. why? because of one lovely little thing called BUNK INSPECTION. lucky i nv kena the bunk that got all the tables pushed off. otherwise i assure you my torchlight will be buried in the field near my house in bits and pieces. ironically it had the letters JTC printed on it cos it was produced by Jurong Town Corporation.

this time my new torchlight has LED. and i finally got my dad to explain how its supposed to make it so bright and wad on earth does LED stand for, but im definitely going to forget. hais. anw it costs $5. wows la

oh yaaa i forgot i bought solid fuel too. wonder if must bring or not eh, since the camp kit list apparently doesnt state anything about needing to bring solid fuel. and im sure solid fuel is not under "things needed for mcom".

"ok, -patient's name-, the gas stove is spoilt ok, so we cant serve you ur lunch right now ok? instead we're going to cook maggi mee and sardines using the mess tins and stove and solid fuel for ur lunch hor?"

-shudders- wad a stupid scenario i am imagining.

Saturday, November 18, 2006
i saved jesmine!!!

funny la. i think im in retro mode now can.

went to find the song tt the china scholars sang today at ms choo's farewell. fyi, its jacky cheung's 祝福 and is a super-old song.

lalalalalalala. the memories of sec 1 mcom flood back now. how how how how how how. oh no.

anw i shall blog abt how i saved jesmine from being stranded at woodlands.
i was eating lunch at home, then suddenly the phone rang, then not abit it was jesmine tan la. then she was like "louisaaaaa help im stranded at woodlands down there".
then i found out she didnt have a single cent in her ez-link card or wallet, and hence was stranded in no-man's land.

haa so the nice nice me put down my lunch and went all the way to causeway pt to save her. gave her 6 bucks and let her top up her card. and then i got off at sun plaza with her and went to float around in popular and the dno wad cartoon-house shop or sth. jesmine gloated as usual abt how history is better than geog, this time using the thickness of the textbook to compare -.-

and now its 4 days left to minicom. someone just kill me.